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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2395455 No.2395455 [Reply] [Original]

So is Digibyte really dead now? Surely it still has some future doesn't it? A lot of people still have faith in it. Like on reddit.com/r/digibyte

>> No.2395471

They are bagholders.

>> No.2395480

try harder shill

>> No.2395489

It has features for bagholders

>> No.2395501

Fuck you not everyone is a shill, paranoid nigger

>> No.2395504

Sorry OP.

I meant delusional bagholders like >>2395480

>> No.2395518

notice how the quality of /biz/ threads went up since the dgb shit crusted anus wrinkles stopped spaming the catalog

>> No.2395524


More seriously : Fishes will invest. DGB is all about marketing.

>> No.2395531

I see. So what should I do people. I lost a lot of money on digishit. Not sure if I should sell now or hold and hope for the best.

>> No.2395551

It's freefalling into a bottomless pit.
Look at the moving average. Look at volume. Anyone buying now thinking it has already fallen too far is an idiot.

>> No.2395565
File: 208 KB, 327x316, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are bagholders on this board that took out loans and bought DGB at the peak

>> No.2395575

DGB is under attack by higher powers.


Hold. There are groups who do not want those they fear becoming extremely wealthy. This has never been more obvious with any coin than DGB.


>> No.2395579

Dead no. It does have some interesting tech going for it. But the hype and buying pressure is done until the next round of news. Once most of the people run out of funds buying at its current price the selling pressure and panic sellers will continue to drop it and folks will wish they had patience on buying now

>> No.2395581

What future does DGB have? Do you really think it will go to 2000 sat or something one day?

>> No.2395585

You need to decide whether you think it's going back up or you can jump onto another coin and make up the loss.

>> No.2395591
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, 3654634756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DGB is literally better than any other coin on the market. just read this thread >>2391809

You could invest in ETH, but investing in DGB now is like investing in ETH when it was $1

>> No.2395592
File: 162 KB, 1906x990, dgb-reentry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

down to 700 sats then reversal. possible new ath in a few weeks (or sooner if some other shithype starts)

as long as the market is bullish overall every shitcoin gets to moon. if you bough at 2k just hold - not worth taking the loss.


>> No.2395602

This is not a fucking slide thread. Niggerniggernigger I watch child porn and I want to kill the president. What Shareblue motherfucker would say this?

>> No.2395616

t's unnatural for a coin to make a 30x gain in 1 month and maintain it. In terms of an everyday currency, there are really only two contenders to replace BTC, DGB and LTC, and DGB is just a better version of LTC. DGB needs more time but I fully believe it will hit the $1 mark in a year.
Look at XRP, that coin had 3 crashes where it dipped over 75%... I'm sure many people thought it was the end during those times but now it has the third largest market cap.

DGB is a top 5 coin, iron hands people. iron hands.

>> No.2395628


the blatant reverse psychology tactics are as handicapped as your overall marketing

even the artificial buyouts can't bring fresh cash back

welcome to 4chan, you're on a death row

>> No.2395640

if you read this fucking thread >>2391809 youll know. its only 3 cents now, and its going to at least most certainly hit 50 cents in a year or two. But it really might come quicker than you think.

Seriously, ive been holding since it was sub 100 satoshis, and right now, i thought dgb would be 1 or .5 cent at most! So, its already 3x my expectations.

>> No.2395642

Hold it for ever and you will never forget what shilling can do.

>> No.2395652


Ethereum did do crazy stuff like this too. They even had a hack that was wayyyyyy worse than the fizzling out of the dgb hype that happened. I'm thinking about just holding. I've already lost a lot on it so why not sit the ride out. It's so low right now and people genuinely are interested in it

>> No.2395675

this. Specifically, LTC is 2x slower than DGB because of outdated segwit, and plus dgb has better security and marketing.

I remember seeing dgb rise from rank 60 to 20 to now

>> No.2395754


eth had a hack, then had 30 days to figure a way out, and thousands of people engaged in some very interesting and unique discussions

it hard-forked, the immutable etc remained and eth took the lead

dgb is an empty shell that gained traction thanks to gullible /biz/noobs. you can observe the discussions here interface with the price movements. it's fun...

>> No.2395771

Not very many of them

>I watch child porn
None of them publicly

>I want to kill the president
Pretty much all of them

But yeah, it isn't Shareblue.

