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23931326 No.23931326 [Reply] [Original]

How do you avoid hangups? I love doing ritalin and taking a few beers with it. Problem is it doesn't take very long before I start "playing" with all my dating apps (I have them all) to try to hook up. When I go down that hole I'm often not able to stop before I'm sober and my balls dry.

Do anyone have any advice on how to avoid hangups like this? I do like the hangups I get on the ritalin/beer combo, but not when it is porn and dating. I want to only have the hangups were I clean my flat, do my tax return, research something novel or other productive stuff. Problem is when I fall into the sex hole I can't climb back up. Please help me /biz/

This board is the best place to ask because gambling, money and business is known to attract degenerate drug users and especially stimulants like adderall, ritalin and amphetamine.

>> No.23931364

When I was liquored up and on addie thete were times I swear I'd watch porn/jerk for 2 hours.
What's a hangup?

>> No.23931368

I mean literally just have some self control. You gotta start whatever youre working on before the adderal or ritalin or meth or whatever kicks in or you wont start. You probably gotta just keep your phone away from you physically or set up website blockers on your PC too if that fucks you up
t. med student who uses stims on occasion for study binge

>> No.23931401

>You gotta start whatever youre working on before the adderal or ritalin or meth or whatever kicks in or you wont start.

This anon sums it up perfectly. I learned from my own mistakes in that regard

>> No.23931419

>What's a hangup?
It is when you porn jerk for 12 hours

>> No.23931473

>You gotta start whatever youre working on before the adderal or ritalin or meth or whatever kicks in or you wont start
Thanks man, that's good advice and I kind of already know that. Best is to avoid getting into the hole in the first place and I use appblock among other techniques.
What I ask for though, is advice for how to climb back up from the porn hole when I have fallen into it?

>> No.23931482

i would never take a pill that is prescribed by (((doctors))) just microdose some 2cb or lsd ive found it way more effective than aderall instead of just grinding out work and feeling cracked up on adderall while microdosing 2cb i find genuine interest to learn and complete the work im doing to the highest quality.

>> No.23931518

if you are going to keep using stimulants you have to realize it is as simple as pavolv's dog
you currently take the aderall and drink then go to dating apps to when you take the adderall your brain automatically starts to prepare to drink and go on tinder. you have to reform those pathways by breaking the habit. Then you have to continue your new habit anywhere from 2-18 times depending on your iq and age to form the new habit that will take place of the old habit.
If you are young its probably going to take 6-8 times of "grinding" where you have to force yourself then after that it will become habit

>> No.23931534

I mean if your willpower is that shit that you cant just not jerk off then you should probably avoid hard stimulants bro. Try nootropics and stick to coffee or yerba mate instead lol

>> No.23931543

stop taking meth pills. you do know meth is pretty much an aphrodisiac, right?

>> No.23931607

id seriously try microdosing in your case habits built on stimulants are harder to change because stimulants release tons of extra dopamine which amplifies the enjoyment you get out of doing something. So if you have spent your days taking amphetamines and watching porn you brain is going to see porn as a major source of dopamine so your brain is going to MAJORLY want to keep watching porn because your brain is designed to seek dopamine. This is why amphetamines can be effective but rarely are because people don't use them properly. The proper way would be to take them right before you do the task you want to do so your brain releases extra dopamine while doing the task making the task "more enjoyable" so to speak. After doing that 2-18 times you brain will naturally seek to perform that task as it has become a habit and consistent source of dopamine.
you need to start exercising doing cardio as this will help your brain plasticity aka the ability to change its neural pathways which are seemingly very strong... the problem is they are strong in leading you to porn
Even just 2 15 minutes walk outside a day will help massively but if you are decently fit running would be better

>> No.23931738

Who here /takespeedat7amtoworkbutthenstilleatingbagsat11pmandallhe'sdonealldayisjerkoff40timesandnowwontsleepfor48hours/

>> No.23931783
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Stimulants will make everything more enjoyable for a while, including spending hours on a dating app. Use the stimulants to study shit you actually find lowkey interesting but can't focus on. All you gotta do is stop being a promiscuous baboon, control your libido, and get fucking high the right way!

>> No.23932841


>> No.23933007

I actually find that if / when I start heading down that rabbit hole - and some times I refuse the porn/dating app hole but going into a video game hole which is itself just as bad
I find that what REALLY helps if doing some physical exercise - it seems to purge those thoughts associated with instant satisfaction and allows you to focus on the long term fulfillment and goal that you are striving for...

so basically - whenever you find yourself thinking about it and/or have already begun going down into - stop for a second grab a weight or do some push ups and see if your mind will reconsider... almost every time it does and realizes what is at stake everytime you go down the hole - YOUR LIFE - YOUR TIME IS YOUR LIFE and if you are wasting your time - you are technically speaking - wasting your life....

>> No.23933807

Thanks man, this is very helpful

>> No.23933868

>especially stimulants like adderall, ritalin and amphetamine
bro you need weed and chamomile, take it easy

>> No.23934426

pls halp me find Adderall or dexamp source..
My mental shit is rising my Lyfe.

>> No.23934550

You drink beer and wait to be productive? Skip the beer and start doing what you do before you take any stimulants... If you can't even start sober you can't do it on stims.

>> No.23934602

>just popped a dexedrine and waiting on the shits

>> No.23934700

>You gotta start whatever youre working on before the adderal or ritalin or meth or whatever kicks in