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23996773 No.23996773 [Reply] [Original]

>If you didn’t want any student debt you shouldn’t have gone to college even though it was getting shilled to you by every institution in your country before your balls even dropped.
>Heh you should have gone to a trade school like me.

>> No.23996806

>it was getting shilled to you by every institution in your country before your balls even dropped.
How is that an excuse?

>> No.23996818
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>"its not my fault i let institutions make my decisions for me"

>> No.23996856

Some of us dont have low IQ and were able to game the system and get free college. If I hadn't gotten my free kike gibs, I would have went became a welder and still made pretty good money. And yes, I am a straight white male. No excuse to not get your kike gibs

>> No.23996891

I work in trades and do quite well for myself, but I still think universities/student loans should be looked at as criminal organizations, and the ones in charge put behind bars with all student loans being forgiven. Its literally just a giant society-wide psy-op to scam as much money as possible out of children before they're even old enough to make decisions like that. Why do we force 17 year olds to make the biggest financial decision of their lives? Why does it cost more to go to school than it does to buy a house? It's fucking asenine

>> No.23996920

Student loan forgiveness doesn't benefit me, so why the hell would I support it? Are they gonna give me a $50k grant to go to college?

>> No.23996953
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>I’m so retarded that i lack the basic social competency to get a job

>> No.23996984

lol gg ameri-fags

>> No.23997021

It benefits you because instead of being tethered to sally mae for their whole lives with what's essentially a mortgage required to learn stuff "properly", and all that money going to aristocratic elites, it will get dispersed throughout the economy (ie, pump your bags). You stand to gain nothing with mass amounts of people being crippled by student loan debt

>> No.23997106
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>oh you graduated high school time to take on massive amounts of debt while we flood the country with nonwhites and then refuse to hire you for being a white make

Boomers created a Hitler. He is somewhere out there waiting to a avenge millennials and Gen Zs

>> No.23997139

Hitler was a pussy-ass white boy

>> No.23997189

Im British. My education was free including my degree. I left with a small amount of debt that was paid off a long time ago. Feels good man

>> No.23997231
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Nonwhites couldn’t even come close

You bitch about colonization but you would have done the same thing if you could. Nonwhites are on average low IQ monkey brains who should be begging for whites to keep feeding them welfare abs letting them use their technology

Some places in Africa didn’t even have the wheel until Europeans arrived. Pathetic

>> No.23997241


>> No.23997264

But how much do you pay in taxes? Can you watch TV without a license?

>> No.23997285
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I could have kept that money in crypto, but instead I paid off 110k in debt. If they cancel loans, that will have been for nothing too.

>> No.23997294

I have a great accountant and I have no need for a tv license

>> No.23997368

Plenty of people traverse life without encountering significant obstacles, Anon.

>> No.23997424

Most college students are women. They dont know any better and are being indoctrinated against you. If you could muster up the smallest amount of empathy you could see this. Conservatives could position themselves as saviors from the libtard diversity administration Thats responsible for the debt and use it as leverage to defund this indoctrination. Instead you will post memes about how smart you are while your taxpayer money continues to go to indoctrinate women and burden them with debt, significantly reducing white family production

>> No.23997433

State schools and online classes are a thing, I feel a little bad for people who signed their lives away at 17 because their NPC parents told them to.

Trades are a meme unless you're self employed, imagine being tied to some union in a nog infested city until you die. I'll be comfy wfh at my country homestead

>> No.23997470

I joined the army to pay for college. I hope student loans are forgiven because I'm not an envious degenerate.

>> No.23997478
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Imagine simping for a roastie bailout.

>> No.23997483
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I was a retarded teenager and I still saw college for the massive scam it was, I specifically avoided it and missed out on the college experience so that I wouldn’t cripple myself with debt. If you want your debt erased you better give me 4 years worth of tuition money and some 18 year olds to fuck because otherwise I’ll have missed that for no reason.

>> No.23997511

I went to my state college, graduated four years ago, and I'm still 20 grand in the hole. My student loans have crippled me all my life. My parents told me I have to go to college at 18, and I simply assumed that was the case. Many people are in the same boat, forced to take on a lifetime of debt when they had no concept of money growing up.

