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File: 6 KB, 196x173, plebbitor_crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24083412 No.24083412 [Reply] [Original]

This is the largest english language forum on the internet where nocoiners, criticis, paid trolls, propagandists, and bears gather to build/test/spread anti-crypto narratives.
Fuck these people.
If you're going to troll them, you have to be subtle or they will ban you for breaking this rule:
>bitcoiners must be respectful and take all of the abuse and trolling they will get with a smile

>> No.24083436

They're staying poor, that's punishment enough. This thread just comes off as seething

>> No.24083495

kek, at least they have their own containment community

>> No.24083565

This is pathetic.

>> No.24083594

that said, at some point I'm going to post my gains there while underlining how racist I am

>> No.24083626

On second thought, maybe it is a brilliant psyop by OG bitcoiners.
They herded all the english speaking critics into a forum with a picture of a butt that no investor will take seriously.

>> No.24083632

Lol sometimes I wonder if that subreddit is full of bitcoin OG's trolling

>> No.24083689

It was originally Bitcoin OGs trolling against BTC ironically.
Then it got overtaken by leftists and paid propagandists who troll against BTC unironically.

>> No.24083799
File: 39 KB, 512x512, C150425D-23B0-446E-A415-D12AC1582B5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but how do we get Reddit moderators to ban all crypto forums?

>> No.24083817


>> No.24083888

Fucking lol at these posts
>”so you made $16,000? You’re still stupid because bitcoin has no use cases.”

>> No.24083907

There has to be a way. We have to plant it in their heads that crypto is for antisocial incels part of the racist gamer community.
Once I commented on an anti bitcoin post on normiebook and I was flooded with backlash from literal basedjacks. They trusty believe crypto investors are delusional and racist “alt-right” libertarians.

>> No.24083931

Can we get /r/againsthatesubreddits on the job? They're the inofficial arbiter

>> No.24084115

Man how do people like that even exist

>> No.24084190

oh man. the pure unadulterated cope..

I have never owned a r*ddit account in my life, but I will create one and post portfolio at peak bullrun just for suicide fuel.

>> No.24084239

It’s not enough that we win, reddit must lose

>> No.24084341

the highest rated post on that subreddit of all time:

These same people type things like :" you are just greedy, you have no problem scamming grandma with your bitcoins!!" despite openly celebrating during the start of the last bear market when alot of people lost everything.

>> No.24084392

>t-tether is crashing soon guys
>2 years ago

>> No.24084424

They are mostly correct except maybe about investors being delusional (and even then, sometimes correct). Where they are incorrect is in the assumption that there is anything inherently wrong with any of those things.

>> No.24084525

A lot of the old regulars stopped posting or deleted their accounts/comments.
When BTC broke down below $4k in Q4 2018, they were euphorically declaring the death of BTC:

Most of them made completely wrong predictions about the May 2020 halving:

>> No.24084559

Here is a collection of wrong predictions from the 2016 halving too:

Looking forward to when they get absolutely BTFO by the 2024 and 2028 halvings too. If they haven't abandonded the forum on killed themselves by then.

>> No.24084583

Dude /r/buttcoin is ironic. 90% of the posters are maxis just shitposting because they have nothing better to do. 10% are like you and think it's 2015 still.

>> No.24084630 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 1564x1564, b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there, What do you think about this platform: baseprotocol.org

I asked some crypto experts and they advised me to try it. But wanna know what do you think about their options and solutions for passive income. Is it a good one?

>> No.24084680

>racist alt-right libertarians


>> No.24084688

I saw some analysis of what other subs butcoiners were subscribed to and it was all far left wing socialist shit.

>> No.24084720
File: 71 KB, 538x538, 12487969504403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm I got in early... Race realist libertarians are so smart we found a way to make money doing nothing in the biggest bull market the world has ever seen.

>> No.24084843

I am also in before the Winklevoss twins and libertarian leaning.
I don't understand the race idealogy promoted on 4chan though.
I don't give a shit about race/immigration stuff. I will live in bubble in the rich area of town regardless. I think racism is pointless hating just like the nocoiners on r/buttcoin. And it's bad for business.

>> No.24084862

I never really understood these subreddits that are based entirely around hating one thing. It's like the definition of letting something live "rent free" in your head. 4chan is often negative about stuff but it feels more natural and playful than just constant unadulterated seething like r/buttcoin and r/childfree and whatever that one is for people who hate dogs.

>> No.24084971

IQ matters and different racial groups have different average IQs while there is no benefit to multiculturalism multiracialism (it's just a government program and value system born directly from democracy as a means of increasing state power). It's a meme that race realism = hate. There's a reason libertarians are almost all white guys. There's a reason why government worshipping power junkie leftists want unlimited immigration. You might not care about the subject but it cares about you.

>> No.24085096

Let's say you're right about average IQ differences, it literally doesn't matter. The only reason people talk about is because they want to enact some discriminatory policy because literally what other reason even is there to talk about it?

>> No.24085158

Meh. I still only care about crypto and drug legalization.
If someone wants to help with the adoption of these or do business, I don't care what color they are. They could be a green alien from outer space for all I care.

>> No.24085157


>> No.24085199

It works too, I saw the mocking "buttcoin" threads on SA in 2009 and assumed all the smart funny people knew it was destined to fail so don't bother researching it

>> No.24085269

Then you're not a libertarian you're just some dude weed bro dumbass who probably has a Tim Pool or Joe Rogan-tier understanding of what libertarian philosophy actually is.

