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23947127 No.23947127 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23947141
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Graph is querying the database of historical data (which has already been happened) via code environment. But it's just a completely different project. PARSIQ is not querying, it is performing transformations on live streams of events (that have not happened even yet) with automation triggers, user data and direct integrations with on- and off-chain apps, devices, web services. Also not just ETH, but blockchain agnostic and available for both coders and non-coders.

Different approach, different tech, different product. Not competitors.

>> No.23947167


Parsiq probably the most promising project in crypto right now, the graph is kinda boring.

>> No.23947207

PRQ obviously, lol they just partnered with binance, link and DEXT, 10x EOY

>> No.23947238
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>which is better?

>> No.23947253
File: 171 KB, 498x494, IMG_20201113_184429_733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys about what we are talking about ?
Parsiq is creating first off chain smart contract. In next 2- 3 years their tech will be standard in all crypto world.

>> No.23947318

>off chain smart contract
kek that's one way to call it, I wouldn't though

>> No.23947476

Graph is in Link and ETH caliber already. Parsiq is pajeet flavor of the month that try to ride on Graph success, Worse than Mobius-Link comparisons.

Not to mention that they're doing different things, In fact your pajeet shitcoin might end up using Graph.

>> No.23947504
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>off chain smart contract
So a centralized smart contract with extra steps ?

>> No.23947517

They are not even competitors

>> No.23947522

yes exactly, india will be superbower by 2022

>> No.23947585

They already have a partnership and you just don't know it yet.
The absolute state of both shillteams.

>> No.23947705

Imagine forcing your shitcoin this hard. Parsiqfags might be the worse shillers of the past few months

>> No.23947858


Not really that centralized. You can run the Parsiq platform locally if your rich enough to pay for the subscription of propetarian infrastructure...

But that's besides the point.

They do completely different things...in a not too different future there's probably going to be a partnership between the two.

>> No.23947913

PRQ head dev was (and still is) one of the main people working back-end development for NOIA.

Look up what they did recently, especially in regards to contract migration (same as parsiq), and come back to me.

>> No.23948038

can you say that nicely? Parsiq will be a top 30 projects within the next months. Dont believe I dont care my friend (btw I know you from the world of warcraft reddit sub you sucker)

>> No.23948666

The Graph is doing 10B queries per month. Is used by projects like Uniswap. Will be blockchain agnostic with all mayor layer 1 protocols. This is a no brainer.

>> No.23949179

If you think they are competitors you're a fucking brainlet. Sage

>> No.23949422
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>> No.23949443

How tf do I by buy graph??

>> No.23949456


>> No.23949500

sirs pls buy the parshit

>> No.23949544

This is a scam token.

>> No.23949581

Yes Parsiq is a no brainer.

>> No.23949814

parsiq parsiq all my styling parsiq

>> No.23949950

Haven't looked a this token the graph as I am already comfy in my PRQ position. You can't improve on perfect.

>> No.23949978
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comparing parsiq to the graph is like comparing chainlink to band.

>> No.23950145


It’s not released yet

>> No.23950290

to decide this, we need to settle at court. Kleros are you with us?

>> No.23950837

why is Graph even needed lol

>> No.23951680

Why is Parsiq aka Pajeet coin even needed

>> No.23951777

I love Parsiq

>> No.23951830

useful for trading algorithms, to name one thing

>> No.23951866

Here’s why GRT tokens are needed:

>> No.23951945

Comparing parsiq with graph is like comparing bitcoin with alts lmao

>> No.23951959
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Im currently balls deep in prq so if you guys can refrain from fudding til I've made it that'll be great.

>> No.23952000

Comparing parsiq with graph is like comparing god with a gypsie.

>> No.23952004

Me too

>> No.23952317

Trips confirm the omnipotence of Parsiq..

>> No.23952516

Ask 50% of the whole crypto space why they currently use Graph. Pajeets reached new low, Trying to fud the only legitimate project in the past 2 years in order to shill their dead end shitcoin.

>> No.23952694


PRQ is totally under the normie radar so far, one of the few real /biz/ coins that you're early on

>> No.23953025

>Pajeets reached new low, Trying to fud the only legitimate project in the past 2 years in order to shill their dead end shitcoin.

You must not have been paying attention, the whole "Is Graph better than Parsiq" bullshit started because of Graph fanboys who started spamming that shit in Parsiq thread.
So I guess you just dissed yourself.

>> No.23953277

Idk i don't visit shitcoins threads. The thing is, saying that parsiq is "better" is just borderline scamming people while saying the opposite is just stating the truth, even if they don't do the same thing, "as a legit project".

Honestly i don't see the incentive of Graph holders to shill it on microgap thread, It just degrading Graph, it doesn't make sense and i think the ones who mentioned it there are just parsiq shillers who want to create a false "rivalry", Despite both projects doing different things and even if they did, at different caliber and scale that it would be 100% an insult to even propose the comparison. I've seen the same thing happening with Link, ETH, Monero etc.

>> No.23953342

Totally agree with you. The Graph is a well respected protocol used by the likes of Uniswap and half the current DeFi space. There’s no point in comparing, they’re not even in the same league.

>> No.23953345

kek, Graph fanboys are all so arrogant. I hope it dumps hard soon, you guys need some humility.

>> No.23953539

first biz pushed bitcoin, then we pushed eth, then link and now prq. dont be foolish, take a stake of 20.000 pieces and get ur 100k in 1-2 years.