>> No.2395800

>dgb is an empty shell that gained traction

But why do you think this? I don't believe anyone who isn't using arguments. DGB has some of the fastest transactions. corporations have shown willingness to work with it. And it's a very secure coin. Surely that has value?

>> No.2395799

>empty shell

- DigiShield (difficulty readjustment algorithm developed by Digibyte) is used in many highly regarded 'blue chip' cryptos such as Zcash, Dash, Ubiq, Dogecoin and more. Not bad for an alleged shitcoin...

- Digibyte had an entire chapter dedicated to it in the book "Blockchain For Dummies" by Tiana Laurence, one of the co-founders of Factom. One of just five featured along with Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum and Factom. Again, this from a supposed shitcoin.

- Jared is good friends with CNBC regular Brian Kelly, who described by him as being one of the best in the business. Eager eyed viewers may have heard him namedrop Digibyte on Fast Money recently.

>> No.2395898

Im going to reinvest in a week after selling 3 days ago. Why not. Just what you can afford to loose (50 EUR/USD). I agree with >>2395800

>> No.2396202


the readjustment algo was a wonderful and promising feature for dgb, created 3 years ago

i don't know who the the developer/s was/were or what happened to them, but all of the waning glory of the coin is due to their achievement

here is the 'official dgb roadmap':

of all of the 10 projects, only DiguSign (still can't understand why they picked a repulsive brand name like this) had some promise, but there are other coins that show strong results in this area (both permisionned and permisionless)

one of the few nice features of a regulated market is that stakeholders can actually demand alot more information than a sparse post of the CEO via reddit and a marketing team that buries top online communities with weak propaganda

>> No.2396262

I'd hold her bags

>> No.2396266

I would reccomend waiting a week until you decide. Alt coins are in the shitter right now because of ETH. People aren't looking at the day to day gains, but rather they are looking at the losses between hours. Buy and hold, that's how crypto works

>> No.2396270

There is no fucking interest. The companies handed DGB crew a business card. The most receptive will schedule a meeting and figure out instantly that DGB is shit with no future. Shitcoins are based off of inertia and DGB lost it.

>> No.2396311

Ethereum "lost" its inertia too in 2016 with the hack. DGB went up a shit ton and then went down a lot. It still went up a lot compared to a few weeks ago

>> No.2396336

Thats exactly what a shill would say

>> No.2396392

Link me a porn video and I'll tell what's in it. If I would be at work at the shillfactory I wouldn't be allowed to watch porn so I shouldn't be able to do that

>> No.2396507

You're joking, right?

>> No.2396533


>> No.2396847


>> No.2396888

Oh yeah, quality really is up when >70% of threads are fucking NGR coin shills. KYS pajeet.

>> No.2396890

>Now it's just a metric fuckton of NGRs.

>> No.2396891
File: 164 KB, 1316x1152, 59749085734895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WARNING: New DGB FUDder indentified

This guy is purposely acting like a tinfoil hat sage spammer to make the DGB fanbase look like /pol/lacks. Ignore with caution!

>> No.2397020


still, ngr is a true shitcoin which takes pride in its intrinsic value


>> No.2397045

> The companies handed DGB crew a business card. The most receptive will schedule a meeting and figure out instantly that DGB is shit with no future

Excellent example of a coordinated, professional FUD post.

1) Baseless and free of factual information, but paints a plausible enough picture.
2) Designed to incite as much doubt as possible; lack of future always emphasized.
3) Paints DGB itself as pathetic, not the investors. Targeting the investors themselves would put them on the defensive; the goal is simply to get them to let go of their coins. Organic schadenfreude-driven FUD would not look like this.

>> No.2397075

All good points. Isn't it odd that as soon as people start pointing this shit out /biz/ is spammed nonstop with NGR coin threads?

>> No.2397122

Digibyte is a complete scam. They have benefited from a recent bug and have created extra coins from thin air, using them to pump and dump on you fucking noobs.

>> No.2397134

Post the bug report.

>> No.2397158

it has a future because it's still being developed - but that price was ridiculous and it will go down to a more realistic 200sats or so.

>> No.2397218

Seeing a lot of this type of post too - "[DGB is not so bad], but it was overpriced will correct to [absurdly low price]"