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23964267 No.23964267 [Reply] [Original]

Mom cheated on Dad and now they are getting a divorce and she's getting half the shit. Makes my fucking blood boil, the fucking bitch.

Is there anything I can do stop this? She should be getting fucking nothin

>> No.23964272

rape her

>> No.23964283

kill her

>> No.23964290

Isn't there some kind of clause in divorces that says if she cheats she doesn't get shit? You should also make her feel bad about it

>> No.23964293

This is your only option

>> No.23964301

i don't think whores know shame

>> No.23964303

Oh I have. She's fucking dead to me

>> No.23964729

Nope, feminist blew that away. There is really no upside anymore to get married. Divorce, due to any reason is looming always behind the corner and losing only half is the best outcome that can happen.

>> t. Fell for marriage meme and wife already contacted lawyers. Negotiations start with me seeing my kid 2 days a month.

>> No.23964740

When did things get so bad bros

>> No.23964916

when ppl became comfortable and stopped caring for shit

>> No.23964957

When w*men can literally get away with murder thanks to womyn power movement

>> No.23964973

>his dad wasn’t smart enough to get a prenup
Don’t blame your mom for your dad’s lack of foresight anon, he could’ve protected himself and chose not to.

>> No.23964978

>you can cheat on your husband, divorce him, and take half his resources and be entitled to a continued sum of his future earnings while your husband has no recourse

you know, maybe islam IS the answer

>> No.23965002

Maybe it is man

>> No.23965022

go to the living room and gun them down
enjoy the inheritance

>> No.23965034

Cut her off for ever. She is a whore who destroyed your family. Tell her how you feel, if more people did this we wouldnt have these whores in the first place

>> No.23965043

Next year is the civil war, so after the clean up and factioning of the United States make sure women can do shit related to GOVERNMENT, don't make the same mistake twice

>> No.23965045

I hope she fills your kid's head with bullshit about you so the kid grows up hating you lmao. She has 28 days you only have 2.
Why'd she even divorce you? Dick too small, had to see Jamal on the side when you weren't home? Imagine being a marriage cuck ok top of being a normalfaggot in this day and age.

>> No.23965051

Yeah, I've done that. Hopefully once she's old and alone she'll realise what she did.
Is there anything I can do to prevent her getting half? I have proof of the cheating. Do laywers/courts even care about affairs?

>> No.23965075

When our parents took over and fucked everything up for us

>> No.23965096

prenups mean jackshit as judges will routinely throw them out

>> No.23965111

owned, that's what he gets for trusting women

>> No.23965117

oh no no no ha ha ha ha ha

>> No.23965120

Prenups are worth nothing infront of a court. A women can just say that she wasnt fully aware what it exactly meant and in 8/10 cases the court will favor here.

>> No.23965122

>pay jew lawyer $500/hr to draft a prenup agreement
>jew judge throws it out

it ain't called the jewdicial system for nothin'!

>> No.23965128

His only fault is not being careful with her friends. Her mind has been poisoned by her liberal single mom friends

>> No.23965155

Islam is right about women.

Islam is right about banking.

Islam is right about niggers.

What isn't Islam right about?

>> No.23965158

White boys (they’re not men) love to get fucked and cucked and they enshrined it into law. Imagine passing no-fault divorce cause you felt sad about some stupid cunt. Get fucked westerners, oh wait, you’re not having sex either!

>> No.23965161

My last relationship got also poisend by here "friends", how do I find a cute femcel?

>> No.23965166

>once she's old and alone
Women can get another beta buxx cuck like your father at any age regardless of how they look. Check online dating sites if you don't trust me, any wrinkled whore gets dozens of messages in the first week or so. COPE.

>> No.23965170

pork and alcohol

>> No.23965185

>a woman can say she wasn’t exactly sure what it meant
I mean I’m not married (or divorced) but is ignorance really an admissible excuse? Do you have any examples of this?