It's absolutely a scam that preys on a vulnerable population.

>> No.23997541

This x100

Debt is preventing thousands of people from starting families and settling down. It’s actual a grave threat to the stability of the Republic. Massive amounts of young people were tricked. Holding 18 yr old accountable for making major life ruining decisions to have bankers profit off them for decades is evil

>> No.23997681


>> No.23997737
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>> No.23997761

quit passing the buck and stand on your own two feet you mongrel. if it's not your fault that youre in debt then how the fuck is it mine

>> No.23997792

>nooooo you can’t just cance debt
>cancel DEBT!
Kek, not gonna happen.
Did you know people can by student loan bonds?
Did you know they are one of the most stable bonds?

>> No.23997802

>women picking meme degrees
The only way to stoo this is to get women out of the workforce

>> No.23997823

>imagine already being a slave to bankers , but not wanting to become slave to military complex for 6 years in order to free yourself from debt forever

>> No.23997826

you type like a condescending twitter faggot onions boy

>> No.23997852
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>> No.23997880

kek you're the kind of dumb nigger who would think it's a child's fault for getting raped by a pedophile because they were wearing short shorts.

>> No.23997899

And then they say on average females make less than males and that’s not equality
Wel you had an equal chance of studying stem, but you went for meme degree

>> No.23997918

yes schools came to your home and physically forced you to attend, and they forced you to dorm there too, faggot. You'll always be a pussy if you're never willing to accept the consequences, loser.

>> No.23997974

If the child went there and starting sucking on the pedo cock then that’s his fault.
You literally saying this, it’s fault of a tiger and lion to eat a human if he comes to it’s cage.
It’s fault of drivers if they hit blm protestors who protest in middle of freeway
You literally had a chance of not sucking on pedo cock, you literally did CHOOSE though, so stop saying you are the “victim”
Man up

>> No.23998003

Probably forced him to take loans and forced him not to get a good degree and forced him to not join military
Kek I hold school loan bonds just for seethe values

>> No.23998064

yep. don't care what anyone says, those were predatory loans. those of us who followed the beaten path got fucked and that's why I don't trust any of this shit. Just waiting for the loans to be forgiven at this point, don't care, paying only the minimum except for now because they've been deferred to 2021 so I'm not paying them at all. Bout time I got some tax dollar back, fuck the rest of you who don't have a massive balance. Student loan forgiveness is peak tax dollar use.

>> No.23998096

>joined the military
>made my resume more impressive with military service
>got experience in a field and free training
>got to travel
>college is now completely free
>in fact... they pay me to attend school every month.
I don’t want to hear any whining or excuses. There is always a way.

>> No.23998134

Well honesty I don’t want to see anyone in debt.
Still sorry to say, but I hold loan bonds, and there are the strongest most stable bonds out there.
I don’t think they go away, because some VERY powerful people invest in them
Still I am ok to lose a bit of money

>> No.23998155

This is another big problem. Forgiving student loans is a big slap in the face for everyone responsible enough to pay off their own debt/tuition or avoid college altogether because they couldn't afford it. It's rewarding irresponsibility while punishing responsibility. The only way to make it even is to just offer every adult citizen some money to use for any debt they hold (student, home, auto, medical, credit card etc) and if they don't have any debt then it can go in their 401k or be used for a down payment on a house or car.

For student loans specifically I'd be OK with capping interest at 2% for the next decade for all accounts in good standing and completely eliminating accrued interest from all accounts that have been in good standing for at least 5 years. Interest is the real killer on student loans, it doesn't get enough attention.

>> No.23998193

Which one is better
>temporary 8 years slavery with tons of benefits?(save massive money, free house and food and gym and free training and certs and licenses)
Eternal slavery to big fat Jews debts and still have to pay house and food and school and certs and licenses

>> No.23998246

You guys make the best goys and you don’t even know it. Kek.

