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2406338 No.2406338 [Reply] [Original]

> "Hurr durr buy muh shitcoin bags"
> "Hurr you should all be margin trading with your 1k bitbean and digibyte shitcoin stacks, that's how you make the biggest gains hurr!"
> "muh imminent coinbase listing"
> "muh whales keeping the price down, breakout soon hurr"
> "muh based autist xD"
> "muh 'portfolios' of dogshit created through hours of 'researching' and meme-browsing"
> "muh Citibank"
Everyone single one of you faggots is so god damn retarded - is it really that fucking hard? How can you stumble on a place that shills the investment opportunity of the generation and STILL fuckup.


>> No.2406362

Telstra > all

>you getting service here?
>yeh man i'm with telstra

>> No.2406366

you can earn mad cash on shitcoins, the people losing out are literal autismolords buying high and panicselling a few days later on a dip

>> No.2406383

Perth rep?

>> No.2406395

>investing everything into ETH which is bound to have a heavy correction very soon
Enjoy watching your portfolio drop by 30%, anon

>> No.2406424
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soon, but not yet brother

>> No.2406429

Bars right, charge right, ETH right, this guy fucking gets it.

>> No.2406449

That would set him back an entire 24hrs

>> No.2406450
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everyone ITT should know better than to fall for this b8

>> No.2406476

Problem is you need to be glued to your computer to track the feet of the pumps - not worth it IMO since there is so much that can go wrong. Even decent projects like BAT have spastic charts, while 2-man projects like Aragon have more than AUD100 million worth now. Its fucking nuts
I've enjoyed my stack growing more than 50k over my fiat investment, but thanks for the concern. Cope.

>> No.2406514

I have made 400% profits on shitcoins the last week.

>> No.2406536

You absolutely have 60-80% of your coins in ETH, but you should have the 20-40% in 5 alt coins you like. Just buy an hold they either die and ETH covers your losses, or if they succeed they have 10-100x the growth ETH could have from this point.

Its literally win-win

>> No.2406592


I mine eth, I don't play with shitcoins. I have tried playing with shitcoins and both times I am STILL waiting for the price of the shitcoins to come back up so I haven't lost on my initial purchase. I am nearly 50% down on my shitcoins after holding for 3 weeks, haven't sold. I will never trade my eth ever again unless I am cashing out.

>> No.2406647

Basically everyone realises this at some stage, some were just lucky enough to ride the DGB pump and dump from when it was first shilled on /biz/ at like 15 sats. The pump just became so big that it went to the top of the BTC charts and snowballed, only to nosedive until TPTB decide to pump it again.
I feel slightly bad for the guys who fell for the FOMO on a (so far) terrible product, but then again I managed to get on the ETH wave relatively early so I might have done the same if I were in their shoes

More like TelSHIT am I right

>> No.2406706
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An index of the top performing altcoins did worse than straight bitcoin, which did worse than straight eth.

HOWEVER, I still believe strongly in diversification and having an 'insurance policy' in case something happens to eth (ignoring other investments such as stocks etc).

>> No.2406750
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I agree with this, maybe 33% btc, 33% eth, 33% various shitcoins of varying quality

>> No.2406831


Yeah, I have mined about 35 eth total. I blew 5 etho on shitcoins which are currently worth $900 AUD :(.

>> No.2406876

BTC is dead, long live ETH

>> No.2406893

Name one coin that can 10x BTC growth over a consistent period of time, let alone one that can 10x ETH (let alone 100x). Also see: >>2406706

Fantasising about selling your house for BTC and then going all in on DGB when it was 10 sats is nice and all, and I do it too, but anyone telling you that they have done something similar on /biz/ or elsewhere is full of shit. Some people got lucky, and I made a bit on DGB myself a while ago, but the fact is that the tokens are backed by nothing truly substantive and rose due to uber-FOMO. Shitcoins are shitcoins for a reason; the market is still emerging, but that does not mean that it is stupid.

>> No.2408255


If something disastrous happened to ETH, i would not want to be holding one of the alt(shit)coins built on the platform, that's all I know