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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23950988 No.23950988 [Reply] [Original]

Is prepping a good financial hedge?

>> No.23951138

Make sure you hedge against prepping too by being a gun owner as well. then you can go shoot other preppers an steal their shit

>> No.23951176

As a financial hedge? Only if price gouging is likely to damage your net worth by jacking up expenditures past a certain threshold. That said it's not a bad policy to have non-perishable emergency stashes of food and supplies even if it isn't a significant financial hedge.

>> No.23951177

It's good for a hobby or learning some handy skills, but if you legitimately think society is going to collapse I'd recommend drinking bleach.

>> No.23951205

this, keep a nice stack. it probably gonna increase in price even more next year

>> No.23951401

buying bulk saves you money so yes its its stuff youll need anyways like TP

>> No.23951426
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You prep by stockpiling coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, and ammo. If society ever actually collapses, you will be able to trade all of these things for what you need to live, provided you have a firearm to make it so folks can't just steal it from you on your trading run. And if it doesn't, you can keep buying food from the store as normal. You should also teach yourself simple permaculture farming methods, like how to build a hugelkultur bed, and three sisters farming, peanut and sweet potato, garlic, etc, and write it all down in a notebook while you still have access to the infinite source of knowledge that is the internet.

>> No.23951451

Its a hedge for your life

>> No.23951523

It's never a bad idea to have a large amount of food on hand with a long shelf life. Even if just because sometimes you don't want to go to the store to buy more food. Worst case scenario, you just have a bunch of food it takes you a while to eat

>> No.23951615