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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24098180 No.24098180 [Reply] [Original]

Remember where to put your profit from flipping shitcoins men... you will remember this moment a year from now

>> No.24098270
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>> No.24098325

5 dollars when?

>> No.24098413
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ELI5 like i'm 5 to me what those words mean.

>> No.24098462

6c EOY

>> No.24098548

Kameraden you are needed in das nieuwe Kriegs thread

>> No.24098599


I didnt understand a word that nazi nigger said.

>> No.24098618

He said buy ersdl for 2c now and sell for 20 dollars later.

>> No.24098683

I read that 20 times and still dont get it.

>> No.24098733

Mid 2022

>> No.24098750

It is simple kameraden.

Banks force short term lenders to borrow for longer periods than they need. If you are a small business needing a 2 day bridging loan to cover salaries the banks will force you to pay for 30 days minimum. They operate as a parasitic cartel. Die KriegsFuhrer has created a system which will kill this parasite allowing lenders and borrowers to be matched by the day or perhaps even the hour.

>> No.24098867

So much potential

>> No.24098992

Just watch video related at the time mark, he explains his project for brainlets.
This isn't your dime-a-dozen shitcoin


>> No.24099406

I'm a noobie what's a safe way to buy this? I wish I could have bought some earlier.

>> No.24099586

Buy ETH, use Uniswap to convert ETH to eRSDL

>> No.24099854

The MCap is around 6 million. Take heart. You're way before "early". You're basically a venture capitalist at this point. Buyers at $75 million will be "early".

>> No.24100003

Can anyone throw a suggested beginner video on wallets and Uniswap I only downloaded coinbase a few weeks ago. Thank you for your time!

>> No.24100173

You need a wallet like metamask or trust wallet. Put your eth there then you can use uniswap to link your wallet and swap eth for eRSDL

>> No.24100246


First install metamask. It's super easy. Any 3 minute video will show you how.

Second go to the eRSDL Uniswap page here is market details:


And here is the actual trade/swap page:


Make sure your metamask wallet is connected with Uniswap, and then swap ethereum for eRSDL

Also join the discord/telegram groups. You'll find links for those on the webpage.

It's super easy and shouldn't take more than half an hour or so to fully understand. Just begin without panicking and do everything carefully. Also back up wallets when you're prompted to.

Good luck fren!

>> No.24100289

Thank you guys learning all this stuff is crazy when kids are screaming all around me lol. My head hurts

>> No.24100315

This thread stinks of chasni

>> No.24100340

So banks will lend money via this shitc- i mean platform?

>> No.24100369

i mean lend to each other

>> No.24100382

no banks will lend money to other banks and businesses using the platform

>> No.24100393

Seeing /biz/ take care of its own gives me faith in this place.

>> No.24100463

it really has come a long way

>> No.24100464

It sounds about 10x harder than it really is. Just begin and you'll be fine.

>> No.24100507

people are mostly driven by self interest.
- new money coming in pumps peoples bags

that said eRSDL is a great long term project, but we all fill before we shill

>> No.24100525

I usually confound this token with RSR (Reserve). Is there some relation between the two?

>> No.24100544

Accredited lenders will also lend and there's a further plan to let degen anons lend too.

Imagine it: you've got your 200k and are waiting to buy in on a coin at your chosen price ...but it's bedtime and you need to sleep. You lend your 200k out for 8 hours and wake up with a nice little extra for the day.

>> No.24100562

i cant see it on uniswap

>> No.24100579

That's a cynical and flawed view of humanity. self interest is driven by the banking paradigm we live in. Most people are generous with their time and attention if they have an opportunity to be.

>> No.24100609


>> No.24100630

We're all gonna make it brah

>> No.24100640

got it just had to change list

>> No.24100671

how much is a suicide stack?

>> No.24100799


>> No.24100818

Dumb newfag question: so I bought some ersdl using uniswap and metamask, but I don't see the ersdl in my metamask wallet. Did I fuck up?
I can see the swap in my activity history but not anywhere else.

>> No.24100858

Copy the id of ersdl. Then paste it in the add token section of metamask

>> No.24100875

imo reserve will fail in the long term not because its a bad idea but i think governments will put out their own version quicker

>> No.24100922
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Many thanks.

>> No.24101118

if you need to get a token on uniswap, find its token contract address on etherscan or coingecko always has it.

>> No.24101147

Anytime, fren.