>I'm unfamiliar with the negative consequences thus they don't exist
I'm just going to assume you're not white because it certainly sounds like that's the case for multiple reasons reading your post.

>> No.24085315

Holy shit. That's the most sad, pathetic subreddit I've ever seen

>> No.24085353

The solutions to your so called 'negative consequences' are far worse than the negative consequences you talk about, since the solutions are either forced removal of millions of people or genocide. So your racist fantasies will remain so.

>> No.24085369

go back faggot

>> No.24085444

someone made a subreddit for non-fags and fellow anons:

it is growing. no censoring and no snowflakes (you can say faggot or motherfucker without getting a temp ban).

>> No.24085445

(((What did he mean by this?)))

>> No.24085457

fucking lefties

>> No.24085511

>Convincing your wife to put money from the savings account into Bitcoin is the new anal.

>> No.24085551

Imagine hating on making money because you’re a midwit suffering from serious dunning Kruger syndrome.

>> No.24085640

>all lives are equal
grow up child

>> No.24085787


>> No.24085880

I actually know a couple leftists who think cryptocurrency is racist. I don't even say anything and just let them go with it. I have no idea where they got the idea

>> No.24085915

I am a big fan of Joe Rogan's philosophy.
Imagine if he was racist and he only practiced martial arts with white people or only had white people on his podcast.
It would suck ass and he would never be as successful as he is today.
Racism seems like a dumb idealogy that is bad for business.

>> No.24085950

Yeah that's what I said. Nice non response.

>> No.24086067

Funny enough, thel eft does think Rogan is racist and alt-right for platforming people on the right.

Libs even attacked Bernie for appearing on Joe Rogan because he promotes the alt right apparently

>> No.24086109

Samefag here

>> No.24086149

So if you could choose between your mother dieing or a random stranger, you'd pick without looking right? Since all lives are equal?

Brainwashed retard

>> No.24086151

>this is who we share this board with

>> No.24086154

only white men hold it duh. any gains in crypto disproportionately favour white men

>> No.24086156

Ive never seen a more pathetic sub. Why would you ever care about your fellow proles making money.

How sad.

>> No.24086317

Holy fuck go back
I actually can't tell if this is sarcasm. If it is, it will not take much effort for most people to deduce from your post that displacement of millions or genocide MUST necessarily always be a net negative under your value system, which implies that you value all life equally. It only takes one or two steps of logically interpreting the statement beyond the literal meaning of the words to see, although i know leftoids are not good with this. If you were being sarcastic, kys.

>> No.24086529

Doesn't mean shit desu
It is still on Reddit. It is still just a matter of time before the faggots start noticing it. The lifespan of a subrebbit with no censorship is about 3-6 months depending on how fast it grows. All it takes is a front page post about how /r/waterniggas is making me uncomfortable to get it wiped

Also daily reminder Reddit canary has been dead for over a year now.

>> No.24086723

do you think major reddit mods will delete the whole subreddit?

about Reddit canary - well you should never post something obviously illegal on the clear web. not even in 4chan. they all collect IPs.

>> No.24086782

Crypto IS complete garbage, though
BTC goes up sometimes but look at 99% of the rest of the market, lmao

>> No.24086811

>Genocide might not be bad.
Fucking hell. Well at least you're honest.

>> No.24086857
File: 35 KB, 500x375, IMG_20201112_080425_335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joe Rogan spoke to "extremist" alt-righters and had civilized conversation with them. SJW globohomos hate that Joe showed everyone that these "extremists" are actually normal people with differing views from the typical SJW garbage. Three left tries to character assassinate all of their political rivals and it's pathetic. Can't believe anyone falls for that shit, but most people are sub-IQ NPCs.

>> No.24086871
File: 396 KB, 2506x1576, 2 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about duckdao.io?

Wanna participate their Hunters season but still hesitating decide is it good or not.
Please, take a look and share your thoughts/opinion

>> No.24087004

You still don't realize just how dead Reddit is do you? Every thread is fucking soulless dude every comment follows the same generic formula, a wall of text with pin perfect grammar that says absolutely nothing. They are insects and the moment they pick up on something different that they don't like they swarm. Their terms of service are flimsy as hell and ban criterias flip flop from one to the next.

What the fuck constitues as hate speech? Or loaded language? Or dog whistling? Or arguing in bad faith? If you want to stay then do you, but just know that the trannies are always watching. They have analyzer bots that track every user's patterns of speech and sub history

>> No.24087070

Childish perspectives, childish retort.

>> No.24087103

Explain when and how genocide is good.

>> No.24087122

That’s going to be the thing that’s so sweet about this bull run. All the signs were there and most BTC bulls are more than happy to share their knowledge. After all we want mass adoption. But instead these people would rather wage slave and try to flip bullshit items in their spare time rather than having a comfy hodl. Truly shows how bitcoin will bring back an understanding of low vs high time preference behaviors

>> No.24087283

It's one thing to not want to invest in or believe in the value of crypto, but their sheer bitterness about it is what's so hilarious. How does one get this buttblasted?

>> No.24087362

When it inhibits the propagation of genotypes which are antithetical to what is good.

>> No.24087376
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>> No.24087471

Choose one.

>> No.24087480

That subreddit has probably lower iq than r/politics.

>> No.24087910

I can’t wait for the disillusionment posts
>why did you guys convince me not to buy this thing that is now 10xing
>it’ll come crashing dude we’re smart redditors so we can just ban good users who make good arguments for bitcoin from this sub

>> No.24088050
File: 204 KB, 780x853, Both.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
