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23957713 No.23957713 [Reply] [Original]

student here, need to get the fuck out of dodge when I'm out of uni. Would stick around with parents to cut costs but its not an atmosphere for success.

What cities/towns with attention paid to low living costs, gun rights, and growing economies are the most accommodating for young people entering society? Studying polisci and financial economics, have heard good things about Florida.

All of this is stuff I can find out on my own, but I can't be the only one thinking on this line. Any personal accounts/suggestions from anons further along in the process would be great.

>> No.23957760

>Studying polisci and financial economics

>> No.23957908

> low living costs
Basically anywhere not on the coasts
> gun rights
/pol/ shitposting aside, it's literally in the Constitution so you can own/use guns in virtually every state.
> growing economies
Ignoring the coasts, all the fastest growing cities are in the Sun Belt/Southern US so you'd be looking at places like Phoenix, Albuquerque, any major city in Texas, Atlanta, Nashville. Avoid Louisiana/Alabama/Mississippi, they are effectively third world countries. Florida isn't much better outside of the major cities (Miami is expensive but Orlando/Jacksonville/Tampa are decent too).

>> No.23958436
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>le stem meme
It's what I enjoy. Genetics and bio appeal to me but I don't have much of a background.
Thanks. I'm looking for a sweet spot. I like the concept of coastie living but I have no idea what the realities are when it comes to the marginal costs and living expenses. Cali and NY for instance aren't on the table, so what I'm beginning to think is that I'm looking for a place with a high per capita growth rate and a tight urban center for easy commute/affordable rent options if I choose to live in the core.

>> No.23958767

I'm personally looking to move to Spokane WA from Las Vegas, fuck this desert hell hole.

>> No.23958785

What city are you coming from btw op?

>> No.23958795

fuck off, WE ARE FULL

>> No.23958820

dallas texas DYR

>> No.23958825

We say the same shit to all the commiefornians that move in here but that doesn't stop them.

>> No.23958874

There are a few places in CA on the coast that are tolerable. Sf and la are obviously too far gone

>> No.23958909


>> No.23958943

>Wants to live in a city

>> No.23958945

so, you are gunna bring the problem to us? Better change your license plate faggot, or you're gunna get yours

>> No.23958956

What’s wrong with Vegas?

>> No.23959048

It's mainly the people that live here, most people are transients/transplants so they don't care about dirtying the city up and acting a fool. We have the worst drivers in the country, and the people are generally superficial af and/or low iq degenerate assholes. You better like rocks, sand and dirt because there's a lot of that here. Crime is high also if you don't live in Summerlin and Henderson and even then it still happens. The one thing I like is all the conveniences we have and diversity of restaurants and entertainment.

>> No.23959058

What "problem" are you referring to jackass?

>> No.23959095


>> No.23959169

Chicongo, can't wait to get the fuck out of Illinois. Parents heading to Wis. but the coasts and South/Sun Belt seem like the better bets

>> No.23959202
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>> No.23959214

Boone NC

>> No.23959215

I would avoid the south, hurricanes, floods, tornados, humidity, nasty bugs, and uneducated people. It's cheap for a reason.

>> No.23959227
File: 1.62 MB, 2729x2047, bigbruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind Midwest cities and I do like the downtown but I 'd like to not be surrounded by shitty suburbs, flat plains, and hellish strip mall towns.

>> No.23959235

Out of the SW states I would say the Phoenix AZ area/suburbs wouldn't be a bad place to start fresh. Just be prepared for extreme heat though.

>> No.23959246

Scottsdale, AZ, if you don't mind 100 degree whether half the year. Or anywhere in the general area such as Fountain Valley, Tempe etc..

>> No.23959249

>Imagine living in that third world country

>> No.23959277

No need for projection Ranjeesh.

>> No.23959414
File: 141 KB, 1280x710, theyellowrose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

def looking very comfy anon, good luck
Texas has really been blowing up. Austin and Dallas have always been on the list.
Such as?
Any other comfy PA areas? Will look into philly
I'll look into them, thanks anons

>> No.23959726

san antonio, austin

>> No.23959901

Dude, fucking gross. Don't ever live there. Food is A+, everything else is crap. Seems like everyone is shilling some shit from their parents basement. OP, there is no best place. When we can, do all the things you wanted in youth. Get a passport. Go do drugs. Have sex all over the world. Backpack around. See weird shit. Do weird shit. Meet strange people. Have an amazing night with someone you will never see again.

Figure it out. For me, it was easy -- New York. It's a trash filled cesspool of fecal matter and schizos. it's basically 4chan in real life. I will never leave and this will always be my home. Some things are worth more than money, and discovering who you are and what will make you happy in this clown world is one of them. It's not going to just be money.

>> No.23959980

What's your long term nyc plan.

Do you own a place there?

>> No.23959995

No, rent stabilized apartment, bro. I'm not buying a home here. Shit will be destroyed by global warming. It's already getting more humid and the summers are getting shittier. You can genuinely feel it getting worse on the coasts of the US.

>> No.23960006

If you like culture it's really the only option. How much theater is there where you live?

>> No.23960052

des moines iowa is where you're you should be looking. its enough of a supercity to not be full of shitty suburbs and there's enough to do around the area. i used to live just outside near one of the collage towns, it was chill enough and there were plenty of young ladies. rent and stuff was super cheap so id expect housing to be as well. its nice and comfy execpt for the harsher winters but you already know that if youre in chicago. the only major downsides are theres no fucking coast forever. but iowa has some nice hiking spots and natural trails all around it so its super nice to look at. the midwest in general is full of nice people as well. not many assholes in iowa, also no black people.

>> No.23960075

you'll have to look carefully at where to live in USA if you don't want to own a car. most places you 100% need a car.

>> No.23960089

Does Iowa get a lot of tornados? That and the cold is why I never really considered moving to the midwest.

>> No.23960097

>It's what I enjoy
You're a kid. You don't know shit.

>> No.23960107

Sounds like you want Pittsburgh, desu.

>> No.23960197

best cities for shut-ins?

>> No.23960228

Albequrque, New Mexico

Beautiful and cheap ass rent

>> No.23960261

Shut up you fucking chump. Not everyone has to be a scientist or engineer, go back to 1980 Soviet Russia Vladimir.

>> No.23960268

You see, that's just my problem, anon. It'd be simpler if I lived in a developing country or smaller economy, but with the US, unless your family is networked or you have mentors, there's a considerable amount of guess work involved if you're not set on a specific career path. Just trying to narrow things.
thanks for the suggestion
If I had any sense I would have started learning a marketable skill in hs and waited a few years to go to uni, if ever. Feel free to lend some advice tho. Hope you have a good day.

>> No.23960349

I come from small town USA. I came from nothing. I had nothing. I will never have anything from birth. You can still see the world. Minimum wage is cheap, but an American passport is worth as much as a home -- or at least it was, a short period ago.

>> No.23960397

A flixbus costs 12 euros. Just wage a bit and go away for a month. Do every single fucking thing you want. Zero responsibilities.

Even if you make a million, you'll look back on those days as the best of your life. You had something money could never buy, and that's youth. I can't say this enough. Go -- do.

>> No.23960413


>> No.23960436

oof yikes

>> No.23960497

Any stories anon?

>> No.23960549

Spokane is shit. Just look at the crime rates.

>> No.23960565

Get a load of this fag

>> No.23961064

Vegas has worse crime, I think I'll be okay.

>> No.23961087

What was the reddest city during the latest election? That's the best city to me.

>> No.23961345

Move to Kyoto. All in BoringDAO farms and wait.