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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23926007 No.23926007[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you guys every noticed how the skin complexion of people who peddle scams in crypto is always a pasty wh*te color? There has to be some form of reparations that I can get as an Indian for getting scammed so many times by the wh*te community. Anyone got any tips for me?

>> No.23926033

You should be looking at the people who are devaluing your money by printing more of it. This is the ultimate scam. And the perpetrators are Jewish. Not White.

>> No.23926053


how is it a scam? the alternative is to pay off the 400k dollar per citizen debt instead of inflating away.
Do you have 400k dollars?

>> No.23926071

Did we allow that debt? Did anyone ask you? KYS cuck - americans are truly now soiboys, land of the free my ass.

>> No.23926080


so what do you suggest you fucking retard? every country in the world default on their loans and we end up with anarchy?

>> No.23926090
File: 26 KB, 996x210, JP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP is a catholic i blame you. the white men once again shifts to blame to someone else

>> No.23926112

The Indians and Chinese scam all the time you just fall for white people because you know deep down were better across the board than you.

>> No.23926145

they are not the ones taking over nations bombing countries and devaluing their currencies

>> No.23926351

Asian currencies are highly inflated, trumps been an anti war president. Stay mad, it must really smell over there.

>> No.23926374

trump is not an anti war president. he is helping saudi america bomb and starve millions of children in yemen. white people are the most destructive race to have born on this planet they invade countries like iraq based on lies kill millions displace millions for generations and point fingers on other people.

>> No.23926403

Yes, it’s complicated to find a pearl in a sea. But I've found a good project on the PosBit news channel. It calls Dymmax (dymmax.com), and I you to check and make sure that I’m right

>> No.23926409

Jp is not a central bank nigger.

>> No.23926425

It seems our superiority has sparked some controversy

>> No.23926477

he still is responsible for heavily devaluing the dollar, what difference does it make?

america is a superior country but white supremacists dont have any justification in what they preach

>> No.23926535

>america is a superior country but white supremacists dont have any justification in what they preach
Sure, it was actually all the niggers that built America, right? I'm not even a burger by the way. My Euro country is superior to America in everything but military might and size. Coincidentally it was built, maintained and made great by white people ONLY.

>> No.23926556

what is your country? and how can you dismiss slavery? africans have been slaves longer than freed people in american history

>> No.23926632

The Netherlands. How can I dismiss slavery? Easy: every culture on earth practiced slavery to different various degrees of success. Once again, when Europeans started doing it en masse (like the Arabs), it was clear Europeans were also better at slave trading than other cultures. Shocking, I know. Anyway, being the superior culture that we are, we also saw the error of our ways and outlawed slavery. Once again proving our superiority.

Hence, I feel absolutely 0 guilt over what happened. I even feel vast amounts of pride when I read about the colonial Dutch past (VoC is /biz/' wet dream). It must be hard being some displaced ethnic with no clear roots, history or culture to be proud of. I'm sure it is. Still doesn't mean you have to seethe so hard at white people though.

>> No.23926649

fuck off with these cheap bait posts back to /pol or plebbit or whatever hole you fucking crawled out of

>> No.23926690

it is good that you stopped it from happening but less than 100 years later you cannot except non-whites to suddenly be mirror replicas of your communities it will take multiple generations because the damage has clearly been done. and the difference between the arab slave trade and european slave trade is that in the arab slave trade it was seen as a spoil of war while Europeans aggressively went on faulty science to justify their actions leading to decades of systemic racism

>> No.23926853

What damage has been done to what communities? Are you talking about african american communities in the US being behind because of slavery, or almost any sub saharan African country being a total shitshow "because of slavery"? Because one of them has some merit at best and the other is just pants on head retarded. The funniest thing to me is that there clearly are other races (race theory is no pseudo science by the way, rather denying racial variance between humans exists is anti-science), who were equally as worse or worse off than Africans, who managed to not only survive but thrive after being uplifted by Europeans and even surpass us in some fields and technologies. Whereas Africans, just like the 1000s of years before we encountered them, are still struggling to make anything work.

I suggest you watch Empire of Dust. It's a documentary following a Chinese foreman who is tasked with leading a team of Africans. China has been quietly re-colonising Africa, and in doing so they came to the conclusion that building infrastructure is almost impossible by using the locals as a workforce. China has been sending their surplus of unmarried men over there to pick up the slack since it's faster, cheaper and more efficient than trying to get the locals to do the work. Just let that sink in. Clearly there is a big cultural and/or genetically induced difference between races that causes this.

>> No.23926867
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>> No.23927188

i will watch the documentary but i fully reject your claims of racial superiority. every race is capable of achieving equal results as long as they are not exploited

>> No.23927228

hasn't literally every German crypto project brazenly exit scammed

>> No.23927264

White people just flexing their techno babble on the brown masses