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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23943970 No.23943970 [Reply] [Original]

Is the Time magazine CEO a time traveller?
Read the article written on October 22th to know why.


>> No.23943986

how about you archive that shit?

>> No.23943992

This reads like a landwhale's gay furry fanfiction where everybody's obese and a faggot or nonbinary and is best friends

>> No.23944009

you got a problem with fetish porn stories where everyone just so happens to have that obscure fetish? Because then you've a problem with me.

>> No.23944014

Perma ban op for off topic

>> No.23944122

kek, true

>> No.23944200

>everything green, free, equal and happy!

>> No.23944578

Best prediction is sleepy jew winning

>> No.23945324

>Biden won
stopped reading there.


>> No.23945836

>Firms were permanently banned from engaging in stock buybacks and barred from paying out dividends or executive bonuses until 2024.

This sentence right here is wtf.
Of course the whole thing is wtf too.

>> No.23945994

This is the most maskoff article I've ever read it's borderline fascist but with a big amount of kikery.

>> No.23946048

Not clicking that gay link but I have an idea
>Taxed 100% above $50k
>Banned fossil fuels
>Cracked down on racism, 4channel closed
>All black biden advisors
>Interest rates to -2%
What did I miss?

>> No.23946054
File: 3.29 MB, 2286x1426, The (((NWO))) normal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23946071

Newfags are everywhere

>> No.23946080

Any fetish other than missionary position is degenerate, zoomer

>> No.23946891

>opinion of a woman

>> No.23947444

People who write these articles should be hanged by the neck till dead. This writer has the audacity to think they know whats best for the world economy.

>> No.23948270
File: 98 KB, 1200x675, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
