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24044060 No.24044060 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you have concerns that getting rich will not make you happy?

>> No.24044085

no, because I'm not under the poorfag illusion that money will automatically make you happy.

>> No.24044086

No. Absolutely not.

>> No.24044091

i'll cross that bridge when i get to it

>> No.24044135

It probably won't make me happy, but I'd prefer to be rich and sad rather than poor and sad.

>> No.24044138

Getting somewhat wealthy has drastically improved my life
That being said, it's not the only thing you need to be happy. Meeting my wife was about 10x more beneficial to my happiness.

>> No.24044145

I see becoming financially secure as a solution to a major problem everyone faces in life. Becoming wealthy just means you are more capable of living out your life on your terms and not some bosses.

Whether the actions you take as a result make you 'happy' or not are squarely on you.


>> No.24044164

No, it will make me irrevocably happy not having to work. During quarantine I was sitting on my ass playing vidya and shitposting not having to drag myself out of bed, deal with dumb asses on the road, and forced into a prison of 4 walls for 8+ hours and then having to drive back and I was happier than I'd been in fucking years. So having enough money to not work will make me extraordinarily happy.

>> No.24044194


>> No.24044212


>> No.24044284

Getting rich won't make you happy. Getting a gf like pic related won't make you happy, either. Happiness is something you have inside, or don't, nothing outside can do it for you. Read more Seneca .

>> No.24044287

Of course it won't. It will be fun for a while, sure. It will make life a hell of a lot easier. It definitely won't make you happy tho. I'm already happy being broke as fuck.

>> No.24044299

I don’t give a shit about living lavishly, I just don’t want to worry about money ever.

>> No.24044302

>Getting a gf like pic related won't make you happy

Yes, it definitely will make you happy

>> No.24044328

retard, i am already happy, but its not sustainable, once im rich im just gonna keep doing exactly what im doing now and continue being happy

>> No.24044346

Only two things can make you happy. meditation and her sucking your dick

>> No.24044387
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I don't want to be rich just to be rich, I want to be rich to be free. Once I'm free I'll definitely be closer to happiness.

>> No.24044416
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It's better to be rich & sad than rich & poor sir

>> No.24044433
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Been poor my whole life.
Got fired from shit job with no savings
Suddenly corona virus
No more jobs
They even closed the drivers licensing so I couldn't even get a license to find work elsewhere.
Good thing I have 8k credit limit just 1 year of this already put me 3k in debt

>> No.24044448

I guarantee the only good thing about that girl would be having sex with her. Any other interaction would most likely be really unpleasant and she would make a terrible mother. Even sex would be unpleasant now that I think about it. Blonde white women are unironically not even worth the effort to have sex with.

>> No.24044464

The truth is, nothing makes you happy long term since you just get used to your condition and worry about other things. Being happy is 90% due to your disposition

>> No.24044501

making money makes me happy. money doesnt make me happy

>> No.24044502

Not having to go to work ever again would improve my life immeasurably. Anyone that says money can't buy happiness is just coping because they know they'll never be able to retire. So if never had to another day in my life at 30, I would be absolutely euphoric. Throw in a boat, snowmobiles, rabbit farm, a restaurant my gf could run(shes a good cook), and remodeling my moms house, and the concern that wouldn't be happy is ludicrous.

>> No.24044530

I’m not trying to make it to be happy, I’m trying to make it so I can use my wealth to make others miserable.

>> No.24044532

Hah simp

>> No.24044534
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Sorry to hear that brother. Hope you become immensely wealthy in the near future.

>> No.24044540

I'm already happy tho

>> No.24044558

i dont expect it to make me happy, but i do expect it to remove the majority of causes for unhappiness

>> No.24044562
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>> No.24044620

Nah, it's a good question.

>> No.24044647

Get a load of this married loser haha

>> No.24044659

No, I just don't want to have to work anymore. That's good enough for me!

>> No.24044675

>Blonde white women are unironically not even worth the effort to have sex with.

