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File: 7 KB, 250x250, photo_2020-11-15_23-43-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24049714 No.24049714 [Reply] [Original]

as title says,

I even know the coin that Vc's are talking about in the space, might even expose it, there literally loading up as we speak as they see it as the next YFl on steroids, its backed by mega wealthy people staying anonymous with no funding.

It's literally up 100% today due to them buying.

noone here talking about it much. Logo is hint.

>> No.24049728

Whats the coin called

>> No.24049739

is it haircomb token?

>> No.24049761

is actually breaking out right now anons. what are your targets?

>> No.24049786

>doesn't respond to questions
Nice one fag

>> No.24049796

Not even joking, it's going to be $300+ million marketcap in the next few days.

the TVL went up $10 mill today alone.

I don't think people understand what platform they've built.

Think about this, Risk adjusted tranches that mitigate risk or people can also risk more by playing the higher risk tranch. the lower return tranch is insured and guarantee'd a payout.

This hasn't been done in crypto. The people behind this are huge, I know exactly who they are by there dev anonymous name, but not real life name. but i have my suspicion.

Let me just say this, they have built the biggest aggregator of data for crypto, thats all ill say.

>> No.24049811

Fucking delete right now

>> No.24049816

kys queer

>> No.24049822


Not one to trade, big money will flow into this. They were listed on CMC 1 week before token even minted, dextools listed them early too with a 99 score yet there anonymous.

There's a team of 10+ old school BTC dev's attached to it, literally they bootstrapped themselves and even provided free money to liqudity in the 6 figures just to start the pools.

>> No.24049843
File: 81 KB, 680x361, EnEj_wnXIAAh7Gr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Saffron.finance (Spice token SFI), didn't expect ppl wanted to actually know because 4chan only shills shitcoins.

>> No.24049866
File: 25 KB, 1238x685, Screenshot_2020-11-19 Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details Etherscan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been watching the trading history for a while.

big buys like, 125k, do big whales use a AI bot to buy into this?

ill see a 50 eth buy, then 50 eth sell back to back.

anyway, the big buys and huge liquidity gave me a tip off.

>> No.24049887

forgot to ask most important question lol, expected target price points?

>> No.24049899

This is not a shill, like i'm just telling people what i've seen.

These guys are the talk in the backend. I'm talking consensys, and huge VC's that aren't even doing crypto are interested. Not shilling anything because I know exactly whats going to happen. it will mvoe the price upto $2k just by them loading up.

>> No.24049901

Don’t get harpooned.

>> No.24049909


I think, with the money flowing into there TVL, they are already top 35 locked up in DeFi and it's increasing 30% day on day (only been open 3 days).

I do expect more cash to flow in and ill take profits at 4-5k, but After main exchange listing.

>> No.24049935

>Risk adjusted tranches that mitigate risk or people can also risk more by playing the higher risk tranch. the lower return tranch is insured and guarantee'd a payout.
That sounds like what caused the housing market collapse. Get fucked with your pajeet ponzi schemes, nobody is buying this anymore

>> No.24049941

yes first defi ive seen to use word tranches.

are you part of some VC/hedge fund or do u know the dev team behind this?

>> No.24049949

are you funded or backed by paulg?

>> No.24049955

>main exchange listing.
coinbase listing to be expected?

>> No.24049992


I'm apart of a VC fund, literally an intern.

>> No.24050006

Let’s be honest here
You need to work on your english
It’s terrible

You’re never going to scam anyone with this type of vocabulary Rakesh

Do better
Follow your English lessons

>> No.24050026

I'm in the uni pool and getting fucked with IL right now. stop buying you faggots

>> No.24050032


The guys behind this project, ( i don't want to say what project because everyone here will know) sold ther previous project for alot of money. Put it this way... they do it literally for the tech, and it's something we all use in crypto right now.

but I can't say cos then they will know.

>> No.24050044

nigger nice fud, the english was perfect
t. ap english 4

>> No.24050053

Bought this for 9k 4 hours ago and I'm now at 14k, anons I think this is pumping so quick I feel like I should get out before a correction

>> No.24050063

I'm not even going to lie,

I'm actually a real life pajeet (lmao), but i got a step in because my father is high up in the current VC, pretty much just teaching me the ropes and I just steal what they say and buy bags of whatever project they talk about. I'm a World of warcraft pajeet that just sits in crypto from insider info making bank.

I got in SFI at $180 yesterday when I heard them all talking about it.

>> No.24050068

OP I shoulda bought the dip!

>> No.24050107

so we are talking about saffron finance?
What makes it so attractive rather than other coins ?

>> No.24050124

>mfw i got in the same price as an insider just b/c im a degen
no but seriously, the price crabbed between 140-180 even with millions in liquidity and regular 10 ETH+ trades.
dead giveaway :DD

>> No.24050147


please read, Risk adjusted pools + insured pools. if you do any sort of finance you will know thats probably going to happen in crypto.


yeah and the liquidity + TVl was the biggest signal. fuck i just wish i had more money.

>> No.24050168

I am a big traditional finance person.
Could you provide any other info? They are planning to get in with fund money or personal acacount or prop money?

>> No.24050198

As i made this thread.

One Investment fund came out investing on them.


BTSE is a top 10 derivatives exchange.

DO you guys actually see any of these shitcoins get even 1 credible VC?

There going to have alot more, this is not bullshit.

>> No.24050246


>> No.24050248

Alright sir I have thrown in my pajeet bucks.
Good shill. May vishnu be with you

>> No.24050284

What is the father fund or exchange of btse labs?

As far as I can tell BTSE labs have just started investing in defi.

>> No.24050288


What's even more crazy, BTSE only created this fund because they know there going to make a ton of money off Saffron.

Saffron is there very first investment, they know alot of information on this project. This fund will be worth $100 million just from Saffron with the size of bags they hold.

good thing is with VC's they hold the bags not like the average crypto retard.

>> No.24050304

It's not BTSE, this VC fund has been around since 2013 in crypto, but previously they have a company spanding back in the 90's.

>> No.24050352

any info on updates to the site? it looks real plain and boring.

good fuckin stuff OP, i just bought more, if I make it I will be so nice to every pajeet i ever meet.

please screencap and make another thread if SFI does hit the price projections

>> No.24050381


The team apparently has a kovan testnet ready and they are always updating it. the dev's said in there tg.