>> No.23965194

anon, that is my fear.

Why divorce....I kid you not, micro agressions is the reason she is concocting as she doesn¨t have anyting else to bring to the table.

>> 7 inches.

No Jamals where I live

>> No.23965198

This is really really hard and I'm trying to figure this out myself to protect my girlfriend. Does anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.23965223

convert everything your dad has into crypto
(((lose))) privatkeys
Half of 0 is still 0

>> No.23965243

They do, may have to look up your specific situation in your state but it can help your case.

>> No.23965287

>"M-mommy you are a w-whore that destroyed our family"
>she laughs in OP's face
>closes the call
>goes back to sucking her new boyfriend's dick
Women ALWAYS have someone waiting on the sideline. OP's father was just beta cuck nr. 1.

>> No.23965337

You don't realize how great of an opportunity this is to tell her how you really feel. Tell her just how evil she is, it will hurt coming from you even if she doesn't show it.

>> No.23965380

>Not living in a no fault state.

>> No.23965443

>micro agressions
The fact that this doesn't get her laughed out of the court proves that the west deserves a nuclear holocaust. Is your kid a girl? Please say yes, I want to laugh harder as you get extra cucked.
Cut her off from her """"friends""""" it's the only way.
Women don't have any emotions nor shame. You are a fool to believe she gives a fuck.

>> No.23965450

kill her

>> No.23965466

It depends on your state. I read some advice on this website, IDK how good it is. But basically take your dad to a bunch of gambling casinos so you look like you've gambled away all your shit. Instead, however, you put it in some fund or gold. Your gping to have to love like a poor for a while, no furniture and shit to convince a judge. I dont remember specific details though

>> No.23965483

20th century

>> No.23965497

This is your only option. Well that and being a master lawyer who knows how to set people up into falling into bullshit.

>> No.23965500

Tell her if she takes any money from him you will kill yourself in front of her

>> No.23965523

>Cut her off from her """"friends""""" it's the only way
Yeah, but how?

>> No.23965538

>muh civil war will fix it
Is this how west*ids cope with being cucked out of their minds by the jewish system? My fucking sides.

>> No.23965556

>Cut her off from her """"friends"""""
retarded psycho manipulative shit, this is exactly what you don't do. You simply have to get good at spotting good women and knowing when you should walk away when the red flags are shown. What you just suggested is a giant one for any woman.

>> No.23965565

both SERIOUSLY over rated imo

>> No.23965569

Circumcision and not eating pork.
Also being a religion of shitskins

>> No.23965578
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>> No.23965601


>> No.23965621

There is no way to do it without ticking here off, just search for a cute femcel.
Did you ever deal with a womens "friends" that tried to intervene into your relationship?

>> No.23965663

Tell her that you don't approve of her friends and you don't want her spending time with them. Do you have no authority whatsoever in this relationship? You pathetic weasel, it's already over, this is why westoids are done for.
Lmao, look at this westoid cuck and spit on him. This guy is the reason why the west is a shithole, when you ask why remember that weak spineless men like this guy ruined it. Imagine calling being a man in the relationship (((((manipulative)))))).

>> No.23965762

Yes Goy, standing your ground in the relationship and acting like a man is manipulative and sociopathic, you have pathological issues and need theraphy my friend :^)
50 years later:
Whaaaaa how could this happen? When did it go wrong? Who did this how could we not see it coming whaaaa.
My fucking sides, this thread is comedy gold westoid dogs are so cucked and oblivious to it that you can do nothing but laugh at their misery.

>> No.23965803

>when ppl became comfortable and stopped caring for shit
Ya I just think that life was made too easy.

Have you ever seen a single mother with street children in the US? Never saw it with my own eyes

A large number of women are content to live broke or on subsidies as long as food, water, shelter are still there and they can continue chasing chads.

