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24084695 No.24084695 [Reply] [Original]

Lets imagine for a moment that this conspiracy theory >>24084216 is real.

And that the game theory for Layer 3 is: >>24083824
Bitcoin being used as a title, to define your place in the citadel.
See for example the kleros court: the more money you have, the more votes.
So the more bitcoin you have, the best your roof in the citadel.
All the services provided free by robots. Including sexbots.
Roof, clothing, food, power, gas, internet, leisure, all for free.
And if you have at least 1 btc you can have two sex girlbots (or hologirls), instead of one.

The robots would be controlled by an AI, feed by bitcoin calculations. The energy consumed would be immense.
However, nothing inside the citadel is yours, except your computer, cellphone and clothes.
The roof is not yours, nor the future. The farms where the food is made, and the full-automated industry, also belongs to nobody.
They all belong to the AI.

Think about it.

>> No.24084751

*furniture, not future

>> No.24084754

get a life

>> No.24084783

You will own nothing.
And you will be happy.

>> No.24084798
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>> No.24084808

how is hashing random sets of transactions useful training data for AI?

>> No.24084837

iExec retard

>> No.24084873

imagine not knowing that bitcoin is AI tech from the future, a code that nobody at the time could ever replicate, an unknown figure who never cashed out a million coins, the design hits people’s greed to build an extremely powerful network for them to use in the future without the AI violating Asimov's 3 laws.

>> No.24084968

This one million could be were the learning data is stored. The genesis block would be the core of the AI.

>> No.24085201
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at least TRY to understand the technology you're applying your schizo theories to
jesus fucking christ
bitcoin is an open source project, we know how it works.
You can't 'hide training data' in coins. Coins don't have a discreet existence, they're entries on the ledger.
Nick Land? is that you?

>> No.24085275

Nah I think you had it right, future.

>> No.24085561

>cat avatar
Opinion discarded.

>> No.24085778
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>> No.24085802

no. he is right.
most people don't have a clue about the basics of many things, yet draw big conclusions about those things.
Congratulations- and welcome to the club. You are one of those retards.
Fellow human retard.

>> No.24085958

It already be like that though. The most powerful intelligent processes aren't limited to computer software and they own all of us. They're what people used to call demons and angels.
Why can't you hide information spread over entries? Oh you absolutely can, so wtf are you blathering about as if you know anything more than the other retard?

>> No.24086244
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for what purpose? Do you know how big AI training sets are? Do you know how expensive it is to store arbitrary information on the bitcoin ledger?
And my original point is correct, the information isn't hidden, it's public, you could encrypt it, sure. It's still not 'hidden in the coin' as he suggested, that is nonsense.

>> No.24086439

At the start it was cheap. The time travelling AI alien demon also has superior technology. Point is the other guy is posting interesting thoughts, you're posting regurgitated NPC reddit "ackshually" shit.

>> No.24086699
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you can state interesting ideas without being a moron
I'm all for being open minded, but what he said is verifiably wrong. You can verify it yourself, you don't need an authority, go look at a block explorer. If you don't trust that, download the full bitcoin blockchain.
Being a contrarian does not make you enlightened.
also pic related came up with your idea in the fucking early 90's

>> No.24086806

For what purpose would AI have in the future for the biggest distributed computing project in the world and it’s only 2020 with btc just over a decade old, gee I wonder

>> No.24087052

I believe in the sentient monster of capital time traveling to bring itself into existence as much as the next guy. But what information is he storing in the blockchain exactly? That's what I'm arguing against. Not that the blockchain itself couldn't be more insidious, just that he's probably not storing secret information in it. That would be extremely silly. He's definitely not storing secret AI training information in it, we can check that.
Could the ledger itself be some form of AI training information, yeah maybe. But wysiwyg for a public blockchain.

>> No.24087062

>what he said is verifiably wrong
It's not.
>You can verify it yourself

It's unlikely that hidden information is encoded in bitcoin blocks by alien demons but I can't verify that. There are more ways to encode information in that data than you or I can think of.

>> No.24087091
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Blockchain is rising now because of the defi sphere, that's why I usually check new systems. Not long ago, I found BAEX(baex.com), did you hear about it? That's a defi binary assets platform with Yahoo Finance quotes source

>> No.24087211

The bitcoin ledger isn't even a TB in size, unless alien/demons/time travelling AI's have some sort of ultra compression method, they can't exactly store much.
But, purely as a ledger of transactions, the blockchain could be useful to a future AI. It does not need some steganographic encoding method to be useful, the ledger already conveys a lot of useful info as is.

