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File: 379 KB, 1419x2048, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24099728 No.24099728 [Reply] [Original]

Are dogs literally the best investment?

>programmed at the genetic level to love and serve you unconditionally
>gets you out of the house, forces you to get exercise and socialize
>built-in security system, scares off intruders and will protect you with their life in a confrontation
>just having a dog exist in the same space as you is proven to decrease cortisol levels and reduce your heart disease risk
>dogs are the perfect wingmen, helping you get numbers and slay pussy
>or you can just fuck your dog (or take the knotpill and let them fuck you), it's no-strings-attached sex whenever you want it and no risk of pregnancy or STDs
>training a dog teaches both of you the value of discipline, habit and perseverance
>food, vet and supply costs force you to learn financial literacy and develop a budget
>if you still fuck up financially you can always eat its meat to cut your losses
>similar emotional reward to raising children, but at a fraction of the cost and effort, plus no risk of estrangement later in life
>when they die, you can grieve appropriately for a few days and then go out and buy a replacement so the ride never ends

Trying to think of negatives and can't think of any. I would argue at this performance/price ratio that adopting a dog is a better investment than even a 5000 Link stack. Am I wrong?

>> No.24099859

dog not really great yield unless you actually have shit to do like getting your shot squirrels and ducks
Goat or sheep or chicken or bees though all give great yield

>> No.24099917

Dogs are too over-the-top for me. They are aggressively friendly and I just want to be left alone.

>> No.24100056
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I want a dog but also a kitty they’re both nice

>> No.24100069

Actually i will mention if you milk your dog that can improve the yield

>> No.24100070

>a dog is a better investment than even a 5000 Link stack
Just get a shelter dog and also get Link. You’ll be rich and have a loyal companion who doesn’t care about the money.

>> No.24100079
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>> No.24100093

>dog not really great yield
Did you read literally anything OP said?

>> No.24100132

If anyone FUDs dogs ITT then we know Chang really is lurking here

>> No.24100135

>built-in security system, scares off intruders
this is the only useful part, other than that dogs are just a waste of money that are only slightly better than cats

>> No.24100174

Dogs are fucking based

>> No.24100181

>or you can just fuck your dog (or take the knotpill and let them fuck you), it's no-strings-attached sex whenever you want it and no risk of pregnancy or STDs
Are you Canadian?

>> No.24100193

there are types of dogs: scent hounds, protectors, rat hunting terriers, herd dogs etc. Each has that specific yield its helpful for but it requires the person having an interest in needing a dog for said hobby which op clearly doesn't

>> No.24100216

OP is 16yo.

>> No.24100611

He's objectively right you know

>> No.24100694

do dog owners really follow behind their dog and pick up its shit?

>> No.24101493

You yt people know there are a ton of diseases bitches get from fucking dogs, right?

>> No.24101641

very few actually. Definitely a lower risk of an std than sex with an average human. Plus no pregnancy risk.

>> No.24101847

It's a shit producer and you'll have to deal with it. The dog replacing children actually mean that it lower your chances to pass on your genes

>> No.24102010


>tear up personal property
>constant vet trips and pet food
>fucking hair everywhere
>Walk around it's entire life and pick up it's shit like some servant
>OP isn't joking about fucking dogs

>> No.24102074

>produces fertizilzer
>yields milk
>yields fur which can be used as insulator
>specialized tasks
Can't ignore the yield but for normies yea not a good idea mostly

>> No.24102137


are we talking about a dog farm here?

>> No.24102144

cost of a dog is 45,000 USD over its lifetime for burgers. No joke, its a big time reason why so many poor burgers. A cat is like $14,000. either way you're a loser at the end of a leash picking up shit, seriously

>> No.24102167

Also you can often get dogs for free

>> No.24102172

DOG haters get the LAKE

>> No.24102175

If you pick up dog shit and put it in your personal garden thats fertilizer. Same for each point, scale doesnt matter. Stuff your personal pillow or coat with fur after you shave your dog thats insulation. Etc

>> No.24102182

This is the proposition that traps so many suckers.

>Its free!

>> No.24102192

DOG haters get the LAKE

>> No.24102193

>Walk around it's entire life and pick up it's shit like some servant
>do dog owners really follow behind their dog and pick up its shit?
Do cityfaggots really?

>> No.24102214

>If you pick up dog shit and put it in your personal garden thats fertilizer.

Nigga thats salmonella bacteria

>> No.24102216
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>walking around in a dog hair coat

>> No.24102239
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>> No.24102248

Plants dont absorb viruses bro. Obviously dont get the shit on the plants.

