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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24030095 No.24030095 [Reply] [Original]

Huge habbening at Bancor taking place right now.

>> No.24030733

yep, faggots here too slow to realise.

>> No.24030929

They'd rather get DODO or SUSHI or whatever the fuck random coin is out there.
Liquidity mining is a short term thing, everybody knows that. But Bancor has Impermanent Loss protection kicking in after your cliff period. Best place to stake.

Come for Liquidity Mining, stay for Impermanent loss protection

>> No.24031389

I went in yesterday. BNT/USD and ETH/BNT.
I can't tell what im earning, its says 25% per day which can't be real but whatever. If i could figure out what was happening I'd drop alot more money in there.

>> No.24032139

Such a nobrainer, BNT will pull an SNX. Cap this.

>> No.24032455
File: 90 KB, 1190x790, Smart money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ you guys stink at shilling this thing. Ok, anybody who see's this who isn't retarded. See pic related. You WILL make money. That is all.

>> No.24032508

I am financially ruined.

>> No.24032759
File: 1.17 MB, 960x1200, getbntr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That APY is not including the liquidity mining rewards which are up to 200k BNT per pool per week.
And 70% of LM rewards go to staked BNT, and BNT now earns all the protocol BNT pool fees which means staking BNT wil always be higher APY than staking tokens.
The madmen actually did it, not only is Bancor a great product but they managed to completely unfuck the token.
I'm just glad I was too demoralised to sell the bottom lmao

>> No.24032914

As someone who bought 6000 BNT at $1.30, I am finally starting to feel good about that purchase. I already reached the cliff for all of my staking, and I luckily got into pools that will be part of the "rewards" so I didn't have to burn gas moving shit around.

>> No.24033111

It's not 25% per day, the APY is annual.

The rewards now show how much you'd make on top of that. Which is 100-600% for the current Liquid Mining pools

>> No.24033163

Yeah I was already staking all my BNT and a lot of LINK in LINK/BNT, so seeing that earmarked as one of the first rewards pools was based.
Turns out being locked in for 100 days saved me, as I might have sold during the ultra dump but thought "fuck it, i'll sit out the 100 days and see what they pull off."

>> No.24033195

literally the defnition of a pajeet scam

get the fuck out of biz

>> No.24033329

It's a kike scam if anything, retard, pay attention. and it's the best damn kike scam around.

>> No.24033875

i have bnt staked in the ocean/bnt pool. should i just switch for another one, that 28% is nothing.

>> No.24033875,1 [INTERNAL] 

feel sorry for anyone who thinks it's a "kike scam". if you know, you know.

>> No.24033967

the rewards will change because the pools with the bigger rewards (ETH and LINK) will be a lot bigger. And it's not a good idea to keep shifting your BNT around as it will restart your countdown. But if you've only just staked on ocean there is no big problem in switching to ETH or LINK, you will just have to stick with whatever decision you make. Bancor strongly disincentivises people jumping around chasing APY, it's how the protocol stays stable.

>> No.24034129

alright thanks, anon

>> No.24034442
File: 957 KB, 961x1263, bntholder3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liquidity mining is a short term thing
Bancor's LM program is 72 weeks long anon. That's a year and a half of free ponzi money raining down on all liquidity providers.

retard detected

Agreed. Top kek. #1 scam. I'm in the Chainlink pool on both sides. Double teaming the shit out of it getting 391.97% rewards on the BNT side and
55.26% on the LINK side + the 21.02% APR from swap fees.

How long will they let us keep getting away with this? How long til Uniswap bends the fucking knee. No other AMM even comes close to this.

>> No.24034548
File: 119 KB, 408x428, tard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sry anon. false retard alarm. agreed. top scam.

now you. you are the retard. >>24033195

>> No.24034641

how much can I earn if I just have like 30k BNT?

>> No.24034662

APP is broken right now for me, can't even see the shit I have staked. Yesterday on the protection link it was showing everything, now there is nothing. wtf.

>> No.24034820

Put it in the USDT pool, BNT APR is over 500%.
yeah UI is struggling under the load, hopefully they fix that shit quick

>> No.24034905

Seems like a good way to earn passive income on my spare ETH, no? What are the downsides?

>> No.24035009

Smart contract risk, that's it. Same as putting your tokens anywhere but a cold wallet.
But if you plan on holding your ETH long term then honestly just put it on Bancor. The rewards system at the moment is a cash cow, for the next 12 weeks at the very least.

>> No.24035035

>yeah UI is struggling under the load, hopefully they fix that shit quick
its pissing me off, stupid tards have plenty of fucking money to run this shit, wtf is there problem.

>> No.24035094

>there problem
yers, there proplem!

>> No.24035206

>Put it in the USDT pool, BNT APR is over 500%.
USDT/BNT shows 13.59% while LINK/BNT shows 19.27%.
What am I missing?

>> No.24035246

I have 2k usdc in there. Will I make a decent amount anon? was going to put 1k link but It got filled.

>> No.24035345

That's the APR from fees. For the next 12 weeks Bancor is paying out a shitton of rewards to encourage people putting liquidity on there. Look over the red countdown bit.

