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24033142 No.24033142 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to XMR General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading privacy-coin!
Because Monero is secure, low-fee, and borderless, people can easily send money despite corrupt and broken governments or banks. This provides economic empowerment of individuals in oppressive countries or depressed economies.
Private financial history protects consumers and companies from price manipulation, supply chain exploitation, economic discrimination, or the like. Monero is the only cryptocurrency that has the features to serve as completely fungible, decentralized, electronic cash.
If you're new, feel free to ask any questions you like and a Monero Chad will be with you shortly.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8quGD9W7B2I&vl=en [Embed] [Embed]

https://cakewallet.com/ < A simple, phone friendly wallet

https://www.getmonero.org/downloads/ < Full GUI wallet

https://localmonero.co/?language=en <(Always look for vendors with lots of good reviews)
https://coinatmradar.com/bitcoin-atm-near-me/ <Crypto ATM locations
https://kycnot.me/ <Exchanges and services with no KYC requirements
https://web.getmonero.org/get-started/mining/ <A brief introduction to PoW Mining.
https://moneroblocks.info/stats/transaction-stats < Monero Daily Transactions

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNfhIY5-63I [Embed] - Monero: Freedom is our Right

>> No.24033259

1) Atomic swap with btc functionality
2) Facilitator for meeting atomic partner
3) XMR to $1k

This is the order. Timeline is Q3 2021.

>> No.24033756

I think 2022 is the year of the golden bullrun. Bitcoin is going to have lengthening cycles. Bitcoin might see 50k next year but I think we are going to hover in the 20s for the most part.
In the mean time, Monero will continue to organically grow in adoption. Atomic Swaps will be a big deal as well. And with increased adoption on the dark net, we will inevitably get more on ramps.
We therefore still have time to accumulate, however the fun will begin to happen next year as we should begin to decouple from Bitcoin.

>> No.24033764

Looks like we found the hard bottom around 0.00675, I'd say it's only upwards from here lads.

>> No.24033812
File: 307 KB, 1234x1588, b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, tell us what do you think about this review: y2beMpGuS4KKYeU

found baseprotocol.org, looks legit and useful, Uniswap cooperation, Liquidity pools, Cascade platform with yield opportunities but still it's a problem to decide, invest in it or wait for release

>> No.24034258

Sounds about right but I'm thinking that a lot of future growth for Monero's potential will be with dexes. The community should be trying to support the development and growth of decentralized onramps that will make it easier to anonymously obtain Monero.

>> No.24034365

there will be one final capitulation shakeout wick to 0.00666 as they require it.
set your orders.

>> No.24034539

Well I mean the Monero community did just raise 300k in like a week to fund atomic swaps lol. Plus Monero has been involved with Bisq since pretty early on.
Onramps are tricky because you run into KYC/AML regulation. The work around is onramping to Bitcoin and then swapping to Monero. This is already quite possible, but the p2p solution with Atomic Swaps will make this even more anon.
Bitcoin is bound to retest 10k imo. When that happens the xmr ratio might get hit hard again. I think we still have one more really nice accumulation area before the rockets take off.

>> No.24034850
File: 61 KB, 807x810, 1412451173962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to create some deprivatized wrapped version of XMR that could be traded on all these pussy exchanges. (Similar to wrapped BTC)

Then if you feel like it you could unwrap them at some unwrapping point and go anon.

>> No.24035253

I feel like that would motivate exchanges which have xmr listed to switch to the wrapped asset.

>> No.24035385

10k seems a bit low to me, I'd say there's plenty of resistance at 14k, lowest 13k maybe, but it doesn't seem like there are any bears left. Yesterday we had a -12% 15 minute candle and the market recovered quite fast without breaking a sweat. Some evidence shows most of this run is institutional money unlike 2017 where everyone who owned btc acted like a borderline personality, immediately selling at a red candle and panicking thinking the world ended as soon as they saw the red colour.