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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24048310 No.24048310 [Reply] [Original]

Title says it all. The wagies should be thankful to serve us and make our lives better than theirs. They knew what they were getting into when they applied for the job.

>parcel niggers
>Amazon and other online warehouses

Every year they claim to be unforeseeably overloaded for the Christmas season, yet they refuse to raise the pay of their wagies and/or accepting more of them to ensure optimal workload and staff morale at all times. I just want to get my shit delivered in time and pristine condition, or compensate me in full + reparations for breaking their obligations towards me.

>> No.24048475

unironically based thread, bumping for interest

also fuck public transport drivers and government department workers, especially the dmv

>> No.24048507

Doctors and basically anyone working in medicine.
Bunch of tiktok dancers faggots.

>> No.24048524

I always felt like shit when I was a waiter, because it was shit work for retards. Why would I respect a retard? The only people who should work those jobs are kids and teens, who you shouldn't respect because they aren't even people yet, and retards who you shouldn't respect because they're retards.

Fuck wagies

>> No.24048545

And no, I'm not leaving more than 5-10% tip. If you want more money work a better job.

>> No.24048556

Any job done by a mudslime

>> No.24048617

>Doctors and basically anyone working in medicine
imagine the smells
the very worst customer service job in existence, but with poop

>> No.24048627

>lawyers, especially criminal lawyers
sell their souls to make a buck
>record label execs (and streaming service execs)
profit off of others’ work and influence the drooling masses with their shitty marketable “safe” music
Literally all of my qualms have to do with ethics. I literally don’t give a shit if you’re the janitor at a cum-covered adult movie theatre. If you’re working for an honest living, you’re good in my books.
So what do you think of my profession, /biz/ (private music teacher)?

>> No.24048633

Pretty much anyone that works in a fucking office.

>> No.24048703


>> No.24048726

Every job, every profession, has no dignity. Working for others, whether your boss or your costumers (yes this means you "young enterpreneurs") means you are somebody's little bitch, performing whatever arbitrary task at their whim most likely for an insignificant amount of money. In this world only the very rich are dignified - and that is precisely why you're here gambling on shitcoin scams.

>> No.24048804

anyone working in medicine or education. They are all overpaid and yet are considered heroes by most of the population.

From my memories of school only about 2% of teachers made an effort. Some of the teachers would even actively ignore unruly idiot students and pick on the quiet ones, like this one science teacher I had, he was an older guy in his 50s with glasses and he used to yell at me over the most trivial bullshit, when I was the sort of quiet kid who just got on with my work and never once misbehaved in years of school.

From the few times I've been in a doctors or hospital none of them gave a shit they were lazy, just wanted to get the interaction over as fast as humanly possible and throw whatever was the simplest diagnosis at me. I went with ear wax once expecting to be given a wax syringe and the indian doctor lady told me I had an ear infection and prescribed me a month of antibiotics. I was too embarassed to point out she was wrong so I just bought an ear syringe and blasted the wax out myself kek.

>> No.24048979

I work for amazon.
I started at 15.00$ an hour late October last year. This year I will have averaged closer to $30 an hour.

It sucks at the bottom, but you can move up fast because your competing with retards.

>> No.24049015

Estate agents

>> No.24049611 [DELETED] 

bump for interest

>> No.24049657

Crypto traders

>> No.24049694

Anyone that works more than 32 hours per week.

>> No.24049798

Based. Every job is literally just a matter of not being a complete retard.

I work in cyber security and I'm now a senior while doing less work than anyone else. I just make sure to always speak up in meetings and management all know my name and the work I do. Also I always offer to help with things, 99% of the time people don't want to admit they need the help but they love feeling like u actually give a fuck about them.

>> No.24049835

Giving elite kids a service they could get for free online these days. Talking about adding value to the world kek

>> No.24049915 [DELETED] 

Unfortunately this.
I liked art an was good at it, figured I could make money with graphic design.
I now hate art and graphic designers.

>> No.24050043
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self-important narcissistic douchebags who, due to unions, are almost impossible to get fired, and brainwash children into believing education is the most important thing in life, which ends up ruining countless people’s lives in the end with student loan debts and broken dreams

>Social Worker/Non-profit employees
They want people to believe they are selfless and charitable, caring people, but their mere existence is parasitic and their job is so useless that it by definition is charity in and of itself

>> No.24050547

You base your perception of MDs on one interaction with an indian?

