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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23982411 No.23982411 [Reply] [Original]

I'm here for the job interview

>> No.23982451

You don't want none of this white boy...

>> No.23982473

imagine the robot hiccups its movement and pauses as you walk in the door as if its looking at you in wonder

>> No.23982474

>spend 10k for a machine and 2-3k salary for a maintance guy
>8$ per hour to some dude, who can do this and everything else
wonder why no one doing this (beside hippie restaurant who actually sell you awe and novelty, instead of food.

>> No.23982502

It's 3AM, just finished calibrating one of these robotic cunts after it lost the homing positions in a power loss, 4 hrs of night overtime

Oh well


>> No.23982556

i can't wait for computers to put real estate agents and mortgage brokers out of business
t. closing pushed back for the fifth time

>> No.23982721

All the white collar shit is going to get automated waaaaay before any of the grunt labor. We trade crypto against bots, but bots can't even fucking pick blueberries without fucking up.

>> No.23982773

If you job can be automated you’re useless, literally minimum wagie cope to believe you won’t be replaced by a machine. Unless you know how to work the making or are valuable customer service wise your job is over.

>> No.23982783

Sounds like you haven’t been around new robots and machinery, usually zeroing while pressing multiple buttons reboots everything to programmed macros.
Also no way this would be that expensive to maintain. I’m looking at max 1-3 hours of repair time depending on how retarded the operators are and maybe $1000 every 2-4 months including costs of oils and lubricants. Beats paying a nog who also snacks on your products all day

>> No.23982796

Used to go to McDonalds but stopped because I was genuinely disgusted when I watched the niggers preparing the food behind the counters
If they got robots to make the food I might consider it again

>> No.23982812

Eventually everything will be automated. Yes, everything. The funny part is that the more advanced jobs will probably be automated before the min wagies get theirs the way things are going

>> No.23982843
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You're hired

>> No.23982848

Almost anything and everything required for society to function can be automated. Farming, transportation, manufacturing. All our basic needs can be taken care of (or will be soon) with machines. We either build a system that takes care of everyone with UBI, or we allow millions of people to lose their jobs and starve (which of course would cause violent revolution and eventually lead to UBI anyway, just with more rich peoples’ heads on spikes before that).

>> No.23982894

or when you're walking down the sidewalk and you spot it walking towards you and it shuffles quickly across the street after it notices you approaching.

>> No.23982926

Why do you think I want this to happen? I want to be part of the orchestra that creates the new world very well knowing I will NOT be alive to enjoy it.

>> No.23982973

unless we have an ai that replicate and repair other robots, without human intervention.
unfortunately, we currently dont have the power capacity in the entire WORLD to power total automation.

>> No.23982985

But can it spit in my fries

>> No.23983062

For now, but my bet is that if we take the general AI route power consumption is really going to be the only issue, but with AI it probably won't be for very long. Especially considering the point behind such a creation would be to find solutions the human mind isn't even capable of thinking about. The question at this point isn't whether it will happen, but when and how the AI will react imo

>> No.23983141

>The question at this point isn't whether it will happen
well its still the question, given that the entire GLOBAL energy production wont be able to fund energy for this kind of GLOBAL automation.
it will happen, but not global, in small pockets, and mostly factories, tech sectors and hospitals

>> No.23983175

that is a future i want to live in

>> No.23983197

You'll know when think arms break and leak.

>> No.23983436
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Czeched. Is that the bugfries? It's like I own nothing already.

>> No.23983449

nigger detected

>> No.23983719
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Neets will rule the world

Im in

$30000 for a flippy

$7.25/hr minimum wage
24 hour restaurant
1 position continuously staffed
$63336 without consideration for employer paid taxes

$15/hr minimum wage?
24 hour restaurant
1 position continuously staffed
$131,040 without consideration for employer paid taxes

>> No.23983756

They need these for the post office
So sick of dealing with the niggers that work there

>> No.23983832

I am software Engineer who at least double good as AI Program, while AI double good I improve by X, hhaaha still better, then AI have improve by X while I improve by Y and AI can never beated me

>> No.23983850


>> No.23983878
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you know what, im ok with eating the bugs. im ok with receiving my UBI allowance from the illuminati. im ok with the gates chips, I WANT the glowies to know where and what im doing at all times. im ok with all of it! yes i bought PLTR shares.
im all for circumcision and having my procreation and sexuality coordinated by the A.I demographic committee. i want it.

>> No.23984191

The robots wouldn't require as much maintenance if they can repair each other and if they use adversarial training to learn, ie one algorithm trying to perform the task while another tries to fuck it up, each one changing their algorithm trying to get better at it.

>> No.23984199
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