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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24048990 No.24048990 [Reply] [Original]

This could potentially 1000x, considering that it has the potential to take advantage of the 16 trillion dollar AI market and they just recently introduced SingularityDAO for DeFi smart liquidity and solutions, merging AI and DeFi

-partnered with Cardano
-partnered with Cisco
-partnered with Ping An (largest insurance company in the world)
-partnered with Ocean Protocol
-partnered with Domino's Pizza
-partnered with the government of Malta
-partnered with UNESCO

DeAI Oracle creating AI tools and AI marketplace for fortune 500 companies. Cisco and Huawei are already utilizing OpenCog framework within their companies on the back end and will eventually utilize AGI. AI services will be purchased on mass utilizing SingularityNET and potentially, billions of transactions could be made each day using AGI.

>CEO Ben Goertzel

-PhD in Mathematics from Temple University
-Has been in AI related companies and projects for over 20+ years
-Acquaintance and associate of Charles Hoskinson, who is the CEO of Cardano and Co-Founder of Ethereum (part of the SingularityNET network has recently been ported to Cardano for better scaling)
-Has been on various high level podcasts, including the Joe Rogan Experience, the Lex Fridman podcast, and London Real
-Has many high level connections, as evident by all the high level partnerships and public appearances on various platforms

Invest in this 4th industrial revolution gem now or stay poor forever

>> No.24049000
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Talk with Vitalik Buterin of Ethereum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PLk7RQzDns

Talk with Charles Hoskinson of Cardano: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3O5F_CCT8c

Interview with Joe Rogan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qfB8clUIaY

Interview with Lex Fridman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpSmCKe27WE

Interview with London Real: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LbGwcDOmiQ

Ben Goertzel TEDx talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4manxX5U-0

Singularity Or Bust Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owppju3jwPE

What other shitcoin has this level of outreach and legitmacy? 0%

>> No.24049016
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>Singularity Studio

Singularity Studio creates next-generation AI solutions for the enterprise using an unprecedentedly
advanced palette of technologies including a variety of deep neural net architectures, the OpenCog Artificial General
Intelligence engine (which consists of probabilistic logic, evolutionary program learning and more),
the SingularityNET blockchain-based AI marketplace and inter-AI collaboration framework, and the TODA secure decentralized messaging protocol.


SingularityDAO is a unique layer 2 noncustodial DeFi solution, configured as a DAO that is completely decentralized and democratically governed.
It allows members to create and trade ETF-like dynamic token-sets that bundle utility tokens, including tokens with only moderate liquidity and then,
enables a yield farming and futures-based hedging ecosystem on top of these token-sets. SingularityDAO is powered by SingularityNET's
AI agents which rebalance DynaSets and trade DynaSets borrowed from the liquidity pool to generate value.

>> No.24049118

kek that's so stupid it's almost brilliant
>smack buzzword and buzzword together, maybe we'll end up with something worthwhile

>> No.24049180

>kek that's so stupid it's almost brilliant

I'm sorry you don't understand complex subjects because of your ADHD and your need for pump and dump shitcoins

>> No.24049419
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"AGI token is also designed so that once token utilization gets above a certain level, an exponential value increase dynamic will occur. Obviously we are way below that level now. But could an active SingualrityDAO drive AGI token utilization above that threshold..?" -Ben Goertzel


>> No.24049511

Unironically my biggest hesitation is that the main dude on this project looks like a hippy slob.

>> No.24049586

He wants to decentralize AI and Artificial General Intelligence so big corporations don't monopolize it and use it to control the world.

I don't know if that makes him a hippy.

>> No.24049608

Yeah. I actually stumbled on SingularityNET earlier today looking into decentralized AI, I think it is an inevitability in the long term, but there seem to be a ton of different projects working on decentralized AI. What makes this guy in particular different?

>> No.24049665

>What makes this guy in particular different?

Because he's been working on his OpenCog AI framework for over 12 years and Cisco and Huawei are already using it to create narrow AI. Not to mention the amazing partnerships needed for datasets and adoption.