>> No.23998318

>call me a goy
>it’s ok to be a massive slave to government debts instead of becoming a temp slave
You are the guy who going to completely forgo your freedom, your right to own, for bread and circus.
People who support great reset and communism are npc people like you

>> No.23998321

that's fine, they only have authority over gov student loans anyways. private student loans will still be killer holding unless they back out of no bankruptcy options

>> No.23998366

How? When so many students default

>> No.23998370

Ye fuck those private loans.
Those things FUCK people up.
Whether it’s car loans or quick loans or student loans
Preying on almost dead is just sick
Ever wonder why title loans always operate in poor regions?

>> No.23998390
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I literally made the system work for me. And don’t even get me started on the disability I get for “anxiety.” I make over 3k a month doing absolutely nothing thanks to the military. Half of that goes into crypto.
The military will literally make me a millionaire because I played the system.
If that is being a good goy then give me my treats.

>> No.23998396

And do you think those VERY POWERFUL people who invested billions in these loans gonna really take it?
Just bed the knee?

>> No.23998406

>loan forgiveness
so usd is inflated even more and retards that got retarded degrees taught by retards all get bailed out at a cost to everyone else
with debt at 1.6 trillion and the working population at 155 million people, that's a cost of 10k for every person working
i sure as fuck don't want to lose 10k in spending power because some assholes spent a fortune on getting a gender studies degree and someone was retarded enough to loan it to them
>people that previously had mortgage sized loans can afford to buy homes
great so now i have to compete with more people to buy a house, putting it even further out of reach for me

>> No.23998467

blaming the jews and defeating the jews aren't the same thing faggot. get your shit together.

>> No.23998478

That’s what Elites done to us, we can’t work together against them, because either way one group of people fall behind.
It’s a literal crab in a bucket

>> No.23998503


>> No.23998516

Lmao fuck off cuck
Money is made up
Keep paying for Chad to get his dick wet

>> No.23998575

That's a good temporary solution but if you want to fix the root of the problem you have to re-introduce risk to the loans. Right now student debt can't be wiped away by bankruptcy or anything, so no matter what the lenders are getting paid. So we give loans to every retard that wants a useless degree regardless of how likely they are to pay it back.
Add that risk back and suddenly only degrees that can get jobs will be able to get loans because they'll be the only ones able to pay it back. All the useless degrees will disappear, nobody can get into impossible debt, and the system fixes itself.

>> No.23998578

They aren't bending the knee. If loans are forgiven by the government that means that the government is paying off the loans. Either way those billionaires are still getting paid. As for government backed loans, it's not like the government is losing money by doing so, if anything they are breaking even since students have been paying mostly interest.

>> No.23998717

It's not just that. We can do loan forgiveness but we can't do "only" loan forgiveness. We have to look at everything else that's contributing to a lower quality of life. If we cut out foreign ownership of houses, reduced immigration, and prevented corrupt regulation that squeezes the supply of housing being built, then housing wouldn't be such a massive cost and it wouldn't be a problem if everyone had more money to afford a home.
It's not in my interest to have any loan forgiveness until that's part of the conversation though.

>> No.23998733

>since students have been paying mostly interest.
And that’s why they keep you, why should they let one of their easiest sources of income and control just go away

>> No.23998755

Agreed, but that isn't going to happen because women and nonwhites get the majority of meme degrees. Doing anything that results in fewer of them going to college is automatically racist/sexist and that just isn't allowed in the current year.

>> No.23998773

That’s what I am saying.
Elites just want people to be at each other throats.
They don’t want to realistically fix the issues

>> No.23998931

time for everyone to start being racist/sexist then because it means a better future for our families and children
True, that's partly why the occupy movement went from talking about fixing the problems with class, not supported by any institution, to being about madeup problems with race, supported by every major institution. It keeps everyone at each other and the middle class continues to shrink.

>> No.23999054

So the only solution is to over throw the “government” as a whole and rebuke it in Minecraft

>> No.23999207

But Anon, that may have been true twenty years ago back when we were calling Team X (raycist, fascist, bigoted), told you to vote for Team Y, and nothing happened, but now I heard on 24 Hour News Network that Team X is definitely (raycist, fascist, bigoted) and something is definitely going to happen unless we vote for Team Y!

>> No.23999211

>You stand to gain nothing with mass amounts of people being crippled by student loan debt
Keeps them tethered to working for companies, which pumps my bags more than their pocket change