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24058133 No.24058133 [Reply] [Original]

Every so often, I see a fad come and it really is a legitimate way to make money online.

Not just money, but GOOD money. I've seen millionaires from more than one of these.

But I haven't seen a new one come along in a while. Am I looking in the wrong places?

I remember online poker, microniche blogging, drop-shipping, erotic ebook authorship and Amazon fba stores as things you could start with little skill and learn to make a lot of money way faster than anyone deserved. Poker and writing erotica made people millionaires that I know of. Granted, they were the best, but even the lazy and depressed and demotivated people were able to make like $10-30k/yr by half-assing shit and the average "normal" career person I saw get into erotica writing was making $50k/yr from doing it part-time in addition to his $70k/yr full-time job.

Has anything recent come up that fits that?

Seems like they come up pretty rarely and go from easy to minimum wage within about 4 years. Wondering where to find the next one.

>> No.24058156


>> No.24058189

buy and hold, that's literally it

>> No.24058294

use coinbase earn to get $50 by just watching some videos and answering questions
if you use these codes you wont have to be on waiting list


>> No.24058306
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buy ethereum and install metamask
then go all in on ego.finance

>> No.24058307

All those things you listed still work, you just can't do them as shitty as you could before and succeed. Its kind of funny you listed dropshipping, niche blogging and poker, since those are my 3 main sources of income, lol. Its definitely not 2008 anymore, where any idiot can do it with no effort, but blogging/dropshipping are just part of larger successful business models that are essentially timeless. There will be boom cycles where they're really trendy, but they will always work for those who put in the time and effort.

Poker is just gambling and definitely has a way higher skill-cap than dropshipping or blogging. I wouldn't dedicate tons of time to this unless you love the game

>> No.24058315

By the time you're hearing about it, it's always too late. You have to come up with a scheme yourself, or else risk being the dumb money.

I wish I'd gotten in on the throwaway supernatural erotica train when it was just getting going on amazon. By the time I actually heard about it, though, the whole thing was already collapsing under amazon's new kindle unlimited per-page compensation scheme and all the big authors were jumping ship to conventional publishers. And, of course, selling how-to books to credulous retards about how to replicate their success (even though market conditions had turned off the money spigot by then)

>> No.24058359

although I guess online advertising/marketing is just gambling as well, but it feels way easier than poker.

>> No.24058469

Can you share some strategies for blogging with profits? I have just started and want to set up a concept

>> No.24058934

Man, I have 25 bucks stuck on a credit card and I've been itching to blow it on pokerstars. I've literally never played with real money but I've fucked around with play chips long enough to know what I'm doing. I can destroy a small stakes play chip table. I just know I'd do something gay like all in on my second hand or some shit though.

>> No.24058989

how is dropshipping still profitable
almost all arbitrage that made it so profitable has evaporated, a nice example of efficient markets in action tho
making your own product even if its just adding your logo on it isn't dropshipping btw

>> No.24059297

Play 1c/2c

>> No.24059318


synthetic commodity like ampl but with a dollar purchasing power peg built into the protocol.

>> No.24059354

Play at the lowest stakes possible until you can beat them, then attempt to move up to the next when you can beat the current level and have at least N buy-ins at the next. When you have less than N buy-ins, move back down.

When I was playing, N was 20-50 depending on your comfort / specific game / winrate.

>> No.24059410

I already did that and made literally millions of dollars with link, quit my job, and gambled (lost) it all on short-dated puts that expired shortly after the election.

I've got $100k left and no job lol

Formerly a fang engineer making $250k/yr and my boss would probably like to rehire me (told me I could come back any time within a year with no questions asked and no interview) but I wanna do my own business lol

>> No.24059463

if you have no morals and some initial seed money, go for scalping. there are plenty of bots available that help deal with the ordering part

>> No.24059469

Honestly I was half-ass learning about online marketing in 2019 and have gotten back into learning more seriously since going broke

Seems like the Chad move is to build an audience and sell them shit

>> No.24059629

start googling general topics, then use the suggested searches to find your niche article topics. The fact google is suggesting it means that people are searching it (and these quite often wont be reflected in google trends), and you can quite often find information holes, where these questions arent quite answered properly. Also, write about something that fundamentally interests you, you probably won't be able to put in the volume necessary otherwise.

you're most likely going to lose it, but look into micro-cap multi table tournaments, they probably have the softest competition and biggest possible edge. Cash games, even at microstakes, are all bots and 20-tabling turbo neet nits who just grind 16 hours/day

