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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24013663 No.24013663 [Reply] [Original]

This is not your mommy's dot finance garbage coin. I'm unironically getting ETH ICO vibes but for a brand new bubble. If you're worried about no unlocks, you can try to time the market, but it could very well go to 25 cents and dump to 12. Would that be better than a 3-4 cent entry? No, it wouldn't. Say it with me, lads : A-L-A-M-E-D-A

Make sure you lengthen your time-frames on this because it's probably one of what I can count on one hand for projects that are actually, needed, useful, and will actually be adopted this year.

Here's what we know-

WP : https://unn.finance/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/UNION-Whitepaper-DRAFT.Oct_.2020.pdf

Risk : https://medium.com/union-finance-updates-ideas/union-the-unique-opportunity-to-manage-risk-in-defi-part-1-9be4ee7c671d

Novum : https://medium.com/union-finance-updates-ideas/union-and-novum-insights-team-up-to-develop-new-defi-products-564c078f11ef

WeDeFi : https://medium.com/union-finance-updates-ideas/union-welcomes-john-liu-of-wedefi-as-chief-product-officer-949828138f4a

Zarghies : https://medium.com/union-finance-updates-ideas/union-blockscience-agree-to-strategic-partnership-416da92599f4

>Autist maximo Michael Zargham is on board (this is bullish, as he is one of the few truly Vitalik level autists in the space)
>There will be a geyser (AMPL run, what?)
>It Gets Safer From Here, SIR
>Reduced risk and costs for De-Fi
>Insurance we actually want and need

Public Sale on November 22nd.

Yes, there's KYC, but when you realize that regulations are around the corner and that this is a path to quicker adoption, exchanges, and less fear across the board (see also : every SEC cucked sale) you will know it's for the greater good.

There are always ways to do the things you want. Get your shit together now.


don't fuck this up.

>> No.24013868

Nexus Mutual SUXXX

>> No.24013883

They do, but we need them for this insurance bubble, alongside Andrew. Union is the sleeper hit of 2021.

>> No.24014229

I'm gonna get burned trying to swing this, I know it.