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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24030296 No.24030296 [Reply] [Original]

what is the "best" way to buy ethereum?

>> No.24030338

With your mother's credit card

>> No.24030547

ACH push to crypto.com, and if this isn't the fastest/cheapest way to do it, I'd love to know.

>> No.24031035

crypto.com isnt available in my area. would kraken be good? I'm tired of coinbase

>> No.24031098

This but unironically. Old faggots seething bc they're seeing teenagers getting rich off coin memes

>> No.24031193

ach to CB pro 0.50% tx. ach to anchorusd (no fee, but in reality maybe similar to CB pro). haven't used crypto.com donno.

>> No.24031198


>> No.24031242

ive been using CB pro to exodus wallet and then to metamask.
wanted to see how others do it

>> No.24031314

yeah, i do CB pro and/or anchorUSD to metamask

>> No.24031354

With BTC whilst it's pumping

>> No.24031375

also this

>> No.24031384

anyway to get past the waiting time? or do i just have to deal with it

>> No.24031471

you need to have made sure your account is set up properly
i buy and able to use/send funds instantly

>> No.24031522

pretty sure i have a couple day holds on both of mine. can buy instantly, but not send to my meta for a few days. i'm highest tier verification on everything, so not sure what you're doing differently

>> No.24031684

ive been waiting for like 5 days now to convert my ach money to USDC. Everything is set up properly. does it always take this long?

>> No.24032226
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based and make it pilled

>> No.24032575

no idea. for me on both cb and anchor as soon as i initiate an ach i can buy/sell anything within their ecosystems. just have to wait 3-5 days to xfer the crypto out to my meta