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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 110 KB, 700x393, sav3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23980221 No.23980221 [Reply] [Original]

pretty awesome easteregg

personally I love everything about the website, especially the start menu and random TV channels and shit
anyways these tokenomics are insane though

do not miss out on SAV3
at LEAST read the fucking medium article



>> No.23980280

Thankfully most anons actually understand this coin and aped in.

There's still so much room to grow on this one. It's only a $7 million market cap now and so much volume the first 24 hours locking in a shit load of liquidity already.

>> No.23980294

>CORE peak market cap: $90,000,000
>KP3R: $80,000,000
>SAV3 currently: $6,500,000

>> No.23980321

seriously I'm going to sound like a pajeet but I don't see how this doesn't moon
I'm feeling comfy as fuck frenons

>> No.23980331

it's prolly gonna go way past that

>> No.23980456

Dev just announced:

SAV3 is being bought ou by ZLOT, but its going to take weeks to get the coins. Better to just buy ZLOT directly.

>> No.23980479


>> No.23980520

ZLOT #announcements saying theyre buying. Coin swap in two weeks!

>> No.23980626

link? you sound like pajeets

>> No.23980672

if it talk like a pajeet and it walk like a pajeet then its probably a shit.

>> No.23980747


Wow you pajeets need to seriously fuck off with this zlot shit. Make your own threads.

>> No.23980798
File: 166 KB, 656x493, 23190A00-105E-44DC-88CB-47ADF5BF15FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sir this is a serious thred
Go back, telejeets

>> No.23980857

DYOR or don't I don't give a fuck nigger
I aped directly in
comfy as a motherbitch sirs

>> No.23980862

dude i'm pro sav3 learn to read lol

>> No.23980900

Yeah I don’t give enough of a fuck to screenshot the correct message since you niggers keep making threads.
>i aped
Makes sense, monkey

>> No.23980980

Salty bitch.

>> No.23981060

Stay mad. You will always be brown.

>> No.23981101

Says the idiot coming in here calling us names, because he's a salty bitch. Did you sell at the bottom?

>> No.23981162

it's just mad because it will never be a woman

>> No.23981178

>calling us names
You couldn’t make it more clear that 1) you’re not from here 2) you’re brown

I didn’t sell because I don’t buy telegram bags in the first place

>> No.23981220

Nice to know you have double digit IQ on top of being a racist piece of shit. You can fuck right off to a Chainlink thread then.

>> No.23981256
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, A77679E0-D6BF-43F0-8CD2-1DA61B1738B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23981298

What? Get your head checked.

SAV3 isn't a scam. Stay poor faggot.

>> No.23981330

>down to 20 cents

>> No.23981342

This one toes the line. Is it a scam if no one, not even the dev, expects it to survive for two months? The ones holding the bag were greedy greater fool specularors too so maybe not. I still enjoy shitting in your thread because you shit on our board.

>> No.23981484

Stop being a nigger then

>> No.23981507


>> No.23981588

Shit covered thumbs typed this out on a four year old low tier android that he cannot afford a data plan for

>> No.23981709


Get mental help.

>> No.23981748

/cope harder

>> No.23981799
File: 15 KB, 559x423, 1603669049712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some random shitcoin gets launched by a known shitcoin p&d peddler (all his other projects pumped and dumped)
>biz activity spikes (bots)
dont get scammed bros, but if you cant see how obvious this is then i guess you deserve it

>> No.23981880

sounds like someone who missed out on the pumps. I'm sitting pretty comfy anon. Tim isn't a scammer. He's refunded people who got rekt bc of the LP debacle yesterday.

>> No.23981922

this! do yor research lads! Tims projects are baller!

>> No.23981943

all of his projects have been amazing and none are dead or rugpulled?
did buy ROT at ATH? Is that where the butthurt is coming from?

>> No.23981972

ahhhh i've this movie about censorship free twitter from crypto ...

>> No.23981996

You're making it a little too obvious that you're talking to yourself, schizo

>> No.23982006


>> No.23982044

Anon, they do this on any coin they miss out on or anything that isn't their favorite (Chainlink). It's a vicious tribal instinct that drives it and it's a mental problem.

Literally do no research on it, come in and start shit/call it a scam and try to white knight it like they're saving their "bros". You'd think they would have something better to do with their time.

>> No.23982064
File: 90 KB, 1024x1024, dannykek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your meds nigger
learn how to read contracts retard

>> No.23982267

lol schizo's talking lol
cope fren and sek mental help. Everybody who's in Tim's projects know he's never and never will rugpull. its not our fault you suck at trading fren. educate yourself

>> No.23982525

All of Tim's (((projects))) have an ath of barely 20 cents before going down to 0.00003 cents forever LMAO
cope, new bitch

>> No.23982626

ultra newfag detected
sounds like you've only ever heard of ROT and bought the top, probably sold the bottom too kek
it's mooning again right now actually, anyone that actually DYOR knows it's a Sushi clone with no dev funds, it's only a matter of time before lift off
and what are the parenthesis for newfaggot? are you implying his projects are jewish?

>> No.23982801

it's top, being 20 cents? yes it will moon again really guys it will.
you are more pathetic than the xrp schizos

>> No.23982837

guyyyysss push this to 40 cents NOOOOW

>> No.23982883

it's going, we're going to blow right past 40c though
going straight to a dollar, Whales are starting to buy in
4% liquidity lock on all transfers let's goooooooooo

>> No.23982884

haha k lad, you're clearly upset because of something. Either professional or personal but you're making a fool of yourself man...

>> No.23982922

can you guys tell the mods from the telegram to unban me? saying OHNONONONO SELL is not fud

>> No.23982959

lmao no and good job faggot

>> No.23983694

Another pump tomorrow for sure
Good night fellow jeets