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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2393708 No.2393708 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know what major to get into biz bros. Please send help. I'm stuck between Finance, Accounting, Buisness Analytics, Buisness Analytics (IT), Marketing, Human Resources.

>> No.2393737

lesbian dance therapy is the one true subject

>> No.2393742

Accounting makes mad bank. Get chartered after your study. Huge bonuses too. Why? It's too mundane for most people.

Are you personally interested in the list you gave us?

>> No.2393767

Sorry for name, carry-over from other board.

I would pick accounting if I had to pick a job for the money.

Instead I became a freelance designer because that's a job I would do for life without regrets.

>> No.2393785

Major in Communications honestly.
Every one you listed is oversatured, but creative minds are always needed and aren't replaceable.
I feel bad for all these kids thinking STEM is a fast track to a paycheck. They're in for a rude awakening when companies start hiring Indians for a handful of rupees.

>> No.2393810
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>Finance, Accounting, Buisness Analytics, Buisness Analytics (IT), Marketing, Human Resources.

None of those fields touch any hard skills, besides accounting. If you must be in that world, do accounting.

Youre far better off learning web development or another programming field in your spare time at college, and you can make much more money with better career prospects.

t. Finance degree holder who believes it was a big scam. you dont learn any skills, just accounting and basic valuation theory.

i moved into webdev and dont regret it, and i learned everything to get employed in 6 months on my own. and i make more because the demand for actual tech skills is insane.

>> No.2393828

Not interested in anything buisness related, originally wanted to become an engineer but too much of a brainlet. The one thing that doesn't piss me off is statistics. I'm also scared of the normies in Finance, Accounting and Marketing since I'll never get in a group because of autismo. My pipe dream is to become a music producer or do some kind of TV show. I'm scared of being fucked financially desu, so yeah monies are quite important in my decision.

>> No.2393835
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>implying pajeets can code well

at the shittiest entry level maybe, but at high levels of webdev there is insane demand for good people

there is very little demand for a fucking finance degree. you dont produce anything of value.

>> No.2393854
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>I have autism
>I want a business degree that relies almost entirely on soft skills (people skills)

youre complete retarded and should start learning webdev now and should not spend the money to go to college

the biggest joke of all would be if you were actually taking on debt to go to school for this useless degree

>> No.2393886

Accounting means learning a shitton of details and balancing them. Getting good at it is really a grind. It's common to do the job solo though, so if you don't like groups, it's good.

On music and TV, check out Gary Vee on Youtube. You can get started on a Youtube/Reddit combination (don't buy into Snapchat) as a weekly hobby and if you ever retire from accounting, you have a solid basis for it.

Are you familiar with Financial Independence? (Bogleheads, Mr Money Mustache, ...)

Accounting + FIRE is a good combination.

Social skills are important in job interviews. Be open about your autism diagnosis and show that you put in your best effort to interact with people.

>> No.2393922

also thought about applied economics, what do you guys think?

>> No.2394293

Business Analytics (Business Intelligence) can be a fun career path if you enjoy spotting inefficiencies in processes, creating cool reports/visualizations, and improving the business by empowering company decisions with data and a plan.

Plus you get to work with really cool reporting software like Tableau or Microstrategy.