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24077613 No.24077613 [Reply] [Original]

Germanbros, how fucked are we when daddy Scholz gets rid of the Abgeltungssteuer?

>> No.24077630
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>> No.24077769

wait, does he want to get rid of that? how are stonks taxed then? Einkommenssteuer?

>> No.24077778

do german girls like to fuck americans? i have a 7 inch cock

>> No.24077820

Isnt less tax good?

>> No.24077894


how much you get taxed will be measured by your income

>> No.24077908

> never selling ever

>> No.24078029

is this dude fucking retarded
first they tell you you have to save money for retirement and now they want to tax it even more?

>> No.24078070

I'm leaving taxrapistan as soon as I can.
My job contracts ends mid 2021, off to switzerland I go. You can all go fuck yourself, germany is absolutely lost in every fucking aspect. Fuck everything about german politics tenfold guys.
Olaf "Ich verdiene 15k im Monat und empfehle euch alles auf ein Sparbuch zu legen" Scholz du Hurensohn

>> No.24078086

and this dude wants to become cancellor
what a fucking faggot

>> No.24078194

glad hes a SPD-cuck and will never be close to meaningfulness. Apart from beeing a lackie for the CDU ofc

>> No.24078238

>first they tell you
your own mistake taking anything they say serious, idiot

>> No.24078255

Are you a black muslim though?

>> No.24078357
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Who even comes up with this retarded bullshit. Its like they are working against getting votes

>> No.24078453

you dont understand, german people WANT this. they voted for this to happen! especially young people

>> No.24078556

i hate my generation for overwhelmingly voting green. i mean, they have the right intention, but our green party is just a fucking joke

>> No.24078600

>i hate my generation for overwhelmingly voting green. i mean, they have the right intention, but our green party is just a fucking joke

Yes. Every sane person should vote FDP.

>> No.24078608

What do you expect of a Generation raised by unemployed germanists who changed field to teaching in school as a teacher?

>> No.24078633

keep in mind scholz defined himself as middle class

just wait until the next election when the greens have the majority of votes

I wish I had made it already, then I could fuck off to south korea and fuck qt gooks all day long

>> No.24078648

Traitor scum. NPD or AfD or fuck off liberal faggot. You know what, it doesnt matter, we are all FUCKED regardless.

>> No.24078669

>NPD or AfD
>we are all FUCKED regardless

>> No.24078798

npd or afd lmao
why FDP?

>> No.24078883
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>Olaf "Ich verdiene 15k im Monat und empfehle euch alles auf ein Sparbuch zu legen" Scholz du Hurensohn


>> No.24078893

>why FDP?

>Sandpeople bad
>Money good

>> No.24078894

fucking hell

>> No.24078914

this fag admitted he has never owned stocks in his life and he is the minister for finances lmao

>> No.24078957

who to vote for then?
yeah, why FDP. Lindner is a joke

>> No.24078970

up until 2009 stocks were tax free after 1 year Haltedauer

FDP might return to that

>> No.24078973

I won't vote, I will leave. We're done dude.

>> No.24078980

Germanbros, our elections are rigged as well. And even if they aren't: what does it matter.
Just look how our country changed the last 20 years.
Pathetic. You can not even discuss stuff anymore. The media propaganda tells people what to do and what to think and what to vote.
No more discussion about anything. Only (((their))) way is right.
Fuck that. I will never vote again, because I don't support this system at all. We never had an honest democracy. This is just socialism with the illusion that you have any influence.

>> No.24078984

I am staying to cash out tax free but hope this won't change for some time...
Do you have some tips for going to Switzerland?
My main concern is that the cost of life is quite high there.

>> No.24079006

and how will you get a citizenship?

>> No.24079015

no they fucking don't. it is clear as day that they just rig the elections to make you think this is what everyone is voting for.

>> No.24079128

not him, but a relative got there and i visit them quite often

i would avoid large cities, as everywhere, cost of living, especially housing is too high there

cost of living is of course higher than in germany, but the income to cost of living ratio is still better i think, i mean for a SE guy making 10k a month, who cares if rent is 2k

>just wait until the next election when the greens have the majority of votes
not gonna happen, maybe in 30 years when all boomers died off

>why FDP
i dont necessary like them, but figured their are the best alternative because the two majors are not votable, neither are the greens or AFD, im not voting them so they get the majority, but so that the others have less votes

>> No.24079140

what makes you think it's rigged? and what do you want to discuss that you can't? (inb4 Auslaender raus)

>> No.24079149

You should look into Switzerland if you consider the possibility of living outside of Germany.
Yes, cost of life is higher (maybe not as much as you'd think) but you earn DOUBLE on avarage while Tax is far FAR less.