>> No.24035450

>Put it in the USDT pool, BNT APR is over 500%.
I put in BNT/USDC pool yesterday, 2k in the dual protect and another 1k in the single for usdc, yesterday it was 600/400 or something stupid in that range.

>> No.24035463

It won't last, but until more liquidity comes in it's nice to get fat rewards.
And a double bonus if you get lots of BNT now, then BNT moons later.

>> No.24035746

thx for the explanation
I have some ETHBNT tokens, what do I do with them? I guess I just hold them for price appreciation?

>> No.24035836

I think you stake them under the "protection" tab and then if you hold for 100 days you get full insurance from impermanent loss (as well as all the liquidity mining rewards which will come in a couple of weeks.

>> No.24036553

alright, done!

>> No.24037020

Put in 30k to the link pool. Let’s see how it plays out.

Don’t bother with stablecoin pools, they’ll fill up rapidly and the APY will fall in a few days.

>> No.24037259

The problem is that they notoriously stink at UI. Getting this shit to work with my Trust wallet has been hit or miss. The other thing is that people are pulling liquidity like crazy from UNI and dumping it on Bancor. Guessing there is some crazy amount of traffic to go from like 10-42 million liquidity overnight.

>> No.24037318

the incentives for the LM reward program are ridiculous. There is no way you could understand them and not stake on Bancor, at least for the next 12 weeks.
And I think the idea is that after 18 months of LM the pools will be big enough to carry themselves through fee APR.

>> No.24037418

Looks like it is 46.5 mil liquidity now. Looks like incentives are really working.

>> No.24037487

‣ BNT is needed for every pair

‣ More BNT is needed to stake in order to stake the opposite side (or else it is capped at some point)

‣ Non-BNT stakers will get diluted

‣ As more BNT is staked, liquidity grows, increasing swap fee APY (non-dilutive)

‣ Reward multiplier if you continue staking

‣ More large defi projects will be voted in for BNT staking, driving volume

‣ Bancor is the only AMM with impermanent loss protection (with 100 days staked)

Do the fking math.

>> No.24037500

Think of it this way. Every week 100k to 200k BNT will be paid to people staking in the LINK/BNT pool alone, with BNT stakers getting 70% of that. Considering the protocol balances the pool there is likely a lot less than 2million user BNT in that pool, so if you're staking in LINK/BNT you just get dumped fat stacks of BNT every week, for 12 weeks, ON TOP of the fees which are already giving a more than 10% APY. AND insured against impermanent loss.
There is no better place for long term LINK holders to park their tokens right now, and there is a huge incentive to buy and stake BNT.

>> No.24037627

Yeah i assumed that apr was going ro be shirt lived. Yesterday when i put in the protection the ui said 25% daily...i had to be misinterpreting...

>> No.24037648
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*49.5 million. Smart money is aping in.
Yeah I put a good chunk of my stinkies in back in mid Oct. when 2.1 opened pools.

>> No.24037663

Is there still room in the link pool?

>> No.24037745

Looks like there is room for a bit more link, and as much BNT as anybody here can afford.

>> No.24037763

Not at the moment, someone will have to put in more BNT. Give me a sec I will do that now.

>> No.24037790

I'm in because its really win-win. It lasts long enough to see a decent return on top of fixing IP and bonuses for length of time. These .finance scams aren't sustainable

>> No.24037929

should be room for 1k LINK coming up soon

>> No.24038003

should i be pooling single or dual sided for the highest apr?

>> No.24038039

doesn't make a difference. Double sided means you definitely get into the pool, as a lot of them are hitting their TKN/BNT ratio. And staking BNT is good because it's getting 70% of the LM rewards. But there's no difference in APR between staking them both single, or together as a pair.

>> No.24038057
File: 49 KB, 619x453, sad apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got burnt and fucked over by bnt with their fake v2 and v2.1 launches

>> No.24038210
File: 233 KB, 524x541, veryinterest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the future price of bnt genterumen

>> No.24038296

>this manga.
Absolute patrician taste

>> No.24038403

nice. also after i pool do i need to add the liquidty protection or not

>> No.24038591

and its inflationary. NEC is not

>> No.24039029
File: 19 KB, 416x416, https___specials-images.forbesimg.com_imageserve_5bb3aa0831358e4b2080f413_0x0.jpg_background=000000&cropX1=899&cropX2=3846&cropY1=0&cropY2=2944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unknowable, probably about a buck but thats not the point right? Right????

>> No.24039070
File: 140 KB, 820x412, 1581689294549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think so anon, at least, thats what i did...

>> No.24039167

you, are severely dumb

>> No.24039455

nigger they were supposed to have this shit ready at the v2 launch months ago

they missed the defi bubble completely

>> No.24040405

>defi bubble
you will be surprised
but you will stay poor, because you are impatient

>> No.24040679

I would rather have a sustainable project that works than following hype clones

>> No.24041124


You don't get it yet do you? Bancor invented blockchain AMMs, those PnD foods scams were just rolling out the red carpet for the the king.