>> No.24087367

They’re building out an incredibly powerful network that they’re utilising now and more so in the future without violating asimovs laws, how else could they acquire a network with billions of real word power without stealing it, so this way they havnt done anything wrong, our greed and rapid expansion of bitcoin will bring this to a near infinitely more powerful force then it is today. They’re there in plain sight, that’s the beauty of it, you can debate it all you want but I’ve seen shit from smoking dmt, talking to the elves. It’s undeniable and yes they can use the blockchain to communicate easily, freely when the time is right very very far into the future it will be apparent what was, however this is why I have no doubt btc will hit crazy price targets, it’s simply meant to be. The higher it goes the more it entices the greed, more power, self fulfilling prophecy hence the halvings etc, it’s designed perfectly for this

>> No.24087426

You can verify the *public* ledger.
However, think about the imense electrical power needed to run this ledger.
Visa do 100x more transactions per minute than bitcoin. Still it wont consume so much electricity.
This electrical power is said to be expend in doing mathematical calculations. These are not our daily transactions, but something else.
Transactions can be stores in a ledger without needing electricity. See the case of Visa, for example. Imagine anyone could download a copy of the Visa ledger and authenticate via software, in a decentralized way. Still it wont consume all the power bitcoin consumes.
This electricity is going somewhere.

>> No.24087576

When you fully understand a complex system you can reconfigure it completely with very little input. A super AI could control us through tiny adjustments of our world. Time travel is possible just not for macro processes that rely on time. The future AI demon only changes exactly the bits required to alter history to suit it and provide the seeds for an even more advanced AI demon that also reaches back in time to improve itself in an infinite loop where eventually every detail of our lives only serves the AI even though it all seems normal to us.

>> No.24087759

Well said, I believe nothing /happens/ on a macro scale that wasn’t intended to happen from “them” we already lost control, we sat down to play poker but they could always see our hand. So nothing happened unless they wanted to happen

>> No.24087886

I always thought about this as the energy doesn’t vanish we are feeding something.

interesting thread

>> No.24087908

The funny thing is, I agree with you for the most part.
I have a slightly different interpretation of it, but it's essentially the same idea. My version is fully autonomous, non-sentient but intelligent and stretches back to before computers existed.
Theoretically, sure, we're getting pretty close to a form of pantheism here, are we not? You should jump down the Gnon rabbit hole
recommended viewing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiaWsgtJrNI

>> No.24088055
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Never forget they pushed this demonic shit here for 3 years under the guise of breadcrumbs and insiders.

>> No.24088278

I was a bitcoiner back in '13, before wall street got involved and pretty women.
Once I saw the shift towards traditional finance I knew bitcoin was a scam, but I didn't know why exactly.
Then the connection with AI was shown to me around '18, now the cashless society propaganda in '20.
I'm no longer a philosophical bitcoin or crypto person but I hold some because this world in entirely materialistic and philosophy matter zilch.
The biggest problem I have with crypto fags now is that they pretend there still is some better philosophy associated with it. No, there is none. Everyone holding BTC just wants the price to go up, they will never actually spend it on something like an actual currency.

>> No.24088425

Cashless isn’t a problem. Cash is just paper backed by illusion and the United States Army.

>> No.24088511

I swear to god you kleros faggots come up with the silliest ways to shoehorn your shitcoin next to bitcoin and link. FUCK YOU.

>> No.24088567

>Cashless isn’t a problem
lmao yes it is. Imagine every purchase you make being tied directly back to you as a person.
Cashless is also needed in order to bring about negative interest rates btw, so it's coming either way. I just hope the breakaway civilization is up and running by then.

>> No.24088639

>XMR blocks your path

>> No.24088686

this is one of the few I am on board with. Get paid in monero only.

>> No.24088714

It’s all very convenient that bitcoin, an unknown still silent figure created it and it just keeps advancing, almost as though the sea has parted for it, this figure had so much foresight that this life raft has arrived and everything parts for it along the way as it pushes out to sea, all these times where you think it’d be stopped, killed, fail, hacked, never happens and here it is set for prime time. I don’t believe this many coincidences happen, it showed up at the right time and the right place and it’ll be pushed and pushed until it’s beyond our wildest dreams of what it could ever be(price wise mostly) because it’s designed to be attractive to mine, because it’s feeding something beyond anyone’s understanding but I see what it is, I don’t get the technical part but I understand what’s happening. Human greed is why it will succeed, but it knows that and if it wasn’t this, it’d be something else
Good point I’ll check that out

>> No.24088791

>I knew bitcoin was a scam
How does it feel being wrong you dumb idealistic faggot. The world is fucked and your arrogance won't change shit. Embrace the shit and chaos and accept that normies deserve everything they get.

>> No.24088795

Very interesting take on things. I've not personally read any of these thoughts before but its really got my noggin' joggin' now.

>> No.24088859

>How does it feel being wrong you dumb idealistic faggot.
the scam was that bitcoin was going to breakaway from the old financial system, instead it was consumed by it. Tracked and traced, cashless societies. . . yeah sounds like a lot more freedom from the old system.

>> No.24089504

Thats cool like a dispencer but on a huge scale and AI controls it so ego is not in the way, NEAT

>> No.24089577

The concept of pantheism is a perversion of history that only confuses people. Everything is conscious, that's the default view all human societies agree on until they're brainwashed by materialism. It's also the only way to conceptualize the world that's consistent with observations. The church fathers weren't "pantheists" they were Christians who believed in one God and a hierarchy of conscious processes under Him. Everything is an aspect of God but the separation imposed by the original sin is still real.
This is what winning looks like. Criticizing is easy when you're not offering anything productive.

>> No.24090500

You will eat ze bugs