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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24079849 No.24079849 [Reply] [Original]

This could potentially 1000x, considering that it has the potential to take advantage of the 16 trillion dollar AI market and they just recently introduced SingularityDAO for DeFi smart liquidity and solutions, merging AI and DeFi

-partnered with Cardano
-partnered with Cisco
-partnered with Ping An (largest insurance company in the world)
-partnered with Ocean Protocol
-partnered with Domino's Pizza
-partnered with the government of Malta
-partnered with UNESCO

DeAI Oracle creating AI tools and AI marketplace for fortune 500 companies. Cisco and Huawei are already utilizing OpenCog framework within their companies on the back end and will eventually utilize AGI. AI services will be purchased on mass utilizing SingularityNET and potentially, billions of transactions could be made each day using AGI.

>CEO Ben Goertzel

-PhD in Mathematics from Temple University
-Has been in AI related companies and projects for over 20+ years
-Acquaintance and associate of Charles Hoskinson, who is the CEO of Cardano and Co-Founder of Ethereum (part of the SingularityNET network has recently been ported to Cardano for better scaling)
-Has been on various high level podcasts, including the Joe Rogan Experience, the Lex Fridman podcast, and London Real
-Has many high level connections, as evident by all the high level partnerships and public appearances on various platforms

Invest in this 4th industrial revolution gem now or stay poor forever

>> No.24079869
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Talk with Vitalik Buterin of Ethereum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PLk7RQzDns

Talk with Charles Hoskinson of Cardano: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3O5F_CCT8c

Interview with Joe Rogan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qfB8clUIaY

Interview with Lex Fridman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpSmCKe27WE

Interview with London Real: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LbGwcDOmiQ

Ben Goertzel TEDx talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4manxX5U-0

Singularity Or Bust Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owppju3jwPE

I guarantee no other shitcoin shilled on this board comes close to this level of legitimacy and outreach

>> No.24079887
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>Singularity Studio

Singularity Studio creates next-generation AI solutions for the enterprise using an unprecedentedly
advanced palette of technologies including a variety of deep neural net architectures, the OpenCog Artificial General
Intelligence engine (which consists of probabilistic logic, evolutionary program learning and more),
the SingularityNET blockchain-based AI marketplace and inter-AI collaboration framework, and the TODA secure decentralized messaging protocol.


SingularityDAO is a unique layer 2 noncustodial DeFi solution, configured as a DAO that is completely decentralized and democratically governed.
It allows members to create and trade ETF-like dynamic token-sets that bundle utility tokens, including tokens with only moderate liquidity and then,
enables a yield farming and futures-based hedging ecosystem on top of these token-sets. SingularityDAO is powered by SingularityNET's
AI agents which rebalance DynaSets and trade DynaSets borrowed from the liquidity pool to generate value.

>> No.24079898


>> No.24080312
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"AGI token is also designed so that once token utilization gets above a certain level, an exponential value increase dynamic will occur. Obviously we are way below that level now. But could an active SingualrityDAO drive AGI token utilization above that threshold..?" -Ben Goertzel


>> No.24080837
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Ben Goertzel is looking into airdropping various tokens to AGI holders

>> No.24080874


goertzel is a jew scam artist

token has no real value, no platform after 3 years

fake disney scam dream project

Fuck off sam, sell for ocean and don't worry about anything anymore

or hold agi and keep getting dumped on by goertzstein

>> No.24080930
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AGI and Ocean are partnered LMAO

>> No.24081013

thats old, snet left in the dust while ocean is doing what agi should be


>> No.24081058
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Ocean Protocol CEO hasn't even been on the Joe Rogan Podcast


>> No.24081196

yeah they don't sell millions of tokens on holders then use it to travel & buy their way onto podcasts like goertzstein

they make partnerships with central banks instead

>> No.24081504
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>central banks

>> No.24082081

>yeah they don't sell millions of tokens on holders then use it to travel

It doesn't cost much to fly to LA

>> No.24083071
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Kucoin Hacker Has been caught!

16 Days ago 12,287,829 AGI were transferred to this new Etheruem Address. Now 2,287,829 AGI has been sent to the Kucoin3 Wallet

Kucoin Now Has Back 12.2 Million AGI

>> No.24083608
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AGI is mooning

>> No.24084201
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>> No.24084420


>> No.24084481
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>> No.24084858
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There is a coming up AGI vote on the 24th - 28th of November on the staking period of AGI.

Be sure to vote for the 180 day staking period guys, this will limit the supply of AGI and moon the price


>> No.24085600
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>> No.24086265
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>> No.24086940
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>> No.24087265

Quit shilling this every day please it doesn't fit into my plan

>> No.24088231


>> No.24088413

What is your plan?

>> No.24089148

A lot of AGI tokens will be locked in staking for 6 months, increasing the price of AGI

>> No.24090017
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>> No.24090805
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>> No.24091426
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