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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23955704 No.23955704 [Reply] [Original]

For me it was REQ

>> No.23955739

AKRO getting hacked

>> No.23955745
File: 207 KB, 830x1228, nah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked when anon posted a thread saying to APOLOGIZE when it actually went up for a day. It dumped back down the following. Even if it hadn't, how do you make that thread when -- pic related

>> No.23955800


I rode that fucker all the way down to $0.03 before I cut my losses

>> No.23955820

Right, I forgot about this piece of shit because I put less money into it

>> No.23956055
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i-it's gonna moon

>> No.23956192


>> No.23956199


>> No.23956211


>> No.23956335
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Got justed by Mantra Dao, brought at ICO and still got fucked, paid 0.25p a token, I thought I was hot shit, the current price is 0.05p. Also brought GEEQ, thankfully not at the top that coin made me want to KMS, slow bleed of death. Thankfully I learnt from the experience and only put money in solid projects with strong fundamentals, currently all in on BURGER.

>> No.23956370
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>no way scammers would write so many in-depth articles and have such a large community following

>> No.23956381

Cake lmao

>> No.23956443


>> No.23956621

Brought is the non Burger version of bought.

>> No.23956742

I bought req at 25 cents and nkn at 50 cents. $2500 into each. I still own 15500 link so its easier to cope with

>> No.23956980

Iota has lost me 5 figures. The only loss I've had that was bigger was a failed business.

>> No.23957776
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Unironically put money into the two biggest memes of crypto. Bitconnect and Substratum. lost about $1,500 between the two.

>> No.23957817

Link, bought 45k during the Ico and sold at 45c, close second would be Icx bought at Ico and held from $10.5 down to $2

>> No.23958050

>close second would be Icx bought at Ico and held from $10.5 down to $2

you bought back at 11c though right?

>> No.23958095

I tried to fucking hold and lost money instead of selling at 2x

>> No.23958233

I fell for the nano meme. Fuck that reddit trash coin. I missed out on so many opportunities because I let those nano cucks trick me into buying their scam coin. I won't fall for that bullshit this market cycle.

>> No.23958540

Lition and I didn't even invest too much, but I put about 1/3 of my money in near the top and fucking 75% drop in a few days
What the fuck /biz/, fuck you.

>> No.23958558

Harmony $ONE chink'd me

>> No.23958588

No anon, I’m a damaged shitcoiner I now just hold 2300 eth

>> No.23958596

its funny how half of reddit still bagholds and shills NANO

>> No.23958621

>Thankfully I learnt from the experience and only put money in solid projects with strong fundamentals, currently all in on BURGER.
LMAO hahahahahha

>> No.23958635

lost 5 figures to UNI, the magical unicorn coin with zero support

>> No.23958645
File: 5 KB, 250x250, EQL coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EQl. fuck the pajeet that shilled it here. Still haven't sold it, no point at this price. Hopefully in an alt bullrun i can break even

>> No.23958707

DRC or VALUE/YFV, jesus christ

>> No.23958725
File: 78 KB, 755x415, ark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i went with ARK instead of LINK in 2017...finally sold my bags this year and went half in link and half in RSR after i had lost like 3k in value

>> No.23959141

I was so lucky it had the third pump. Got back what I put in and never looked back. Otherwise I'd still be a sad bagholder

>> No.23959466

have basically just been in all in link for last 2+ years so all good really but did buy req at $0.07 saw it go to $1+ then held down to $0.30 before selling for link

>> No.23959547

I bought REQ when it was less than ICO price and watched my $1,200 grow to $22,000 and then fall to $300.

ICX fucked me more though, bought a lot near the top

>> No.23959597

I guess you can say you got REQ’d.

>> No.23959690

does the man hold XBTC tho?

>> No.23960158

Iota, my friend made a few K with it and was really into crypto at the time, he said it's a solid buy and without too much research i put like 500eu into it. Went down to about 100 or something.

>> No.23960178

Fuck NANO..

>> No.23960295

Nano. I fud Nano threads when ever I feel sad. Make up a bunch of shit because I want them to die since I lost everything. Probably make a nano fud thread in a little. Feeling down

>> No.23960309


>> No.23960325


>> No.23960348


>> No.23960361

LINK. bought at 30 cents and have seen "$1k EOY" for the last 3 years. Please let it be this year.

>> No.23960376 [DELETED] 
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I got fucked by FUN.

>> No.23960384

IdiOTA in 2017.

>> No.23960402

It seems like the consensus protocol of Nano was kind of revolutionary, and avoiding fees is a big thing, but somehow it got 0 adoption.

>> No.23960444

it didn't scale and people saw this way ahead of the time
it also got hacked and 30% of supply went to one guy

>> No.23960476

Both of the things you said are false lmao

>> No.23960478

ETH is "fast/cheap enough" if you want chargeback fraud protection/to send a large amount of money to someone far away and also does other shit besides instant transactions
For instant transactions where fraud isn't a big issue, credit cards work as well as they always have
Nano also never got onto Coinbase so normalfags were never exposed to it

>> No.23960498

first one was literally confirmed by the dev on reddit
>what was that exchange name hack didn't happen
ok retard

>> No.23960505

Thanks for the rundown

>> No.23960595

Nano, they stole my coins. Colin wil end up in jail

>> No.23960638

>Lition and I didn't even invest too much, but I put about 1/3 of my money in near the top and fucking 75% drop in a few days
>What the fuck /biz/, fuck you.
Based litgens, lot of biztards were cucked

>> No.23961141

Algorand, I should have sold at 0.70

>> No.23961282

the feels

>> No.23961368

REQ was pretty brutal to me as well, bought in during ico and watched it moon hard and then fall under ico price. did the same with WAN and a handful of other memes from around that time. i had a knack of finding good icos, just didnt know when to sell.

the only coin that i didnt let bleed out was LINK, which i sold at $0.33. if i did NOTHING over the last 2 years i wouldve 10x'd my money, now im still a poor wagie

>> No.23961412

>was LINK, which i sold at $0.33
the ultimate JUST

>> No.23961519

Just recently got out of garbage ass Layer, got in at fucking .25 and should have sold at .33 instead got stuck with taking a 50$ loss at about .13ish on uniswap. I fucking knew that dumb ass dev wasn't going to deliver, I saw this fag worked on ghost and should have ran for the hills, instead I bought in on the cope that it might moon like ghost did prior to actual launch

>> No.23961576

>just bought i ETH worth of Algo
How fucked am i?

>> No.23961593

TENS. Went all in. 90% lose when the devs randomly ghosted their project for “personal reasons”.

>> No.23961625

Worst? GHOST recently
Best? KCS in 2017 bullrun