If you went the "just be a good guy and get a good career" route i.e. the provider type, you either need to shift 180 into becoming more known for your hobbies or move somewhere where people are still dealing with real problems and you can be properly valued.

>> No.23965917

Don't try to influence your girlfriend's behavior goy that's ((((manipulative)))). Just let her do whatever she wants and leave her if you don't like it.
I'm sure you'll find your perfect princess one day. Just keep waiting, goy. Juuust a little more. One more decade she'll sure show up :^).
Oh nothing? My bad, just remember you aren't entitled to a relationship you piece of shit, now go back to work those yachts won't buy themselves if you slack around.

>> No.23965972

Won't you inherit her anyways?

>> No.23966026

sorry to hear this op
had a similar experience
usually the wife/husband cheats when they are not happy with the marriage

idk anything about the laws and stuff
i would sit down and talk to mother and see if you can instill some kind of morality/ethics into her

>> No.23966028

Beat her if she doesn't, but do it on the ass so you have an alibi to the cops.

>> No.23966124

the man has traditionally always been the leader of the relationship. In most cultures the woman follows the man and does exactly what he says you retard. Have you ever travelled to asia, the middle east? You're the fucking retard, no-one else you unworldly little cuckold slimey slug

>> No.23966182

>Tell her that you don't approve of her friends and you don't want her spending time with them. Do you have no authority whatsoever in this relationship? You pathetic weasel, it's already over, this is why westoids are done for
You can't do this you stupid incel

Who the fuck knows, she's dead to me

>> No.23966208

>don't stand your ground in your own relationship just walk away if you don't like it
friendly reminder that a kike or limp wristed basedboy was behind this message
friendly reminder that by listening to these people the west turned into what it is today
so stop asking the same question over and over again, your answer is right here
will you stand your ground or walk away like a little bitch like your fellow westoids did?

>> No.23966292
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I'm trying to look up how often prenups are thrown out, and no one has an answer. No statistics or anything.

According to Wikipedia, prenups are hardly ever thrown out. According to the MRA-incel side of the internet, they're thrown out as a matter of course. So what's the truth here?

>> No.23966296

>whaaaa I have no authority in my own relationship
just castrate yourself you pathetic soishit
and no you won't inherit shit from her lol, you might've if you had played it smart, but since you told her she's dead to you now she will probably disown you so there goes half of your inheritance you pathetic fuck lmao
don't worry you will have the same fate as your cuck father since you have 0 control over what your girlfriend does

>> No.23966361

In Canada you are fucked no matter what even if you don’t get married we have laws that give women the same rights as if they were married if they lived with you for more then 6 months. I know a guy who had his parents help him buy a house and he moved in his girlfriend and had to sell the house and give half to his ex when he left her after catching her cheating

>> No.23966405

What's your issue man?

>> No.23966424

convince her to buy sav3 and agree to split half of profit

>> No.23966431

When women were given the vote. None of us were alive back then but we have to deal with the consequences.

>> No.23966471

Send me all of ur assets and i'll convert everything for you then i'll send you back ur funds -8% Then """LOSE""" your private keys and oops , you are worth 0. She takes 0.

>> No.23966477

It's a hard truth that you are actually right
Wtf happened

>> No.23966488
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I feel for you anon...

>be me
>grad student
>dad is a deadbeat, hasn't worked in years
>mom pays all the bills for the family
>dad drinks away any net gains mom makes
>finally ask mom why she doesn't send him packing

"He'd get half... and whatever's left should go to you and your sister"

Deadbeats, cheaters, and worthless POS's deserve nothing. Divorce law is straight retarded bullshit.

What do?
Try to be a better person than the previous generation I guess?

>> No.23966499

My issue is that you're an absolute moron
>cry that your gf's friends are a bad influence on her
>ask what you can do about it
>get the only reasonable answer, tell her you're not okay with her friends like a man
>nooo I can't do that you stupid incel whaaa
Why are you bitching then? What else do you think you can do you stupid faggot? Nothing, keep crying about it and live with anxiety. Your lack of authority will lead to many issues down the road, this is nothing.

