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23929291 No.23929291 [Reply] [Original]


Pylon Finance is here! After months of building GPU farms sourced from the vault contributions of initial pylon farming we are now live!

You can stake Pylon right now and dividends from ETH mines will be distributed in 7 days. ETH generated from mines buys pylons and gives to to pylon stakers! Minimum guaranteed APY is 25% and projected APY is 33%

This is nothing like you've seen in the defi space, yield tethered to real income producing assets that are operating as we speak!

Get in or stay poor forever! THE REAPERS ARE HERE

>> No.23929641

Ok pajeet

>> No.23929924

Do you need me to spoonfeed you? Come when first didivends come in tell me im a pajeet you fuckin future pink wojak

>> No.23930015

>After months of building GPU farms sourced from the vault contributions of initial pylon farming we are now live!
so let me get this straight .... you used the funds to buy GPUs? and I guess you're lending these GPU mining services to other tokens and people who own Pylon are getting some money from the money you make mining other coins?

Uhhhhh while at least your economics aren't based on thin air, why the fuck would you not use that money for advertising instead?

>> No.23930176

Seems like it's already pretty fairly valued for crypto, especially considering the future price potential. Not particularly interested in buying atm desu. Especially since the guy behind it said how he "respects" people who bought at $1k and beyond, which when trying to read between the lines means they are fucked. Kek.

>> No.23930195

worst financial decision I've ever made

>> No.23930226

Oh my sweet summer child you haven't seen nothin yet...

>> No.23930245

Top buyer? I feel pain fren but the GPU mines are legit.

>> No.23930385

Not really the top, I bought some to farm solarite after that pool opened and bought some solarite at like $100 to farm kassia. Didnt really lose that much but the gas makes it not even worth it to unstake lol.

>> No.23930454

Lol ye that was a bit of a fuck around but the end result for the project is the same. I admit it would have just been easier to buy low but the defi crash really fucked the farming returns so sucks but in the end we are live and ive got more pylons then i have sense

>> No.23930895

>Buy GPUs to mine ETH
>distribute that ETH to stakers

There is absolutely no way this is profitable. DRC already offers ETH for staking in a sustainable manner.

>> No.23931006

Eth actually buys pylon which is distributed. How exactly isnt it? Are you saying eth mining isnt profitable? Thats what this is

>> No.23931070
File: 3.21 MB, 2518x1666, UnnBridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has nothing over Unn.Finance and it certainly doesn't have Alameda on board.

>> No.23931098

ETH mining for the average person is not profitable (which I'm sure you already know). Unless you're in China or producing you're own electricity it's extremely expensive. Not to mention the cost of cards etc.

From the OP it sounded like GPU were purchased to farm ETH. That ETH is then distrusted to stakers. Like I said DRC (Dracula protocol) already does this in a sustainable manner. It sells farmed rewards for ETH to give them to stakers.

Do you have a link since I'm getting it wrong?

>> No.23931317

>>23931098 this isnt a ten year old with a macbook mining this. These guys already run a profitable ETH mining business and the first mining dividends will come from assets bridged from their existing infrastructure. So yes this is more sustainable than a protocol that farms other yield protocols for profit. Economies of scale is the goal here, more mines will be built out generating more profit and more mines and so on

Pylon.finance for details

>> No.23931378

Ok I’ll be nice but I’m only spoonfeeding the midwit once and only because of assblaster. Pylon mines eth. That eth is used to buy pylon off the market and distribute to pylon holders who stake. This is called a snowballing effect. Bu-bu-bu eth2.0! Oh I’m sorry midwit is eth 2.0 out yet? Is staking eth for divvies happening right now? No? Huh.

>> No.23931414

Imagine being dumb enough to follow a thought leader. Vitalik also said link wasn’t worth 30 million yet I sure as hell got rich off it. This board has gone to fucking shit to back to Plebbit faggot

>> No.23931982

And you guys aren't worried about the 1 billion dollars of ETH that are about to be unlocked on the 17th from Uniswap?

>> No.23932023

Ok I was originally shit posting but it's nice to see that there's at least some thought out into this.

I thought this was another food scam coin. I'll take a deeper look.

>> No.23932429

once alt season picks back up this is legit going to 5k per token. I wish I was joking