I'm not joking, median gross income in germany is roughly 3300€, in switzerland it's like 6500 Franken.

You do the math dude. There is a chanel called " Christian der Auswanderluchs" which is done by a german to moved to switzerland and explains basically everything you need to know. Keep in mind it's a tiny country but so far I haven't found much of a downside (despite some people not liking germans in general wich is understandable i guess)

>> No.24079153

you dont need one to work there, but can get one if you stayed there for 10 years and do some test, pretty sure you have to give up german citizienship for it though

>> No.24079184
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ahahahahaha looks like you have to pay for ahmed and his 5 children. gl germanbros, you're going to need it.

>> No.24079187

walk, talk and think like a swiss, then its no problem

>> No.24079199

natives being not so welcoming to foreign is one point, you are likely to even earn less than natives, but thats probably highly dependend on the region you are going (not complaing, its the same in germany eh)

>> No.24079220

Give me Blackrock Merz and not this chucked Olaf

>> No.24079229

democratic elections worldwide have been rigged for decades, it’s only coming out now because amerifats are pushing back against the biden horse shit. they’ve all been rigged or there have been attempts to rig

>> No.24079244

Thats right, a friend of mine is working there currently and will return to germany next year.

He never felt "home" which is a very valid thing that could happen to me aswell, I don't know.
He earned less than his colleagues (like 10-15%) but ended up earning rougly over 5k Franken a month (post tax!) while in germany he earned 2200€ after tax. Not saying this is how it happens to everybody but looking at the median income helps making this descision for me

>> No.24079468

>what makes you think it's rigged?
What makes you think it's not, idiot?
If you really could decide, then they would not let you vote. Democracy is just an illusion. read hans hermann hoppe "democracy the god that failed"
Also available in German.
>and what do you want to discuss that you can't?
Seriously? Are you fucking retarded you dumb nigger? No matter what I open up or listen to: newspaper, TV, radio. It's the same propaganda everywhere. People with a different opinion don't even have a word. If they are all so retarded and wrong like the mainstream says: why not invite them and let them talk, so that everybody can see how retarded they are.
Oh wait. Maybe they are not. Maybe they make a good point. Yeah, let's rather call them out as ignorant, stupid and conspiracy theorists.
You dumb fuckface, if you haven't realized that by now, than I can't help you and you are most likely dumb as fuck.
And this does not apply to your "Ausländer raus" bullshit. It applies to literally every single fucking thing.
And you are trying to tell me the elections aren't rigged. In the best case the people are so brainwashed that they just chose what they get told day in and day out, because they can not use their fucking brain.
Germans are absolute cucks

>> No.24079583

go outside sometimes, dumb /pol/ ack and you will notice that most people are literally happy with Merkel

>> No.24079703

>thinking Merkel or leaders of countries for that matter are more than just a puppet
Kill yourself you brainwashed idiot. It's all the same. I bet you went to a university, or still are. You idiots are the worst, because you literally always did what the system wanted from you without asking a question.
And I know that from first hand, as I got a Techniker and a Bachelor afterwards. Nowhere have I met so many retards like in university.
I hope you take the vaccine as well

>> No.24079959

Thanks for the information.
I am looking for a place to retire with reduced taxes with the interest earned on a few millions and without having to work.
The higher cost of living is a problem when you don't work and would increase the amount of money needed to retire.

>> No.24080482

go back to pol

>> No.24080530
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why is my penis getting hard?

>> No.24080757

We dont like germans here in Switzerland but if you prove yourself youre good. Better than all Achmeds that come here.

>> No.24080801

why though

>> No.24080838

there are literally thousands of zoomers outside ptrotesting for a higher CO2 tax
of course they also want higher taxes for everything else

>> No.24080845

because many germans are arrogant fuckers

>> No.24080889

> Olaf "Ich verdiene 15k im Monat und empfehle euch alles auf ein Sparbuch zu legen" Scholz du Hurensohn


>> No.24080922

Oh yes a man in his 80s will surely see all of this through before he dies

>> No.24080924

lol okay, never heard that but have no doubt it happens, although most interaction from switzerlanders here on 4chan i would say their the same

>> No.24080934

wow, the amount of saltiness in your post is astonishing. neither did I say elections aren't rigged nor that you're wrong per se about people with different opinions. I was merely asking some questions

>> No.24080974

yep, but are people in switzerland really different though?

