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24064445 No.24064445 [Reply] [Original]

In 2017 I had 250,000 LINK tokens (no larp). When the great crashening happened, I diversified into other shitcoins almost wholly (save 10,000 LINK). My intention was when things turned around, I would use the crazy profits I was going to make off those shitcoins that nosedived and pile it back into LINK, double my stack to 500k and be comfy.

Those shitcoins all died horrible deaths, and at nearly the bottom I capitulated and moved that money into LINK again. None of those shitcoins have had a comeback, so I at least feel good about that.

I spent the next 3 years accumulating, and have amassed just shy of 50k LINK. And I want to fucking kill myself. It's not even $1MM before taxes let alone after. I could have retired by now. I know some of you poorfags will hate me for saying this, but it doesn't change the way I feel.

>> No.24064497

Nice blog post bro, didnt read it tho

>> No.24064517


>> No.24064749

>I know some of you poorfags will hate me for saying this, but it doesn't change the way I feel.
I hate you for being a whiny bitch

>> No.24064762


>> No.24064797

Used all of my LINK as collateral on aave at the ATH. Now finding out may have to pay tax on it as if it were sold, even though I didn't sell. Any anons done the same?

>> No.24064826

Yeah, I'm sure it sux.
What's worse is that you proved to yourself you merely got lucky with LINK. That means that you NEED it to succeed, you need it to get to $100 or you're most likely not getting a second chance.

>> No.24064856

i haven't touched defi yet. needs to prove itself after this cycle. then i use it.

>> No.24065069

It's cool to use, I'm just worried I fucked myself with taxes. There aren't any clear guidelines on this shit yet.

>> No.24065152

bought my first stinks january 2018 but i am an eternal poorfag who only managed to get 6k of them

>> No.24065535

doesn't help man, but it was never real money, you never held it or spent it. 50k is still make it money before this bullrun ends, 200$ LINK and you're set.

>> No.24065599

more than likely you did, theres always next cycle.

>> No.24065677

I bought at $18 with my entire life savings but I never read nor will I ever sell. I may be a latefag and a fomotard but at least I'm not a pussy. 11k LINK.

>> No.24065680

>waaaah I didn't pull out a million out of thin air in 3 years

Biz can be so fucking retarded

>> No.24065685


>> No.24065713

I bought at 13, let's hope this works out in the end.

>> No.24065732

Fuck my life

>> No.24065785

Cant into math. Retarded, i could go on.
Never selling. Get fucked

>> No.24065951

I have done the same but with less amount. Had 10k link at .30 and got rid of it too early. Also had a like 50k zerpies and wanted to make money on alts and 2 of them just crashed and I lost like $4k.

>> No.24065986

I think you'll be fine in a year or so

>> No.24066084

I had a 10K LINK stack back in 2018. sold near the bottom when everything crashed in December, then rebought back when LINK pumped hard to $4 in summer 2019. I then sold after it crashed to $1.50 during the pandemic, and rebought again once it was above $5. I only have 2K LINK now

>> No.24066122

I bought link at 0.20 cents in 2017(/18?) because of the name. Didn't even bother reading the whitepaper, but for some reason i've sold my stack. Only had a quad-digid stack tho.