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23924608 No.23924608 [Reply] [Original]

>She traveled twice to Europe during her school vacations. I was against that too, as we can’t afford it based on the joint account balance. She went anyway with her girlfriends, and every year she buys luxury bags.
>During the COVID-19 shutdown, her spending and travel was put on hiatus, so our joint account grew. For the first time, it broke the $7,000 mark. She paid off her student loan in one go with her secret account money, about $10,000. That shocked me, because I always thought she had no money in that account.

>> No.23924674

Kek. What a cuck. Browse biz more.

>> No.23924698

You just know she was getting a dicking while in Europe.

>> No.23924703
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>She insisted on putting money aside for travel, and said if I won’t go, she will travel alone with the money. I finally blew a fuse and texted her parents that I want a divorce.
uh, where did that come from?

>> No.23924720

I can't understand how someone can be so cucked.
At what point do you stop trusting someone who doesn't show any respect to you?

>> No.23924733
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>I finally blew a fuse and texted her parents

>> No.23924739


>> No.23924744

how easy are some peoples life to put up with other peoples bullshit

>> No.23924755

>owning a house bound to governments
The ultimate bondage and submission to slavers.

>> No.23924785

What's the point of this article? Some cuck lifeblogging to cope? Won't use that site if this is the kind of "market news" they write about

>> No.23924799

It's all written by completely jaded slavs trying to ragebait incels. 90% of this sort of content is just straight psyop.

>> No.23924816

It's sad that this is a valid business strategy these days.

>> No.23924845
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>joint account

stay away from women

>> No.23924869

It's like wherever I go I'm still browsing /pol/

>> No.23924875

But what about the wife's boyfriend?

>> No.23924925

i once met up with a girl , she literally asked me for DUN, I was like what the heck, then i checked it up and now im shaking

>> No.23925091

>For the first time, it broke the $7,000 mark

Kek imagine beeing that guy

>> No.23925184

How do guys like this even exist? I'm pretty beta and even I could never accept something like this. It's like they have zero self respect and instinct to protect their own interests. And even after the fact he still lacks self awareness. Instead of being brutally honest with himself and realizing he was a complete sucker and all roasties are whores, he still tries to defend her like a complete/expresses himself like a complete door mat.

>> No.23925365
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The final red pill. These men make up the majority of all men. All men have a limit to their desperation and even the top 20% of men can happily settle for the bottom 20% of women when they get desperate enough

>> No.23925400

>How do guys like this even exist?
How do you know they do? Do you think:

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Does not apply to random shitsites?

>> No.23925435

Jesus lad, I have been a mens rights campaigner for a decade and I hear real, much worse stories than this on a daily basis. Take the rose tinted blinkers off and reveal the succubus.

>> No.23925437


not me. the idea of settling with any roastie gets bleaker by the day. let alone the bottom 20%... It just wouldnt make me horny. Whores4life I guess.

>> No.23925459

You have no idea how desperate some people are to not be alone, both men and women, they would rather be in a shitty and abusive relationship. Sad really.

>> No.23925467

Women are fucking terrible with money. Early into my relationship my gf kept trying to get me to open a joint account with her. I point blank refused and I was actually (naively) surprised that she was shocked/upset that I wouldn't.

I knew that she was like 8k in debt and had shit credit score and loads of credit cards. 5 years later and I have helped her manage her money better to pay off her debts but there not a chance in hell I'll ever combine our finances

>> No.23925477

How is this about women? The questions was about the guy, the reply was that maybe the whole story is made up and you make it about women being succubi.

>men's rights campaigner
consider the above, boy.

>> No.23925491

What is a DUN?

>> No.23925504

Yeah, clearly he should have set up his own seperate account.

>> No.23925518

Why are you dicking around with a girl for 5 years?

>> No.23925519

This basically boils down to the commodity we know as pussy. He thinks this particular pussy is not worth the asking price. He is about to find out he is already contractually obligated and probably more now he tries to breach contract. Divorce court will eat him alive.

>> No.23925745

This reaction desu

>> No.23925792
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>> No.23926423

Its amazing to me that men used to give their money over to their wives so they could manage the household in the olden days. Imagine that happening now.

>> No.23926506

pretty much. never getting married, never having kids. I thank my parents for showing me the issues with matrimony so I didn't have to learn them myself.

>> No.23926692

> mens rights campaigner
What a cuck you must be. White, male, 1st World still clearly unsuccessful.
Manage to get God's perfect choice and still ended up being a beta.

