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23923389 No.23923389 [Reply] [Original]

Ok guys so basically i used to have nice account back in 2017..fast forward to january 2020, fuck up It and have Just 2k left...i get my sleeves up and try to trade my account back to a decent size..got It up to 3k trading old but safe shitcoins on binance...fast forward to now i buy hard token and turns out i didnt did any kind on research and it is a farm token , it keep going down.
My account Is back to 1.8k.
What should i do?
Options are:
-I sell at a loss and keep Building back my account on old shitcoins on binance.
- I wait for it to bounce
-sell at a loss and start trading much risky but much rewarding shit token on uni.
-other , you tell me?
Im not a thirld Word subhuman so pls help me my fellows americans and allies help me like u did in wwii ty
Ps:no kneepad suggestions ty

>> No.23923408

are you the man in your picture?

>> No.23923449

U sound like a pajeet to me

>> No.23923475

mmm show me your boobs send me *smacks lips* send me i want to see your boob *smacks lips* i want to see

>> No.23923512

not pajeet but please please post pic of bob i make you rich baby RICH

>> No.23923559

Hold btc for the next two to three months. We are about to be back into another 2017 era bull run. Hold btc until ATH is reached, and btc rebounds down a lil bit,
eth will catch up, normies will begin to buy up defi projects, so basically hold btc until ath get into eth and get into a good defi project and you should have 10k 4 months from now no problem even if you are retarded

>> No.23923565

I Will post sauce if somebody has suggestions or intelligent solution to my problem

>> No.23923578
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earn extra FIAT and put it safely into DMM / USDT for 6% too. FUCK BANK AND FUCK JANNIES

>> No.23923617

I appreciate this kind of answer but btc is out of questions, i used to own a dozen (starded buying at 3k) but with this kind of lunch Money i dont see it worthy

>> No.23923640

if you really where around in 2017 you remember how shit like stellar fucking like 100xd over night right after btc fell from 20kish range to 18 to 16k range? expect the same shit to happen with defi based projects. Sounds like you already understand crypto is a game of patience and timing. If you really know what a "safe" alt coin looks like you will make money soon. Also unironically get the fuck off binance, once btc moons and you cash out into eth for the defi bull run that will follow, own your own keys and start using meta mask and uniswap to get into coins, sub 10k is small enough where your stack won't cause much price slippage anyway. So at that point get your eth into your privately owned meta mask and get into some good defi projects. You will make it anon

>> No.23923651

it looks like fuckin brazilian big brother or some shit, im 99.99% certain that picture exists because it was the only one worth taking and even if you told us sause i wouldnt be able to fap to it

>> No.23923668

Ahah you are 97% right except is not brazilian Big Brother and the full thing is totally fapable

>> No.23923700

u already got ur advice now give the coom material

>> No.23923730

I can understand why btc doesn't interest you it didn't interest me when I had sub 5k either 10% gains and losses here and there in btc fucking sucks. but overall the market is going to go up. I don't like it either but the facts are this. Regardless of how shitty you think the dev team or fundamentals of btc is, it's the gateway drug into the world of crypto. The types of bull markets that are about to happen are caused by normies (or new people in general) getting into crypto. When you don't know shit about crypto you fomo into the big 1 btc and sometimes eth (no. 2)
Second realize who is getting into the bull market out of fomo and adjust what you buy accordiningly. It isn't about what projects do shit first its about what projects do shit better. Normies who haven't been in crypto since the last bull run in 2017 don't know shit about defi but they will want to learn but will still struggle to understand. This means things like UI and UX of the project are going to be very important in estimating the potential upside. We are talking about a huge influx of boomers and mellenials, who may think they know how to use a computer but if it isn't all nice and pretty and laid out for them they aren't going to use it. Compound and AAVE are going to see massive influxes first would be my guess followed by more obscure but good projects with pretty and understandable UI and UX, those are going to be the real moon missions.

>> No.23923760

Ty anon a Word of incuragement is Always appreciated! Btw i kinda feel market is not as nearly bullish as in 2017, we dont see any 50% movement overnight as we did back then, but i see something similar on uniswap , there i see 10%20% movement on almost every pair(not considering 1000% rugpull Coin moves). I probably think is the only viable way for small account ....i Just feel like a waste of resource coz i wouldnt be able to use my trading tools that i bought over the years(premium subscription to couple of services..), edfectively that seems the only way..

