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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23921818 No.23921818 [Reply] [Original]

It's coming. Soon. You've been warned.

>> No.23921831

Bitch, we know the reset is coming. We know the WEF, UN and IMF are going to try to ass rape us. It really is just a matter of finding the right crypto and avoiding getting fucked over as they roll out the reset.

>> No.23921844
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>> No.23921978

Your vauge predictions are always wrong.

>> No.23922062

the history of America is about elites pulling the rug out from under the working class to make way for even more power and wealth to themselves and more pain and dislocation for the plebs

I know you will say BUT I HAVE A CELLPHONE THAT CAN TAKE PICTURES sure you do sure but will you ever be able to retire and what kind of job will you be forced to do to stay alive will there be any? you don't have any clear future you just have hopes that hopes that you have seen will be smashed again and again by this system

>> No.23922083

yes we know the mega pump is coming you faggot

>> No.23922126

>the history of America is about elites
into the trash it goes, with the rest of the commie bullshit

>> No.23922171
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Believe or do not, your trust has no effect on what is to come.

>> No.23922206

I got rich off a pandemic, bitch. I’m gonna tell my kids one day how daddy butt fucked the system. But I’m sure it sucks to suck

>> No.23922273

temporarily embarrassed millionaires folks you love to see it

>> No.23922308

do you think every millionaire/successful person is some kind of elite cosmopolitan with ties to Jewish power or some shit

>> No.23922327

Not making this work for you. Ngmi

>> No.23922361

digital helicopter money inbound...

>> No.23922437


The greatest trick was convincing the envious retards the real enemy is that upper middle class and definitely not the colluding nation-destroying megabillionaires.

>> No.23923166


>> No.23923183
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Yeah btc is going to contineu to ride the top of the Bollinger bands forever until it hits 100k, what else would happen

>> No.23923209
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We win anons
We always do

>> No.23923226

Your "warnings" have no effect on what's coming or how people will prepare for it

>> No.23923356

absolutely, if you don't have a degree from a masonic indoctrination institution and/or are a member of the masons, you aren't going anywhere in this world. You suck kike cock or you starve.

>> No.23923530
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>> No.23923624

one day btc go basis and then everyyybody die

>> No.23923659

Glitch private? We know.

>> No.23924127

MAGA pump*

>> No.23924835

It's here. Hope you sold.

>> No.23925012

nah DUN is already here