>> No.24101197

Web designer of new website can't even:

Add correct padding
Create working buttons

Sorry but if they can't even make a static website then how the fuck are they going to make a crypto banking web app that works??

>> No.24101260

Not to mention the state of the z index's

>> No.24101625

''governments'' ?
The government and bank have been here for decades and still havent done anything
Besides, you're forgetting that banks are open monday-friday from like 9 to 5, this project would be always up 24/7, available whenever you want

>> No.24101642
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WELL NOW, when you put it like that.

>> No.24101785


It's been put up today for a test. It's being edited as we speak.

>> No.24101845
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,you know just to balance it out

>> No.24101871

I remember having an (actually civil) discussion with a lad after the LIT catastrophe, and he mentioned looking into this. I'm genuinely interested, and I'll do my own DD if anyone has some material for me to look at.

>> No.24102028

If you haven't watched the AMA

>> No.24102165

That was my thought exactly.
Their website is hilariously bad and there is no github in sight.
This is just some idea by a guy who worked in a bank. Banks won't use this platform.
I mean will banks lend each other tether?
They probably think tether and other stablecoins are funny money.
Also all the transactions on ethereum are public, banks don't want that.
There is a reason this coin started out with zero capital.
But normies sure do love their bank coins.
They hear banks and they think that's where the money comes from.

>> No.24102254

AMA was nice
Project seems good
Unironically getting LINK vibes and we're even earlier. Always an opportunity, always!

>> No.24102345

It's designed to BYPASS the banking exploitation. How can you have misunderstood this so badly? You're not just wrong, you're totally totally wrong.

The Website is in a interim phase. It's being updated today and they'll likely rebrand properly at the end of the year.

Search properly for the github you idiot.

You're not getting cheap coins with Fud as bad as that.

>> No.24102362

6/10 competent fud, not enough janitorial references

>> No.24102386

Never change

>> No.24102460

cool it with the anti-semitic remarks, will ya?

>> No.24102546

Okay if this coin is designed to BYPASS the banking exploitation it is not aimed at banks.
So what is it aimed exactly?

>> No.24102711

It's aimed at small and medium sized borrowers and lenders.

>> No.24102767

The coinbase wallet app also can use decentralized websites like uniswap

>> No.24102820

It is aimed at banks. Small-medium sized merchant banks like their current partners IFEB

>> No.24102846


this is one of the first merchant banks that will be onboarding

>> No.24102915

The lenders are the merchant banks. You get a loan from the merchant bank who are themselves taking out a loan on lower interest rates than they're lending out. It's their overnight cash reserves that are being balanced.

I dont think this sevice is meant for payday lenders...

>> No.24103005

Any accredited organisation can lend. There are hundreds of billions in capital being lent from organisations which are not banks. any moderately sized organisation with a cash flow participates in this sort of lending. stop pretending you know what you're talking about

>> No.24103175

fair. I am a smoothbrain. what are IFEB doing then if not being onboarded to provide liquidity?

>> No.24103270

So I bought some Eth on Coinbase and transferred to my Trust wallet how long does that take? I didn't understand the cycle message it was giving me.

>> No.24103304

Cancel that it went through!

>> No.24103645

the market they're entering is highly regulated. the IFEB is there to provide the regulatory framework. the liquidity can come from anywhere, for example a legal practise, a fast food joint, a retail chain, an investment company. The list is endless. But they need to be signed off with compliance etc.

>> No.24103678

"B2B" Business-to-business is a transaction or business conducted between one business and another, such as a wholesaler and retailer.

>> No.24103785

This nigga has 80 followers

>> No.24103856

Imagine the price when he has 20k followers

>> No.24103909

Literally a scam. Tomochain, bro. TOMO FOMO beginning.

>> No.24104035

What’s a suicide stack

>> No.24104054

the amount that prevents you from committing suicide by not buying in newfag

>> No.24104075

So sad, so based

>> No.24104077

Obviously you turbo autist. What is the amount of this coin that would equate to a suicide stack?

>> No.24104101
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>> No.24104188

100k should be enough to keep you from necking yourself. About 2k$. Anything under 2c is an uber bargain.

>> No.24104520

Maybe my satellite internet connection is just total ass, but it isn't loading in Uniswap. Watched the video and I'm sold. Will at least drop 1k on it

>> No.24105152

Why would banks cuck themselves and use this again?

>> No.24105499

cause they won't wanna miss out when they're customers decide to borrow from the guys using this plus they'll be saving money too