Yes, thats why every guy wants to fuck them

>> No.24044698

I don't care if it makes me happy. It's certainly better to be rich than to be poor. It may not make me happy but at least I'll be able to buy stuff and meet high status women (meaning upper class rich white women, not whores)

>> No.24044757

All women are whores.

>> No.24044760

No, I know I’ll just have more free time being rich, so I look forward to being able to do things I already do without having to account for some slave ass job

>> No.24044806


>> No.24045713

I'm 31. Just bought a 1.3mil house this year. I weirdly miss my 200k house from my 20s everytime I see it. Sometimes I think the grind and the dream is more fun than actually accomplishing it. It is the human condition to get use to anything and then want more.

>> No.24045814

Post your sister’s tits or move on.

>> No.24045826

Not at all

>> No.24045828

Being rich will allow one to PAY for its choice of misery.
Happy people don’t need $.

>> No.24045836

no because i just want to travel and money will enable it

>> No.24045867

1. you got the sauce on that prime roast?
2. I got a traumatic brain injury to my left hemisphere when i was 16 and though i fucked 43 girls and 66 thai hookers (im 29 now) I've never really been able to be happy after the injury. Life is suffering, decay, and death. being rich gives you the weapons to fight against that

>> No.24045989

>1. you got the sauce on that prime roast?

>2. I got a traumatic brain injury to my left hemisphere when i was 16 and though i fucked 43 girls and 66 thai hookers (im 29 now) I've never really been able to be happy after the injury. Life is suffering, decay, and death. being rich gives you the weapons to fight against that
What are all the effects of you injury?

>> No.24046029

honestly nothing i just can't do math at all and i can't really feel upbeat and happy. just neutral and content

>> No.24046086

I already pretty much made it and I think xBTC will take me the rest of the way, but no, I have a clear mind and hobbies so I'm not worried.

>> No.24046124

I’m trying to get rich cause I’m lazy. I have no delusions it will make me happier

>> No.24046137

Yes. I know for a fact it won't make me happy. I was completely broke in 2017 and was lucky enough to not get rich, but make enough money to live for 15+ years without working. I had a trading strategy that would make me 5 or 10k a day (doesn't work anymore) sometimes and I felt nothing from it.
I actually became incredibly depressed because my life felt so meaningless. I missed being in school doing research, working toward a goal that felt important, even if I was broke. I ended up basically loosing my mind. I would only sleep for 30 minute periods as to not be off charts for too long, then my hair started falling out and I as constantly throwing up from the constant trading. Then I cracked and lost it all and I was happier at the end.
If I was given 2 million dollars tomorrow, I'd still live alone, have no friends, no gf. I could quit my wagie job but I'd still have a meaningless life. I think I'd go back to school and get my PhD as it eliviate the financial worry I had before when I decided not too do it

>> No.24046188

at least the money can be used to wipe the tears damn man

>> No.24046252

define rich? I have a net worth over 2 million, but I don't feel rich. I can afford a nice house and a nice car, but once I get those things my life is no different than anybody else's. The things that make life worth living aren't even that expensive. Women don't care about money as much as you think, and the one's that do are typically not great people. I have more money than I will ever need, but I wouldn't even consider myself rich. I've learned that your health/family/friends is more important. workout and hang out with friends/family will make you more happy than being rich.

>> No.24046310

>waaah money will never make you happy

What a bunch of s.oyboy cucks. I would be in heaven right now with two 8/10 asian hookers one on each side of me and a fat bag of coke right now

>> No.24046330

Being poor isn’t making me happy

>> No.24046340

Because you're not looking for it in the right place

>> No.24046356

No happinessness is found within yourself but with money youre given the luxury of time to find it.

>> No.24046359

>I have a net worth over 2 million, but I don't feel rich.
You're rich compared to the rest of the pajeets here.

>> No.24046392

yes. the point i was trying to make is once you get the money you don't feel any different.

>> No.24046568

I just wanna self fund the neet life

>> No.24046589

You probably don't have to worry about money so you don't have to have anxiety over that

>> No.24047066
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The only thing I need is more power.

