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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23936258 No.23936258 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about the tokenomics of the graph RIGHT NOW

also why does the logo look like an esoteric merchant

>> No.23936765

I really thought /biz/ was going to keep this quiet for a few month and now i see Graph threads spamming daily before it's even launched. Really disappointed in you guys.

>> No.23936999

You realise that /biz is actually a place where anons can help each other out instead of just trying to rip each other off all the time, right? /biz/ didn't "keep LINK quiet" we got pumped about it straight away.
For top tier projects whether /biz/ gets in early or not means jack shit in the grand scheme of things. As someone who has been shilling LINK since ICO it's sad to see that people think this place should just be for scammers trying to offload bags.

>> No.23937172

Do you know when this starts trading fren?
57k link from 2017 here, I'm ready to sell 7k link for this if it starts at a low enough marketcap, but I don't know when it will be unlocked, not a problem since I'm here 24/7 so I'll probably see the waiting room threads but just to prepare myself mentally and set up a plan

>> No.23937221

Pay attention newbies who weren’t here for 0xbtc and Nkn. This is what it looks like when projects want to dump excess inventory on /biz/

>> No.23937319

The team has said between 30 and 60 days from the crowdsale, which gives a date of November 23 to December 23. But they are porting over to a stable mainnet so there is a potential for further delays.
There is no information so far on exchanges or anything and the Telegram gets spammed every 5 minutes by people asking.