>> No.24102292

Gentle reminder that you're a piece of shit

>> No.24102325

I dont see why making money of animals angers you. I didnt even mention the best way which is breeding.

>> No.24102341

Plebes have pets... its how they cope. I don't pretend to understand them.

>> No.24102339

Actually the absolute best way is probably dog fighting to tell the truth, that one im against

>> No.24102359

that fuckers gonna come in real handy during the collapse. anyone without a loyal pooch is gonna get rekt.

>> No.24102385

Dogs aren't an investment, they're family.

Does this dog hold DMG tho?

>> No.24102401

i don't lmao. fuck my apartments, they keep raising rent so i make them pick up my dog's shit for me

>> No.24102402

>cost of a dog is 45,000 USD over its lifetime for burgers
Small to medium-sized dogs
Estimated life span: 14 years
First year: $740 to $1,325
Estimated annual costs thereafter: $500 to $875
Total cost over a dog’s lifetime is about $7,240 to $12,700
.Large to giant-sized dogs
Estimated life span: 8 years
First year: $1020 to $1,825
Estimated annual costs thereafter: $690 to $875
Total estimated lifetime cost: $5,850 to $7,950

>> No.24102717


are you chinese?

>> No.24102736

Do you have down syndrome

>> No.24103301

My dog is a bro, like having him around. When he dies I want to get one of those hairless cats though, the more wrinkly the better.

>> No.24104475

yo fuck that cocksucker

>> No.24104502

Kill yourself you degenerate

>> No.24104513

>when they die, you can grieve appropriately for a few days and then go out and buy a replacement so the ride never ends
Or you become too emotionally invested in one and see it in every dog you next get. I just want my old pup back anons. The best dog i ever had or will have.

>> No.24104620

you too

>> No.24104650

Fellas, looked through duckdao.io, the first crypto incubator with a big variety of connected platforms? What can you say about it?
Is it a good solution to take part in DuckDAO Hunter Season?

>> No.24104702

Dogs are God’s gift to man.
No lie anon.

>> No.24104707
File: 942 KB, 718x870, 1602526543786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or you can just fuck your dog
>you can always eat its meat to cut your losses

>> No.24104772


Dogs smell like shit
You have to touch their poop when you walk them
They shed fur
Always getting in your face and covering you with their saliva
Did I mention they smell horrible?

I don’t dislike dogs but never want to live with one

>> No.24104816

My dog once saved me from putting thousands of dollars into a shitcoin that dumped to 0 and never recovered like 3 days after I was planning on investing. He had an $800 vet bill because he had a fairly severe illness and it put enough of a dent in my wallet that I decided I couldn't risk throwing any money at shitcoins for a while. Fucker cost $800 but ultimately saved me about $3000

>> No.24104889

You're a retard

>> No.24104914

You molest animals stfu

>> No.24105006
File: 55 KB, 800x421, 1604814222646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn that list got degenerate real quick.

>> No.24105029

op obviously has never owned a husky.

>> No.24105052
File: 59 KB, 1071x1065, t22nkna5qft51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24105428

this is assuming no medical issues, which all dogs start having as they get older like us :(

>> No.24105486

I was with you for a while there, and then I wasn't no more

>> No.24105749

this is nigger behaviour. these things are what niggers do.

you are a nigger

>> No.24105798

Youre a cunt nazi. Maybe dont talk if your brain is too stupid to think for yourself. Producing yield from domesticated animals is the only reason to own an animal. ARE YOU PETA BRO? DO YOU EAT MEAT AND DRINK MILK YOU DUMB FUCK? Doing shit yourself doesnt make it worse. You can produce yield from animals, its not abuse

>> No.24106295

Just get a chill dog breed that wants to hang out and give companionship.
Found a Lab mutt in the woods a few years ago after never being a dog person, she's the chillest dog ever and is happy just being in the same room as me.
Gets my ass out of the house and enjoying the beauty of nature way more often as that's the only thing she demands

>> No.24106314

You can get both. Get a chill dog (age doesn't matter), and raise the cat from a kitten around the dog so they're used to it. My rescue dog and my cat get along great, even though the cat is a dick

>> No.24106332
File: 33 KB, 359x232, old yeller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever see Old Yeller?

>> No.24106339

i want a rottweiler

>> No.24106658

>Wasting your heard earned money taking care of some stupid animal
/biz/ really fell off over the years.