>> No.24080999

his brain is fried because he probably lurks pol several hours a day

>> No.24081052

really funny that those who are protesting havent really worked or payed for anything, of course they want to exit coal and atom energy, they never paid for their electricity lmao

>> No.24081061
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>mfw german wagecucks wake up every day early in the morning to support niggas and lazy shitskins with government bux
>mfw niggas and shitskins rape, kill and fuck your women while wagecuck is working
>mfw your cuck government can not kick them out of your country
>mfw your country will transform slowly into an absolute shit hole
>mfw you can not do anything about it
>mfw i am living a comfy life in a based country without niggas and shitskins
>mfw my 8/10 gf sucks my cock everyday

>> No.24081182

same with taxes on capital gains,
most of them will never invest in the stock market, so when mommy merkel and daddy scholz decide to bump up taxes on capital gains to 40+% zoomers will support it

>> No.24081225

this system is lost regardless. we get an influx of 1 million more net hartz 4 empfänger per year. even if the afd would get a majority by miracle it would just slow the downfall. so green if you want it to happen in 15 years and afd if you want it to happen in30 years. your only chance is to make it by then and fuck off to the mountainniggers.

>> No.24081265
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>Olaf "Ich verdiene 15k im Monat und empfehle euch alles auf ein Sparbuch zu legen" Scholz du Hurensohn

>> No.24081282

maybe they will, but then its too late and their damage is done

now at nearly 30, some of my friends are getting interesting into stonks, though probably only because its pushed so hard, heck there are radio advertisements running for buying
fractional shares

>> No.24081313

the parlamentaric democracy was always just a tool of (((them))) to rule. just speak with the average voter whom they vote for and why they do this. they just keep repeating what they heard in media + some emotions + some taboos. who controls the media controls the elections, you dont even need to fraud at election day.

>> No.24081319

Wouldn't give much about this kind of shit even if it were true. Saw a propaganda image on web.de the other day and Merkel was displayed in true dear leader fashion. Meaning posture, edited lighting, etc. I'm sure the Koreans love their dear leader, too. They even cry when getting to see him. Regardless of whether or not they are justified, it's kind of meaningless...

Merkel has been in power longer than Hitler now, BTW. Yeah...

>> No.24081362

even people in their mid 20s are getting into it atm (like myself)

>> No.24081382

*the fun part : Merkel is authoritarian right, longer in Power than Hitler, overrules elections, and then talks about "the rise of the next nsdap".

>> No.24081447

>who controls the media controls the elections
Correct. Exactly what I wrote here:
>In the best case the people are so brainwashed that they just chose what they get told day in and day out, because they can not use their fucking brain.
I am so fucking done with this shithole. Worst part is people still think they are correct and everything is great

>> No.24081490

>Are you a black muslim though?
From what I heard, german girls will only fuck sand niggers nowadays. Not by consent of course.

>> No.24081693

its everywhere (will be) the same though. they just focus the most on western europe and the americans. once we fall they will just use the nato to steamroll east europe if they havent fallen by then

>> No.24081725

This is truely a hell on earth, for anybody with a bit of intellect left. But I guess it was always like that already

>> No.24081843

there is still hope.
but one must be retarded to think we could save us by the tool ment to destroy us in the first place.

>> No.24081956

so how exactly do you save yourself?

>> No.24082280

German here, I laugh about all of you, Since 10 years I'm living from harz4 and I have 2k more every month from selling weed. I pay no taxes because why would I, it's illegal.

I converted some of my money into bitcoin and boi this blew up.

I'm basicylla a rich harz4 fag without anyone knowing that I'm rich.

I study stuff like Wirtschaft and Informatik and Philosophy and Math to be in contact with young girls that are studying (even tho there are more in other fields)

When I was like 17 I noticed that I need to have a "cheat" to stay afloat while the ship is sinking and started to grow and sell weed.

I only sell to 3 guys and they distribute the rest so I won't get caught and people are glad that they don't have to buy from arab clans.

Get fucked fags

>> No.24082386

Hope you used an VPN for that, because I will report you. Get fucked retard

>> No.24082451

lol I'm behind 7 proxies

>> No.24083116

Ich als Individuum? Ich weiß nicht. Aber unser Volk hat Hoffnung.

>> No.24083164

I dont hate you. You cheat a system which is meant to fuck you over. More power to you.

>> No.24083362

Holy based.

>> No.24083397
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>> No.24083444

wie passt das mit dem zusammen, was du vorher gesagt hast? >>24081225

>> No.24083525

Its unironically an unfrauded eletion, just keep in mind that cunts + simps are always the majority in a democracy. The right to vote for women was unironically, the biggest disaster that happend during the 20st century.

>> No.24083537

how do you claim harz4 as a student?

>> No.24083549

Can i buy some of you

>> No.24083591

You cant, there is Bafög for that. Just buy kneepads and suck dicks for money faggot.

>> No.24083642

Probaly Just Goes to uni without enrolling
Im More intrested in what he tells
the Arbeitsamt. So you Just dont respond ?

