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24110899 No.24110899 [Reply] [Original]

I relentlessly FUD any token that is currently down

>> No.24110915

I just fud and demoralize everything for fun.

>> No.24110923

Much easier to demoralize when there's a downturn. I don't waste my time on things that are going up.

>> No.24110944

I FUD the tokens i'm currently invested in so anons will reply and say why the FUD is wrong so I feel better about my own investments.

>> No.24110946

You are both part of the cancer that is killing this board.
You are both also selfish egoistic bastards.

>> No.24110971

I FUD the coins I’m trying to get a good entry/filled. Especially if they’re illiquid and new, great way to accumulate. Especially if they’ve a telegram chat.

>> No.24110973

bich basterd

>> No.24110980

Stay poor.

>> No.24110993

Thats a smart stratefy I also use it.
It is eat or be eaten in the buisness world, as it always was.

>> No.24111044

You are all becoming part of the fucking problem and working towards making the world a worse place to be in!
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.24111058

Go read a book on law of attraction. Positive thinking am I right?

>> No.24111092
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>> No.24111105
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I FUD whimsically, regardless of personal investment. I will occasionally FUD something, close the thread, and then shill it in another. I will make a thread about how I am financially ruined with a pink wojack, and then patiently wait for the thread timer to reset so that I can post a thread about how we are all going to make it with a green wojack. Sometimes I FUD in a manner where it is obvious that I am false flag fudding, and sometimes I shill in a manner where it is obvious I am false flag shilling. Like jannies, I do it for free, and I will never stop even once I've made it.

>> No.24111142
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>> No.24111172

I've been fudding XRP for months but I'm all in

>> No.24111187

I only do this with the coins I dump on delusional bagholders.

>> No.24111201

im the guy that always says ETH can't fucking scale. i make sure to post this copy pasta at least 3 times a day

>> No.24111202

I've been fudding Statera for the last few weeks. It's much more fun than endlessly trying to hype it up.
Anyone who falls for it is NGMI, so I see it as doing the community a favor

>> No.24111208

I also do this most of the time I'm holding a token and see threads about it starting to pop up on /biz/, yes.

>> No.24111327
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Most of us do anon, most of us do.

>> No.24111397

I do this, but because it's funny.

>> No.24111426

I fud after selling because I don't want it to keep going up.

I also fud bsv, hex and axion because it's obviously a scam

>> No.24111889


smartfags. approved

>> No.24112276
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We're keeping it clean actually.

>> No.24112963

same, mostly PRQ, which is a scam btw

>> No.24113502

Bunch of fucking psychopaths. Karma will bite you in the ass. If you spent as much time researching and adding value to this board maybe you’d be in the positive but instead are losing money. Stay poor phaggots

>> No.24113681

suck eachother off, I'm so green I don't even know how many x I'm up anymore. I don't do daytrading so I just shitpost for fun, enjoy the statera bags.

>> No.24114835

poo poo pee pee