>> No.24047379
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imagine the taste of his anus hole bros

>> No.24047403

no, i will be incredibly happy having 100% ownership of my time, are you ok?

>> No.24047413

Imagine getting rich then getting married what a cuck

>> No.24047465

This really. Money isn't going to buy me happiness, but it will buy me comfort.

Being a penniless hobo wandering the world eating out of garbage cans and wondering if someone is going to set you on fire for the lulz is a shitty life no matter what any cheerful carefree bums tell you.

>> No.24047892

if i do, i would literally sell all BadgerDAO

>> No.24047919

I don't think it'll make me happy. But it'll make me a little less sad.

>> No.24047934

no because I'm already happy I'd just like to travel a little more and buy a comfy ranch and have alot more cats also help my dad retire a little earlier

>> No.24047937

cuck. I'm in incel and would never bow down to a woman because he doesn't deserve my money

>> No.24047945


>> No.24047988

>rabbit farm
On the one hand, I would love to be buried under a pile of bunnies, on the other hand, a "farm" for them kinda implies selling them for meat, which would make me sad.

>They even closed the drivers licensing so I couldn't even get a license to find work elsewhere.
Illinois? I got fucked by that too. Fuck Pritzker and his "my wife needed to go to our horse farm in Florida but it's ok that she violated quarantine because we have a private jet" bullshit.

>> No.24048006

>Women don't care about money as much as you think,
My experiences with them pretty much prove the opposite. Having money isn't a guarantee that they'll flock to you, but not having money is a guarantee that only the dumbest and most obnoxious will barely tolerate you while constantly crushing your soul in their belief that they will motivate you to go struggle harder to get them off your back.

Mostly they seem to want status. When I was a medical student I had no shortage of women willing to date a guy who was going to become a rich doctor. When I dropped out and dove headfirst into software, I couldn't get a date with anyone because "he's a nerd". When I moved to Seattle, and suddenly computers became a giant wealth machine, some of them would date me again, but it was really quite shocking how many would predicate that willingness on whether they thought I was going to become a Microsoft multimillionaire or stay working at Boeing. And then the dot.com collapse hit and I couldn't get a job anywhere and my girlfriend at the time dumped me because "you're not an executive and you never will be one, and I only date executive type men."

>and the one's that do are typically not great people.
Well, there's that too, but that seems to be 99% of them nowadays, certainly all that are available after they get past the prime marriage years of 17-25. The good ones got married and are permanently unavailable now; the shitty ones just keep riding the cock carousel to get men to pay for the lifestyles they want.

80% of divorces are initiated by women, and the vast majority of divorces are "caused" by financial issues. The vast majority of women aren't going to sit around and be happy just because you're in love with them. Not all of them want diamonds, champagne, and private jet flights to the Riviera, but they all want wealth and status.

>> No.24048095

>blames a head injury for not being happy

>> No.24048126

I have everything else, that I need. just missing money (not needed for consooming, but for security for family)

>> No.24048233
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>I'm in incel
>he doesn't deserve my money

>> No.24048282

the whole point of money is the safety net giving you mental freedom to pursue anything you want
muh house / muh car / muh consoomer is tier1
"workout and relationships" is tier2
there are higher tiers of living beyond that. although whether they are accessible to you, that's tied at least in part to your genes. so stopping at tier2 isn't so bad

>> No.24048323


>> No.24048362
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All I want is a off the grid concrete house with solar panels, batteries, its own well and internet
A gasoline powered car, an electric car and maybe an ATV + lots of guns and ammo
That’s about it
The rest of the money I will use to occasionally go into town to fuck hookers

>> No.24048758



>> No.24048780

My wife is my best friend and makes having money worthwhile.

I feel sorry for the degenerates itt

>> No.24048827

Quit samefagging faggot

>> No.24049433

I'm not concerned because i already know it wont

>> No.24049435

HAHAH FUCK NO, i want money so that i can have time to do the things i REALLY enjoy doing. Fuck working, i just want to make art.

>> No.24049687


I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be happy. It would make me less miserable though, so that's an improvement.