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23978400 No.23978400 [Reply] [Original]

>eat the bugs, live in the pod, reject God
serious question, why not just enforce sterilisation in places where the population growth is unsustainable? The biggest problem this fucking planet has is too many people, a population the size it was before the industrial revolution would be ideal.

But of course we won't sterilise pajeets and niggers because it would be racis, so instead we will eat the bugs and live in the pod

>> No.23978443

only someone who gets all their political opinions from a mongolian basket weaving forum could post something like this

>> No.23978451

well, biden's slogan is build back better, literally the great reset slogan, so you'd better get rich right now or you'll be in the mulatto favela eating the cockroaches

>> No.23978478

Pretty sure we're heading towards sterilization after one world government is established, but we're decades away from that

>> No.23978538

And what are your counterarguments?
>waa waa but pajeets don't want to be sterilised, they'd rather live in their overcrowded cities
Guess what, I don't want to eat the bugs either

>> No.23978780

They would call which ever government is behind this Hitler v.2 and this glorious plan would go up in the smoke of war.

>> No.23979537

>And what are your counterarguments?
the counterargument is the same reason why you lie about your political beliefs irl. most people aren't retarded enough to put up with insane ideas like wanting to genocide a population, only internet larpers even talk about this because this is the only place you can get away with "look how edgy and reckless i am xD" rhetoric

and counterargument 2: no one is going to force you to eat bugs you paranoid little schizo freak, calm down and take your meds

>> No.23979574

but sterilisation is not the same as genocide, we're merely talking of reducing the numbers to sustainable levels

>> No.23979619
File: 201 KB, 1125x1446, 293ED774-0BFB-468B-91E2-85FCE7FB17B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way ahead of you chief

>> No.23979716

um. based? should I invest in them?

>> No.23979741

either way, racializing the policy is deranged larp. if you want to enact a broader level population control through discouraging reproduction in a way that doesn't literally forbid certain people from having children then sure

>> No.23980043

I probably didn't express myself clearly.
I was talking about India and Africa because those places contribute to the overpopulation the most, not because of their race.

>> No.23980087


>> No.23980130
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>> No.23980136

The elites want browns and blacks to multiple like locusts, because they can’t build or maintain civilisations on their own. They are a worker drone caste, who will vote for who ever or whatever they are told to.

Whites aren’t allowed to breed because whites have souls, we think, feel can conceive of things that don’t exist and delay gratification for a better tomorrow. It’s dangerous for those in charge, so we have to go. There are probably about 750 million white people in the entire world combined, that is less than one country of street shitters or bug eaters.

>> No.23980149

Population growth is literally plummeting at a rate far beyond what UN projections predicted. The problem is unironically debt obligations.

>> No.23980200

The time to invest in pfizer was decades ago. Their stock is unattainable

>> No.23980218

fpbp lmao