"dropshipping" is just selling products, which has existed for forever. Although you're right, private labelling (own brand name, custom packaging, etc) and holding your own inventory is way more profitable, but with more risk. If your stuff is properly branded and marketed, people will pay more just to buy it from you. Stuff is horribly indexed/translated on aliexpress (and a landmine off scams/ripoffs), and even amazon has a massively huge counterfeit problem right now which you can use to your advantage. Its become common knowledge that most stuff on amazon is cheap ripoff chink shit

I definitely prefer private labeling, but dropshipping is basically unbeatable for product research without dumping huge amounts of money. But buying hundreds of something for less, then selling them individually for more will ALWAYS be profitable. Same thing with building trust and getting people to buy low cost goods on impulse. If you can get someone want something right now, it doesn't matter if its cheaper on amazon, alibaba, or somewhere else.

>> No.24059663

Ill add on, dropshipping should be a means to an end, not an end itself. Your goal should be to brand and hold your own inventory (using 3rd party fulfillment services is most likely recommended, since warehousing is pretty expensive)

>> No.24059715

>already did that and made literally millions of dollars with link, quit my job, and gambled (lost) it all on short-dated puts that expired shortly after the election.
And I know this is retarded. I was talking with an autistic friend who sometimes notices market movements and thought we'd see a dump within 3-4 weeks after the election... With maybe a squeeze first. He's typically right about these things when he sees them but I know nothing about options and didn't realize I should hedge.

So later he is excited and tells me how good hedging paid off and I'm like... "You hedged?" To him that was just obvious.

I didn't tell him, but I put over a million dollars into Nov 20 puts and recently he told me he sees signs market makers might be trying to prevent any major dump until after Nov 20 options expire...

>> No.24059925

>"dropshipping" is just selling products
dropshipping refers to a very specific business model of the medium internet age wherein smart people exploited the lack of knowledge of boomers that shit could be bought cheap in bulk from chink production and resold in first world countries with a lot of profit
knowledge has since caught up and most even boomers know its a scam with chink tier quality and whatever was somewhat decent has been captured directly by the big retailers like amazon cutting out the middleman
altho pretty scammy this model was completely legal and offered massive profits for minimal effort

the rest of your post is correct selling your own product is a good option but it isn't dropshipping as you have to spend a lot more effort into making the product or making your name from which to sell the product

also as i understand it to do product research in this sort of things you set up your website with all the bells and whistles and track how far people click along but at the final buy screen they get a message sorry out of stock please come back later
no actual product costs, doesn't polute your lable with chink shit and creates a sort of exclusivity

>> No.24060145

you realize most bulk suppliers and manufacturers welcome dropshipping because it means they don't have to pay for marketing for their products? The marketing of a product is usually a greater cost than the product itself. This is why dropshipping will always "work" (just maybe not in the same way it did 10 years ago). Most of them will put your company name on their packaging if you ask, they don't really give a fuck.

>also as i understand it to do product research in this sort of things you set up your website with all the bells and whistles and track how far people click along but at the final buy screen they get a message sorry out of stock please come back later
ya just spend $5-20 in advertising for each customer that gets that far for nothing. At least with dropshipping you can recoup some of those costs. As I said, for a product that costs $5 from the manufacturer, it probably costs $10-20 (or more) just to market it properly and actually get it in a customer's hands.

>> No.24060189

but ya, its pretty obvious you have a pretty fundamental lack of understanding of what dropshipping actually is, and how many major companies incorporate it into their businesses. Dropshipping is basically just synonymous with marketing, which as I said before, usually has more value than the actual product itself.

>> No.24060233

I did these ones:
>myspace layouts
>facebook app games
>second life item sales
Crypto comes and goes with cycles. Not sure what else. I missed the mobile app craze.

>> No.24060287

Just go back to your high paying job you delusional retard. I say that in the nicest way possible if you managed to blow millions like that you arent cut out for your own business or anything. You need a stable income so you can buy your scratch tickets and vacations and new cars. Trust me here

>> No.24060515

when you mention dropshipping here in the context of this thread it refers to the internet scam that was running hot a while ago, not to supply chain management operations
as i mentioned before having your own product made under your own lable isn't dropshipping in that context
i think we are talking about the same thing but getting mixed up in the semantics

fully condone running your own product thats a legit business
do you want to expand on what your operation is, at least what product you are hawking