>> No.24050621

Throwing in another vote for teachers. Their job is reciting government propaganda to children while conditioning children to follow arbitrary rules by authority figures and sit quietly in one place for hours.
They're not just a waste of time, they're actively evil.

>> No.24050628

Wanna know your opinion about crypto incubator duckdao.io

Has anyone participating in it? What do you think about their Duck Card game with investment features?

>> No.24050679

Women who have no ambition in life other than being parents. Bitch being a stay at home mum isn't a profession its basically unemployment that you're trying to justify.
Also sales people, most of them think way too much of themselves, usually are massive consoooomers and hate their lives

Teachers also fucking grate me, they think fsr too much of themselves, I think the self importance just masks their terrible salaries

t. Sales person thats not too much of a dick

>> No.24050717

Really great advice ty anon

>> No.24050756

I work in sales and I honestly think i'm dogshit at this role and i'm wondering why this even is a real job

>> No.24050790
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I fucking hate psych majors

>> No.24050791

people that work in finance, law or for the government
these will be the first people to starve in the streets when fiat collapses

>> No.24050802

Apart from prostitution, convincing people to part with their shekels has got to be one of the oldest jobs in existence.
As long as you're not a total douche bag I think its fine but thats difficult in an industry where you get hyped up for doing well, and the more hyped the better you do etc etc. Its good for making, only just dont lose your soul to it.

>> No.24050874

Talent agents, stock brokers, real estate agents

>> No.24050900

home office "workers"

>> No.24051027

Pushy/bad Salespeople. I worked in sales for 8 years, started out door to door and at mall stands, then went to real estate, then as a stockbroker. The good salespeople make you feel like it's a natural conversation and make it effortless, and if you arent interested, they notice and disengage straight away. The ones that deserve the rope are the ones that just spit their pitch at you, and despite you saying you arent interested, they just try to carry on their pitch as if it will change my mind, or worse if you try to be nice and listen to their pitch, they don't take no for an answer until you have to basically be a dick to them just so they go away. Most of the time I don't feel bad being a dick, hopefully they quit and find a better job

>> No.24051028

Oh, we know that you hate us, and that's part of what fuels and sustains us.
Enjoy going back into the wagie cagie this morning, anon :-)

>> No.24051099


Lol any doctor worth their salt is not in those tiktoks. Nurses I hate yeah. Don’t even try to compare to doctor though lol.

Lemme guess, turmeric fixes everything right? Outside of random genetics, the best thing you can do is look after your body. Exercise (properly), clean diet good sleep no smoking moderate drinking. Congrats your healthier than most of the pop.

I’ve no respect for the autist workers. Fucking asocial degenerates who can’t read situations unless it’s printed in binary in front of them.

>> No.24051111

"I just want to get my shit delivered in time and pristine condition"

Wow OP. You want what every single other fucking customer wants when they order something online. We're becoming lazier as a society and now rely on parcels being brought to us instead of us going out to get them ourselves. Go to the store and get it yourself, faggot

>> No.24051118


One experience with a foreign doctor for something as mild as an earache. Pop down to the ICU or PICU for paediatrics cardiology lol. See what actual medicine is

>> No.24051121

anyone who pays taxes

>> No.24051134

biggest issue I have currently is people who instantly just say 'no' or 'not interested' and then the logical choice for me is to just say 'oh okay, have a good day then' and disengage the conversation. But at the same time it feels like hitting a brick wall when they outright say no and theres nothing you can really do but just move onto the next sale.

>> No.24051188

wagies in the trades. they say shit like "i love working with my hands" and "i could never work in an office." shut the fuck up. you work a back-breaking dirty, shitty job that no one wants to do. you were too much of a dumbass to do something like engineering or computer science. i look down on and spit on wagies in the trades

>> No.24051194

think of it as a good thing. You aren't wasting time on clients who aren't going to buy something.

>> No.24051218

I will NEVER tip more than 10%, unless a server saves me from choking to death. Then I would tip 15%.

>> No.24051236

sociologists and public bureaucrats can suck my dick.

>> No.24051247
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Youtubers that complain about how hard of a job it is.

>> No.24051865


>> No.24051962

Lol fag
>t. Office drone

>> No.24052976

What kind of sales so you do? I find outbound sales / calling really requires you to be a certain type of person that most of us aren't. I work in inbound, its not solicited and customers call us for stuff which is alot better, you don't feel pushy. Much more based

>> No.24053029

As a lawyer if I sold my soul and make a buck....that might actually make things better.

The insane hours + seeing 3/4 of my billable vanish into the firm accounts.