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File: 292 KB, 640x640, switzerland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24079899 No.24079899 [Reply] [Original]

Is Switzerland the best country to live in the world? Is it THE /makeit/ country?

>> No.24079936

i don't like mountains

>> No.24079942

I will never how one can romanticize switzerland. Cities are pozzed, smaller towns are pozzed, the whole political class is pozzed. Liechtenstein is far better than pozzland

>> No.24079949

>i don't like mountains

>> No.24079998

you probably have no idea what does it means living in the mountains
i lived in a remote mountain village most of my life
it was absolutely depressing, imagine growing up alone, no wonder i ended up being a lone wolf hacker

>> No.24080007

It looks nice but anywhere can look nice what matters is the shit you do while your living there and theres fuck all in Switzerland.

>> No.24080276

Everything is expensive as fuck.
Your stack will get you twice as far in Germany or 4 times as far in Poland

>> No.24080637

no i need palm trees beaches and lots of cities

>> No.24080652

a surprisingly huge amount of muslims and this was like 4 years ago at least

>> No.24080690

It's the most fucking secure country in the world. It will never be invaded. It will never fall to chaos like the US will in 10 years (Full chaos I mean). If you are Swiss, you are lucky. You live in a beautiful and safe country with a great culture. If you live there and complain please swiftly hit yourself in the balls and die

>> No.24080742

>a surprisingly huge amount of muslims
rich ones anyway, they are not dangerous kamikaze like in france, they don't go on the street with Kalashnikov (they have, but they will never use them unless you try to fuck with their private property)
let them drive around with expensive cars and spend their money on watches, it's fine

>> No.24080806

Seems good for me.

>> No.24080958

>it's fine
yeah it was fine in north america for a while too

>> No.24080965

If you've truly "made it" location doesnt matter. Be wherever you want whenever you want.

>> No.24081051

swissfag here

it's all going to collapse very soon, we'rte geting more and more niggers and rapefugees, islam is taking over some smaller cities, bigger cities have gone full lefty. Switzerland only looks good on paper because of the 1% living here.

>> No.24081091

Why does Switzerland have so much of the 1% of the world living there?

>> No.24081103

everything is expensive af there, if you dont have a job good luck wasting your cryptogains desu

>> No.24081107

26 different tax laws, you can accomodate accordingly, Most go to ZUG.
Also it's a banking hub, so lots of international moneylaundering happens here and on top of that it's a pharma giant so it's a hub for new drugs and pharma/biotech.

>> No.24081112

because they value private property

>> No.24081141

probably because historically it was a tax haven (was)

>> No.24081156

pretty much this, if you buy a coca cola from a vending machine thats almost 4 bucks for 0.5L.
Lunch time at a canteen? Nice 18 francs , 25 if you want a beverage and a subpar salad.

>> No.24081239


This is Switzerland in 2020, same shit as France, sweden etc...



Only difference is it costs 10x more, to live here than anywhere else in western europe.

>> No.24081277

What about Norway or Iceland? Are they going to hell too?

>> No.24081312

Country will fall apart when francs value drops because all the goat fuckers flooding in

>> No.24081340

I'm in Switzerland so I'm not sure. But probably, it's the more or less the same globohomo multicultural hellhole (((they))) have designed for everywhere now though.

>> No.24081375

Hacking your neighbor's wifi password doesn't count

>> No.24081410

Nope try Greenland instead but good luck leaving to travel they have rare outgoing flights

>> No.24081451

What is there not to like?

>> No.24081515

putain ils viennent de ou ces negres?
I seriously didnt know we had "artists" like that trash. Glad to be in the german part, the turks and albanians still suck but atleast they hate jews and niggers just as much.

>> No.24082004

Even small villages like Fribourg, Bienne, Bulle have american-style african ghettos now



>> No.24082121

Hope you have a bag of Swissborg (CHSB) ready for alt season anon?

>> No.24082265
File: 338 KB, 1600x1200, 2018-05-15-PHOTO-00001770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off we're full

>> No.24082336

When I make it I'm probably just gonna live on a beach here in Brazil

>> No.24082422

I am far too lazy to dedicate years to becoming fluent in another language

>> No.24082429

how much to live a decent lifestyle and how much to live an awesome lifestyle in these countries? IE. in USA spending 4k a month gets you a pretty good lifestyle in most cities and 10k gets you living like a king just about anywhere. 4k/month dividends = 1.2M portfolio. 10k/month = 3M portfolio

>> No.24082458

Sounds comfy af

>> No.24082881

Everyone knows the make it countries are in Asia nowadays. The only exception in the EU is probably Estonia and that is a hidden gem that few people know about, their tax laws are fucking amazing. No capital gains tax on dividends derived from income that has already been taxed, for example.

Otherwise Singapore or unironically Dubai but the problem with Dubai is that you have to live in the fucking UAE.

The EU is dead and so are most of the traditional tax havens. Monaco is a sole exception but good luck getting in there and considering how the EU is progressing I doubt it will last.

>> No.24083015
File: 281 KB, 365x354, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck
I unironically liked that first song.
Voilà ce qui arrive quand tu grandis en cité.

>> No.24083212

Yeah I actually like the music too, just ridiculous that is coming out of Switzerland.

>> No.24083404

t. Ticino master race

>> No.24083491
File: 2.67 MB, 3101x2125, 1484661633249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's unbelievable how these guys are the same everywhere you go. The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, even Switzerland. They are all the same. Fucking vermin

>> No.24084292