>> No.23966535

Proof of cheating ought to help

>> No.23966597

You've never been in a relationship have you?

>> No.23966611

>Wtf happened
Asking the same retarded question over and over again. This happened >>23965762

>> No.23966651

I know one of these exact cases too. Best to hide your assets in PMs and crypto, they’ll never get it all

>> No.23966696

Prenups are legally binding. End of story.

>> No.23966748

In theory, in peactice they arent worth shit. Especially when there are childreen involved in the divorce.

>> No.23966749

>doubles down on his idiocy
You've never left your western shithole if you think the "man" having no authority is the norm everywhere. Don't do anything about it, just keep whining on the internet that ought to work. Here's a news flash you pleb, you'll never find a woman who's behavior isn't flawed in some way and you'll never be able to do anything about it since you have no spine.
You'll just have to cope like a good westoid dog.

>> No.23966753

Depends on your jurisdiction. But what tends to be true everywhere is that changes are retroactively applied, so if they decide they want to throw prenups in the future you're fucked. And democracies only ever move left.

>> No.23966819

Go back to your cave

>> No.23966841

Out of curiosity, where do you live? You're right but pretty much every country has given women rights such as voting and eroded male authority, while still expecting men to be responsible for their wives.

>> No.23966856

Go back to crying that your gf and mommy are hurting your feefees and you can't do anything about it whaaa

>> No.23966874

I unironically asked my mom to fuck her butt (I was too afraid to ask for pussy)

She said no. But she sucked my cock when I was 16 when she came drunk home so that's smth. at least

>> No.23966910

You've said nothing constructive in this thread. You are just shitting on people.

Most people in this thread aren't from your third world country shithole where you can do whatever the fuck you want
Telling a woman here that you don't want her seeing her friends is just (unfortunately) not feasible.
If you have a reasonable suggestion or way to approach this speak, otherwise stop ruining my thread and fuck off

>> No.23966964
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>being proud about child molestation AND incest combined

Ho lee shit

>> No.23966994

>Telling a woman here that you don't want her seeing her friends is just (unfortunately) not feasible
As I've said, keep bitching online about it then. That will definitely help you dumbass.

>> No.23967003

Welcome to real world anon, it’s not fair.

>> No.23967025

Ummm greentext about both instances pls?

>> No.23967106

China is right about Islam

>> No.23967226 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23967243

I’m studying a law degree, and I can confidently say prenups are a scam and money grab.
When it comes down to it 90% of the judges discard it.

>> No.23967248
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>> No.23967277
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this schizo has posted in the thread 17 (seventeen) times. The absolute state of this board

>> No.23967392
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The way it works in communal property states is that a spouse is entitled to 50% of community property, aka property (money) that was earned/achieved when the couple was together. The court looks at this as the "couple's" money, rather than the husband's money.

Pre-nups can't change that, that's the law. A valid pre-nup could protect your spouse from acquiring property that you had/earned before you were married. For instance you're already a millionaire before you ever met your wife - you have a lawyer draft up a pre-nup and she might not be able to touch that money.

However a pre-nup can't save you from paying out that community property that's """lawfully""" hers. A Judge would ignore any language that tries to do so and might even punish you for trying to do that.

>> No.23967680

Yeah so?

>> No.23968080

He's absolutely right about everything. After your gf cucks you, you'll come crying right back to your mother and calling her new man your father. This is has become so predictable that its not funny anymore. You have no real incentive to protect your integrity anyway.

>> No.23968621

Being a woman is living life on easy mode. Even if you destroy your family by cheating you still get royalties for it lmao

>> No.23969101
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Lol these fucking dummies in here. The only rule you have to follow is to marry someone at or above your own net worth. That way you still win if the partnership is dissolved. Why would you go into business with a poor person?