>> No.23923783

Forgot to mention this, but you should know this by now, when btc moons alts suffer, alts do well when btc is sideways not vertical. because even though you may not do this because fuck bitcoin everyone else fomos in to ride the wave. This means if you want to be stubborn and hodl muh alts while btc moons expect to see large losses as everyone gets the fuck out of everything that isn't btc or eth. Starting next month you should not be holding anything that isn't in the top 100 or hell even the top 50 in market cap otherwise your wallet will suffer and you will be here bitching about how you missed out and scrambling to find the "next 100x" in threads to desperately make up for what you lost.

>> No.23923860

Ty anon
Guys im about to call it for this trhead. I Just Need One more suggestion on this particolar trade on this goddamn hard token, should i wait for a bounce? I see a lot of farmed coins do so bad and in scared holding this May hurt my wallet more, seeing how badly crv or flm farmed tokens performer, but for this One idk what should i do, somebody told on tg that binance gonna announce some mainnet integration for kava network for this token soon in couple days, anyone has idea or experience with farmed tokens? I promise sauce once i got some replies i got already sauce copied on my clipboard...ty anons

>> No.23923863

Two things, 1 I know it's tempting rn to get into rug pulls and basically just gamble with what little you have but this is unironically wage cuck thinking. Get out of the I've already lost mindset
2 Anon when do you really think uniswap rug pulls are going to make you serious money? now after the uniswap and defi hype died down since the summer or after a huge influx of normies learn about uniswap and defi? I think you need to realize those tools you have now are going to become expotentially more valuable in the short term future. there is going to be uniswap and defi based pump and dumps like the erc20 ico scams back in 2017 real soon, at least be smart enough to still have crypto in your name when that time comes and don't waste it prior to that time because you feel like you've already lost and your only options are basically gambling it away.

>> No.23923902

I see a lot of pairs do a 50-100-500x in minutes when they Just get listed,i tried only once with some spair eth but i sold at break even, di you have experience with that? Is that doable to sell before they pull the rug? Otherways i was Just thinking to browse coingecko list and are possible buying opportunities on legit tokens that do 10-20% in hours when there is a good entry point

>> No.23923958

sir just buy any of the defi tokens on uniswap that are confirmed to be legit, even if they dont have a stellar usecase, biz knows.... buy sta/pnk/xbtc

>> No.23923971

I don't have experience with farming so I'm just going to leave this last bit of advice, I've been in your shoes at sub 10k, but realize this anon if and when the day comes this is going to be very important, if you ever hit 100k realize you are alot of the marketcap now for those shit coins and a 5x on paper is nice, but not when you realize its going to take a week to cash out or you have to cause a massive dump in the price to get out with all those coins. This makes it near impossible to take gains in shit coins and rug pulls or even semi legit coins. I hope one day you become a whale and this knowledge serves useful to you.
I made my bags back in 2019 so before uniswap and coingecko but I did similar shit almost always came out either at break even if not small losses. Crypto isn't a game of offense it's defense, I don't mean this as an insult anon because I was there too but you sound like an embodiment of buy high sell low desu. Offense meaning you don't jump in when shit has already moved, you slip in when something good has hit lows
pnk was a shit coin until uniswap gave it actual purpose. other two still are shit coins imo. But i like the pnk example it was a total shit coin that was legit and didn't have a real usecase until uniswap came around and now they can bank on verifying projects on uniswap and curating their own coinlists

>> No.23924070
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Retard. If you'd just hodled BTC instead of fucking around with shitcoins you'd have nearly $200K instead of under $2K.

>> No.23924077

Ty anon i bow before thy !
Goodbye anons here is the sauce jannies pls close

>> No.23924090

good luck fren!

>> No.23924216

You should buy INJ Protocol, that's what you should do. It's on a super bullish trend and it will probably increase af in the upcoming days.

>> No.23924341

Just long btc futures instead of buying shitcoins. As someone who's been around since 2013 I think this time is unironically different and is being fueled by institutions, billionaires, and boomers that aren't going to be buying vaporware tokens on uniswap.

>> No.23925244

Ok dude give suace on the crop
Don't be a nigger

>> No.23925315

i dont speak fucking italian, tell me the name of this whore

>> No.23926010

the answer is in front of you eyes.

The blue chips are:

LINK has the highest beta

Go all in LINK