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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23960354 No.23960354 [Reply] [Original]

This may be ATH again.
I managed to set up my 12th node today. Feels good.

>> No.23960392

Op i see you posted this on /asp/
Seem you made a little mistake

>> No.23960407


>> No.23960568
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>> No.23960658
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Just realised you can't click the coloured boxes and turn off the options.

>> No.23960855

I also got my 12th node today wtf are we twins or something

>> No.23960902

Delete this.

>> No.23961142

Checked and 12 nodies pilled.

>> No.23961334
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>> No.23961452
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lol stakenet in 2020 the absolute state. i bet you don't even hold any pic related.

>> No.23961474

No why would I hold some shitcoin

>> No.23961861

Buy orders going back up.

>> No.23962602
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>> No.23963009
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>> No.23963189

I can't wait for XSN $100

>> No.23964124

token not needed

only listed on some russian shady-literally-who exchange with fake volume

anon devs, probably turk roaches or eastern european (discord full of them, are ashamed of their nationality so thats why theyre hidden)

github empty

roadmap from 2018 (not a single goal achieved by then LOL )

and XSN shillers claim this as a FUD. go and check it by yourself. also token not needed, as this could been a great idea in 2018 but because of the incompetence of the devs, bigger players took the market. also normies use CZ casino with their visa card either than download some shady softwares only to save some of the gas. if they want to swap they use uniswap

>> No.23964131

>the same old nonsense fud

>> No.23964215

Stakenet is unique enough to bet big on I reckon. They really try to do their own thing and if they succeed it will be huge for the holders.

>> No.23964694

Token needed for liquidity and for incentive to host masternodes. devs aren't anon, github isn't empty, 2018 roadmap not completed entirely but goals have been achieved. Nice try spastic.

>> No.23964798

show me the names and social media accounts (linkedln) of the devs.
you sure understand what i mean for word "empy" if you can clearly see that github last commits are from years ago.

and normies doesn't care about fancy nerd-tech-babble like "liquidity" they dont care if they spend 1$ or 10$ to fees because they just want to process to be easy, like in CEX'es. and you just revealed this p&D shittynets only use case is to make money to masternode hosts.

>> No.23965008

If someone uses uniswap because muh dex then why the hell would they not use Stakenet's dex if it will be cheaper fees, faster trades, so you get literally more money from your trades.

>> No.23965326

phahahahahahah adress leads nowhere, some industrial districts in NY.

devs like i said, are 100% eastern europeans. nothing good comes there

lmao at this fucking project. imagine investing to something russian which is only listed in some russian shady exchange.

only XSN shilelrs are probably desperate bagholders trying to add liquidity to their literally-who exchange to get rid of their useless bags

>faster trades

this is complete bullshit, how fast you think it'll be if i one click and swap my 1000USDT to my favourite shitcoin in binance? it's fucking instant it cant be faster than that.also fees are already super cheap, normies wont even care about the fees because theyre literally pennies. maybe if youre poor eastern-european, you'll maybe save money for onions and a bottle of vodka by using xsn.

>> No.23965359

>what is slushpool and how are they saving crypto

>> No.23965817


why didnt i buy for 2 cents. i had been periodically looking at the price for a year when ot hovered between 5 and 7

now i only have 2 masternodes for 11 cent average.

>> No.23966235

im in beta testing and i just did a perfect swap using the latest UI. ZERO issues worked perfect. I will say we are almost there guys.

>> No.23966295

If you think that linkedin leads nowhere you are far too stupid to be saved. If you check out XSN-Core on linkedin you will see that the team is from a variety of places.

Okay mate keep trading your 'decentralized' currency on a centralized exchange. Well you get hit with a nice fee when you withdraw from Binance.If you don't think that DEXs are the future of cryptocurrency trading that's fine but IMO and in the market's opinion you are wrong. So many DeFi shitters that 10000000x, market obviously wants this.

>> No.23966406

CEXs have enough money now to fud everything DEX

>> No.23966795

Well however much they are paying yellow iQ ID it's too much

>> No.23968024

CEX's is shit. You have a min btc withdrawal while Stakenet DEX has no min. So much user friendly.
So if you have $1 worth of BTC you can withdraw it no problem on the DEX.

>> No.23968205
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You can easily move as little as $1 BTC with less than a cent fee. Unlike CEX's charge you $$ for stupid withdrawal fees. Trading fees is nothing compare UNI. Just wait to we release this with ETH coins. No other DEX or CEX can compare. Not to mention Stakenet is the only DEX on layer 2. The real layer 2 lighting network.

>> No.23968265

this is great but they are waiving fees in beta right?

>> No.23968654

still paying small fees on trades of course and fees can be little higher for testing purpose. But, its the withdrawal fee is what i really love. It's almost 0 and will stay 0. Cex's have a flat rate of withdrawal fees while Stakenet keeps it at the real mining rate fee. Much less.

>> No.23968704

so livecoin will charge 0.0005 btc fee to withdrawal.
while xsn is 39 sats. Less than a cent.
Why would anyone use a cex just knowing this simple fact? Dex is still testing but when its ready it shits on CEX's

>> No.23968833

Not just that but trading fees too. Stakenet DEX’s fees will be extremely low. Honestly so excited for this project. Wish I’d sold the top in August and bought back in now but oh well.

>> No.23968970

I here you. Man I'm so pumped right now. I have tested the UI simple swap and its fucking amazing. Can't wait to test ETH soon. Its coming as the swap works perfect, now we can test ETH and soon LINK.

>> No.23969003

hear* LOL

>> No.23969061


>> No.23969496

Literally not larp, ETH is ready to be tested soon, it's next after SSUI.

>> No.23969785

i have 10 MN, but soon = 3 years

>> No.23969853

Fair. I hope you're wrong, but it's hard to say with X9 really..

>> No.23969884

The dex is making progress behind the scenes. Rome was not built in a day.

>> No.23969989

That hopium tastes so good