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24030745 No.24030745 [Reply] [Original]

>always wanted to save friends money, since i personally struggled with low funds and managed to get stuff like $25/mo phone plan, and etc
>give referral link to friend for stock app where they literally get a free $4-12 stock free of charge
>they are still paying $100+ a month for their phone plan when i showed them how they could get verizon speeds using this thing called visible
>friend asks for pc list and i give it to him
>he complains its too cheap
>no one listens

>> No.24030763

im done trying to save my homies some money im focusing on myself

not sure why i always cared so much about it, i guess i just didnt want my friends to overpay for things

>> No.24030777

thats why
i say
ignore the spam
claim haircomb

>> No.24030824

I'll listen to your advice anon.

>> No.24030825

good for you
unfortunately most people lack the humility to be told tehyre wrong therefore
>they dont want to save money
>they dont want your referral lnks
>they want to spend 100
>they want you to give it to them
>you still think people want anything other than to be told they're smart
i casually mention to many friends and family, 'buy bitcoin and eth'
i am always met with
>did that not crash
>its too expensive
you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink

>> No.24031010

>tfw shill coinbase referals for anons to get free crypto yet everybody hates me for it
>they also call me a pajeet even thought coibase doesn't offer such service in india

>> No.24031041

You sound like a turboautist

>> No.24032004

You should never help anyone with financial advice. Helping another person only makes you possibly have less gains. Not everyone can be rich and wealth is finite, so focus on yourself and making it. Others will only drag you down.

>> No.24032948

>me in 2017
>grandfather is dying...grandmother passed last year, I'm flying across the country every weekend just to be with him.
>find Ethereum through Great Reset conspiracy theories and tell my grandfather about it.
>he's super interested and gives me $5k to invest (for him)
>later on gives me more to invest, including $10k to invest for myself
>grandfather knows he's almost gone...tells me to do whatever I want with the money (including his) and he hopes I make it.
>I promise him I'm going to give all the money he invested to his kids (my 2 aunts, mother and uncle) because that's the right thing to do.
>crypto market starts to crash
>grandfather doesn't want to sell anything "it'll go back up eventually" he says.
>His ETH investment is worth about $80,000 before the crash and he bragged about it to my family
>grandfather dies and I become suicidal
>ETH investment only worth about $20k now and it keeps falling
>ETH is now owned by my aunt as part of grandfather's estate
>I beg her to let me sell right away or let me manage the fund for them over the next few years while market recovers
>they ignore me and ghost me, they don't understand or bother to look at my emails/texts
>aunt finally responds months later, angry because ETH has fallen even more and I didn't sell yet, but I didn't have the legal right to sell it until she said to.
>Aunts and uncle seek legal action against me claiming all sorts of stuff like I lost the money, made the market crash and stole money.

TL;DR - You don't combine money with family. Period. Don't give out loans, don't take loans, don't tell your family or friends about your investments, don't share investments, and more importantly don't TALK about your investments with anyone.

P.S. - aunt and uncle have COVID now, fuck them hope they die

>> No.24033013

Is that legit? I'm about to actually get this asap.

>> No.24033047

Praying for the death of your aunt for you anon

>> No.24033071

ATT prepaid is also $25/month

>> No.24033079
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Yes, it’s complicated to find a pearl in a sea. But I've found an amazing project on the PosBit news channel. It calls Dymmax (dymmax.com), and I you to check and make sure that I’m right

>> No.24033108

man I feel u
>friend in college always bitching about no money
>never pays for anything always asking for rides and for me to "chip in" for his shit
>tell him to get a real job (he sells like 1 beat a week for 60 bucks and gets money from his parents)
>every time he gets money he spends it on weed and 15 dollar meals at restaurants
Not friends with him anymore but really blows your mind how retarded and lazy these fucking people are in general

>> No.24033151

Someone who wants help will ask, stop trying to help people without them asking. Let the losers fuck up, in the end you will feel better about yourself.

>> No.24033344

Shit man, did the market ever pick up?

>> No.24033510

Im from the future and yes. Sell everything (except link) mid 2021

>> No.24033530

Nope, my aunt finally asked me to sell the ETH at the very bottom of the crash when ETH went under $90. The investment was only worth about $6k then, down from $80k.
That's when they started trying to take me to court because they assumed I had lost the money my grandfather was bragging about in January of 2018 when ETH was at $1400.

>> No.24033690


dont go out of your way to help anyone with anything . "no good deed goes unpunished".

if you really have such a good method for approaching life, just live it out. when people see your success they will come to you for advice (and they still won't listen).

>> No.24033902

>buy LINK at ICO
>tell nearly everyone to buy LINK
>only a couple do
>cut to 2019/2020
>suddenly everyone is interested in buying LINK
>"Yes you're still early"
>second wave of people buy
>now every time LINK pumps: Zero messages
>every time LINK dumps: 5 messages
>hey anon just wondering what was going on with Chainlink?
>hey anon bit worried about Chainlink, is it time to sell?
>hey anon what's happening it's down 10%?
>everyone of these annoying fucks is up massively
>none of the OGs who believed me in 2017 ever complain or question me about anything
>turns out newfags are annoying IRL too

>> No.24033904

Yeah but it’s not fun to make money alone. I have a group chat of about 10 people that I directly or indirectly got to buy link. When link pumps it makes the dopamine so much more fun. When we can actually run nodes, I’ll operate them for them and take a cut. We’ll all have way more purchasing as a team.

>> No.24033957

You will all knife each other over a $500 discrepancy

>> No.24034028

ive been shilling RSR to my friends since 0.006. only 1 of them listened. i wanted all of us to get rich together :(

>> No.24034282

What is your advice with Link now? I dont have any. Should I buy now or is a dip coming?

>> No.24034318

People don't want help, they want the confirmation (even if false) that they choices were the correct ones. If you offer something different, it's like you were contradicting their ideas.

>> No.24034376

Jesus fucking christ, how poor is your reading comprehension. BUY, BUY, BUY until you have little money left. It's possible to still make it, but only just.

>> No.24034456

>friend constantly complains about being poor
>tell him he should buy chainlink while it's under $2
>"lol I wish I could afford to buy anything"
>he drinks and smokes pot every weekend and smokes a pack a day

>> No.24034472
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many bizraelis will face this reality of making it at some point. There is no trustless way to enjoy your wealth with your friends, they end up targeting you for your money. The preemptive reaction to that would be to go stealth mode, but deep down you want to spend time with friends, or make new ones, but how can you when you're so worried about becoming a target? You'll always have to lie to them about what you do, or dodge certain conversations, you'll always be behind a wall. So be it I suppose.

>> No.24034551
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Hold on. Pajeets dont get coinbase earn freebees?