>> No.24083666

Das Volk ist anders als das Individuum nicht an das System gebunden. Schafe würden ohne Bauernhöfe ja auch nicht aussterben. Dass einige sterben würden, ist aber nicht zu bezweifeln.
Wenn du keinNationalist bist also nur in deiner Familie denkst so könntest du versuchen bis dahin ein Vermögen aufzubauen und dich ins Ausland abzusetzen (guarded communities), solltest du kein vermögen aufbauen könntest du versuchen unabhängiger vom system zu werden: konsumverzicht, vorräte an nahrungsmitteln und medikamenten, möglichst wenig krankheiten, pfadfinder-wissen, sowas halt

>> No.24083722

My dad got into a car crash and was dying in the hospital, I visited and stayed with him until it was over. I couldn't write the klausuren needed to stay into bafög because they where written at the same time.

I wrote a letter begging them to help me and they literally told me that "your dad dying isn't reason enough to not write the klausuren" and they took away the bafög.

This is where I snapped.

>> No.24083732

Votes are all rigged anyway. They have been for decades. Democracy does not exist. It's just a shitshow ((they))) play for the plebs.

>> No.24083768

I wonder as well. Probably we have become completely degenerate fren.

>> No.24083770

>So you Just dont respond ?
I used to write a few Bewerbungen, then I get the Absage and I use the same Bewerbungen and Absagen over and over again, I just scan them and change the date, then re-print them.

They don't make copies of your stuff.

>> No.24083782

Anyone else looking to get out of the EU? I don’t think Switzerland is safe either because they are being pressured by the globohomos at the EU and they have little choice but to transpose EU law if they want to remain in the common market.

I think Estonia is one of the last based places in Europe but if I had a lot of money I’d probably fuck off to Russia or Singapore/Dubai. Anyone that says the EU isn’t on a downward slope is delusional.


>> No.24083807

Fair enough anon. I changed my mind: Keep doing what you are doing

>> No.24083811

teuflisch kontrolliert und basiert

>> No.24083852

based. if you got a zusage, could just throw it away and dont mention it or would they notice. also what are the sanctions if they would find out?

>> No.24083871

that's realistically never happening

>> No.24083910

totally understandable. I'm sorry for your loss

>> No.24083935

>a zusage
lmao I've applied for like head of the DAK or Abteilungsleiter for Siemens, just compleatly unrealistic shit.

There will never be a Zusage.

>> No.24083984

what about norway?
also please post more tips about fucking over the arbeitsamt

>> No.24084000

>what are the sanctions if they would find out?
They'll put you down a percentage until you have reched the minimum needed to live

but that doesn't happen

>Probaly Just Goes to uni without enrolling

>> No.24084006

kek. undieniably based.

>> No.24084094

so they don't look at what positions you apply for but only at the Absage?

>> No.24084126

>Anyone else looking to get out of the EU?
Yeah, but where would one go?
>I think Estonia is one of the last based places in Europe
Think again anon. They are the least religious people. Tallinn turned to shit over the last few years. Been there several times. Some other places might be nice, but most people leave and go to Tallinn. Also the language barrier. Extremly hard to learn. However English in the cities gets you around.
Lithuania was pretty nice. Way better. Also cheaper. And no female president. People are somewhat sane.
You really have to be retarded.
t.been in Russia several weeks. Some shitholes can be fun, but Moscow and St.Petersburg are no different. However people and food was always great.
But laws go crazy there as well. Prison for not declaring Crypto, forced vaccination. You really have to be retarded.
>Anyone that says the EU isn’t on a downward slope is delusional.
You are right.

In think it's best to go to Eastern Europe shitholes where you can bribe police and stuff and where they have a hard time finding you. Heck, I even know a German millionaire who fucked off to Africa to a gated community. Told me that he won't come back untill this Corona scam isn't over. Down there he is at least not forced to wear a mask. Anyway, running away from (((them))) gets harder by the day. That's for sure.

>> No.24084153

>so they don't look at what positions you apply for but only at the Absage?
I don't know if they look at others but nobody cared about me.

>> No.24084321

Maybe Latvia? I was looking into Lithuania but I think the tax laws there are less good than what they are in Estonia/Latvia. Since I am running a business I don't want to be stuck in some shithole prison for tax evasion so I'd rather pay up than not.

>> No.24084445

>let's tax 10% of the country
>so that the other 90% can get benefits and infrastructure
that's precisely how you get votes retard

>> No.24084698

we must fall again to absolute bottom before a new Leader can arise...

>> No.24084785
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I find this strategy to make it hard to live everywhere in the world counterproductive.
It's one of the known stratagems to force your people to fight by cutting off their escape.
They are either too stupid to understand what this means or know they never stood a chance.

>> No.24085277

Hinterziehe Steuern. Problem gelöst.