>> No.23926720

heres the red pill fren, in the olden days homes were happier and relationships actually lasted, the idea of the man going to work and the woman looking after the house and kids is based af.
The only people that argue against that are beta incel autists on this Mongolian basket weaving forum
> muh my money, never going to share.
Utter beta mentality

>> No.23926725

she cute

>> No.23926733

this scenario is more common than you think. the "good provider" "nice guy" partner / spouse and paypig.

>> No.23926750

Have sex

>> No.23926769

Dial up network. Gamer oppression needs to stop

>> No.23926799

This is why you should invest money on a woman only if you can definitely bind it to her loyalty, so that as soon as she chimps out, she shall not get a single dime.

The dude who was told to be a man is your usual cuck™ who took too much time to realize he was being scammed by a selfish immature woman.

And I'd safely bet she rode quite a number of dicks before starting a relationship with him. He bought a 1974 Ford Bronco priced more than a brand new Ferrari..

>> No.23926903

> We are both Chinese
And suddenly everything in the article makes sense. The hyper-consoomerism of the wife, the betaness of the husband, the inability of the in-laws to realize that their daughter is being an idiot and instead blaming the husband for not making more.

>> No.23927003

see >>23925365
also, that same majority of men are socially gate-kept from picking up debt-free 18 year old girls. and the media tries to ruin them as soon as they hit puberty anyway.
it's all part of the plan. Just do The Great Reset anon. Own nothing (neither money, nor family), be happy.

>> No.23927038

Oh haha that makes so much sense.
Imagine if they were both Korean and double, if not square, that shit up.
The guy would probably end up castrated once the divorce ends, and not by his will either. :D

>> No.23927062

> can't get woman their own age
> complains its not ok to pick up 18 year olds

>> No.23927090

>can't separate kids, teenagers and young adults

>> No.23927099

who the fuck wants 35 year old women?
ideal age is 18-25

>> No.23927103

Pick one and only one. Also checked.

>> No.23927150
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Burgers getting cucked left and right by us Yuro-chads.
Keep'em c(o/um)ming.

>> No.23927163

that's because that anon is brainwashed too. 'stay within your age group' 'don't marry younger' 'are you a pedo?' (gasp, what if she has no debt? no-no-no that won't do goyum!)
all part of the program. don't argue and waste your energy on them, they're ngmi.
heh, checked, can also probably bet that he solved her debts, too.

>> No.23927281

>We are both Chinese, so there are a lot of “cultural” expectations for the husband to take care of his wife.

Bug people. Nothing more.
Ya just hate to see it!

>> No.23927478

you are a fucking retard. You only give her money to do the grocery shopping and the like. Not hand over your financial independence you gigantic cuck. Also when the fuck did men actually hand over the finances to women? I have only ever heard of this being the norm in some asian cultures and they have the highest male suicide rates in the world.

>> No.23927541

As I've understood it, marriage is a mutual partnership. Unless a prenup, it is 50/50. Does this mean that hiding money from your spouse, as with this article, is illegal?

>> No.23927575

>Dear Moneyist,
>I am 31 years old and my wife is 30. We both live in New York.
you didn't have to read further to know this would be a beta/cuck story

>> No.23927620

This is true. My Grandpa would give my Grandma a small amount of money each week to look after the kids and household. Unfortunately for him, being a boomer he never accounted for inflation so by the time he was too demented to do anything about it they were living in a $7 million house, with a chickenfeed budget and the rest of the money all squirreled away in forgotten places that took around 10 years to unravel in the will after my Grandma died. I'm not suggesting this is a good idea of course, just that the concept of the wife managing the house finances isn't what people often seem to believe.

>> No.23927674
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Where do I find cute finance gf who will scold me for degenerate all in plays?

>> No.23927846
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all news is propaganda/ conditioning

>> No.23927890

Hes Chinese

>> No.23928363

Listen guys, I encourage my wife to bang other dudes, and I am nowhere near as big a cuck as this guy.

>> No.23928472


>> No.23928507

>I just wished she would have shared more of the financial burden given that she is such a big spender.
Look at this dude

>She traveled twice to Europe during her school vacations. I was against that too, as we can’t afford it based on the joint account balance. She went anyway with her girlfriends,
Oh no no no no

>We are both Chinese

>> No.23928520

>She paid off her student loan in one go with her secret account money, about $10,000. That shocked me, because I always thought she had no money in that account.

>> No.23928542

that is most gfs, Anon.