No other project comes close.

>> No.24049722

Stop shilling your worthless shitcoin poorfag. If all the poor pajeets of /biz/ bought AGI it wouldn’t even make a difference you braindead idiot stop wasting your time

>> No.24049755
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Totally a shitcoin, unlike all the other non-shitcoins shilled on this board.

Pathetic pajeet

>> No.24049803

Just keep posting this garbage everyday it won’t make a difference retard

>> No.24049825

>Just keep posting this garbage everyday

I will and what are you going to do about it, pajeet?

>> No.24049971
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Ben Goertzel is looking into airdropping various tokens to AGI holders

>> No.24049999
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Do you use any new Defi now?
What can you say about DYMMAX: dymmax.com
Found this platform on Probit, they created a referral program there, looks promising. They have super liquidity and well-trained crew

>> No.24050058

fuck off pajeet bot

>> No.24050379
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>> No.24050653
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>> No.24050670

My portfolio right now is 50% XRP 30% ADA 20% AGI, ready for the XRP pump and dump, ADA is staked, checking the staking for AGI.

>> No.24050686

staking opens up next month and you have to use metamask to stake

>> No.24050721

Is having to use metamask a bad thing?
I already have 3 different hardware wallets for the XRP airdrop, to stake Ada and for the exchanges so one more one less...

>> No.24050738

Same thing that makes that guy Sergey different - first mover advantage and a back story that defaults the project to be the industry standard. As with Link, there will be much hate spread about the founder and the project in general but nothing can stop what has already been established. The world may appear random but it actually has many orders that run in the background. AGI is the industry standard and will be the default repository for AI services. Non-AGI token holders will rope themselves in a year or less if they read about it and did not invest. THE FUTURE IS ALREADY HERE ANONS -= CHECK IT

>> No.24050748

>Is having to use metamask a bad thing?

No. I just had to transfer my AGI tokens from myetherwallet to metamask to stake, which is a little bit of a hassle

>> No.24050766

All of /biz cannot get AGI - There isn't even a couple million dollars of it available - go try and accumulate more than $10,000 in AGI on the open market - you will not be able to without pumping the price - there is nobody willing to sell large amounts.

>> No.24050774

Good to know.
I wish some smart guy would create an universal wallet and I hope our pals are Cardano will end up doing thst.

>> No.24051033

Most of AGI is locked up in staking and nobody is selling AGI because they bought some and forgot about it

>> No.24051289
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>> No.24051592
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>> No.24051610

The memes give the project energy. All good tokens have good memes

>> No.24051636

Do you know any good defi?

Recently found DMX token on Probit, team added a referral program there. This platform has a great staking model with dynamic liquidity. And they scored 1mln during private sale : dymmax.com

>> No.24051960
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>> No.24052295
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>> No.24052864
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>> No.24052952

Why are you trying so hard to make AGI happen? Same thread every day

>> No.24052985

Why not?

>> No.24053362
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>> No.24053806
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>> No.24054200
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>> No.24054579

low key think that convo back and forth earlier in this thread was just op changing between wifi & phone data lol

>> No.24054643

Should I dump my AGI at a loss ?
I'm scared

>> No.24055149

KEK! This guy is going to be remembered as a saint!! Those who know about AGI from the past and the connections they have should be rofl at your posts everday. Keep doing your posting - they will hate it initially as they did Link and ETH and NEO but they will eventually come around. TOP KEKS

>> No.24056238
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>> No.24056288

I wouldn't waste my phone data on a 4chan thread

>> No.24056962
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>> No.24057345

then its not a good token

>> No.24057666

prove it

>> No.24058065
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>> No.24058140

Satan Checked. Those who doubt AGI are not comfortable with the changes in the fabric of society that will occur. If you cannot beat them, join them.

>> No.24058141

What airdrop

>> No.24058170


>> No.24058439

Wtf is Flare

>> No.24058476

how tf do I buy this

>> No.24058529

Binance or uniswap.

There is a BTC pair on Binance

>> No.24059007
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>> No.24059421
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>> No.24059903
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