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File: 78 KB, 1000x667, Bitcoin-coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2392225 No.2392225 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like this is my only way to enter the madness. Can not afford Bitcoin myself cause I earn 4,00 bucks an hour in the grocery store. Saved up 132 so far so not even enough for 0,1.

TYC - Will do anything for Bitcoin. You name it, I do it.


P.S Will not murder animals or kids.

Donations welcome.

>> No.2392237


>> No.2392249

>Will not murder animals or kids.

kill your mum then

>> No.2392292

Depending on how kyoot you are, you might consider doing those nude cam sites that allow tipping. I've seen people throw crazy amounts of cash at people. Hell, I've seen trolls that go on fully clothed, tease about getting naked after a certain goal is reached, and then immediately sign off after walking away with $1000 in tips. Works for men and women. Lot of gay NEETs too.

>> No.2392577

Nignog that's enough.
I cashed $200 out of my brokerage account. Profit from some stocks. Then I put it in coinbase and bought ~ .667 btc.
Now I trade that amount at poloniex. Soon I'll be at .1 btc.
Take advantage of this market environment ASAP. Rising tide lifts all boats definitely applies here. If you bought Dash/BTC pair last night you'd be up 25% right now