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23917850 No.23917850 [Reply] [Original]

Drunk again frens whats wrong with me.
Making more money than ever atm but still sad as fuck.
Grew up poor and now im rich but i cant buy the things i really want, a normal life.

>> No.23917859

Due to coronavirus or due to your personality?

>> No.23917858

There is nothing wrong with drinking yourself to death

>> No.23917879

personality, corona hasnt changed anything in my life except that i have to wear a mask sometimes

>> No.23917930

Desire is the root of all suffering. Stop wanting a "normal life" so bad. You are rich, presumably healthy, and you know about crypto. You are more fortunate than 99% of all people who ever lived.

>> No.23917964

stop drinking nigger

>> No.23917973

Fuck u Jew get smited
Brother you belong to a community who wants you to be happy. This is one, but there is an irl one too. It could be a church it could be a cards club. But you belong somewhere.

>> No.23917978
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Stop drinking alcohol cunt

>> No.23917982
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You unironically need Jesus and male friends. Join the Catholic Church and then the Knights of Columbus

>> No.23917984

Switch to weed friend

>> No.23918002

Solid advice. You can educate them about crypto, and learn from them as well.

>> No.23918011

this is me

>> No.23918015

Always get bad trips because my brain is so sensitive i cant do anything besides drinking

>> No.23918016

Just go to a therapist, then take up social sports

>> No.23918065

at least homebrew with your own wild yeast culture if youre going to drink. dont forget, hand made artisan bread, beer, and cheese in various forms have been the holy trinity of food since forever.

>> No.23918357

>Social sports
>During covid

Uhhh...yeah right. I think snorting ketamine and listening to drone music seems like a better idea.

>> No.23918483

Dude, you're rich. Why do you want a normal life? I guess a better question would be, what are you looking for in a normal life?

>> No.23918502

a normal brain that doesnt hate me and a foreskin

>> No.23918534

Get a nice gf with a joyful mind. Yes you’ll spend money but it’s maybe worthy.
Don’t tell her how much you have. Don’t spend big. Travel with her, go camping, whatever. Take a really smart one and pretty otherwise you’ll have doubts

>> No.23918546

>Take a really smart one
hahaha this doesnt exist where i live

>> No.23918551

>a foreskin
Ah yes, I had one too. Some rich guy took it without my consent when I was born.

>a normal brain that doesn't hate me
pfft why would your brain hate you? you made yourself rich

>> No.23918576

>pfft why would your brain hate you? you made yourself rich
guessing from this answer i know that you never hated yourself

>> No.23918610

try magic mushrooms. you have money. get them at amsterdam or go to mexico. enjoy

>> No.23918651

bro i wish we could go grab a bear together but I'm dirt poor so pop a new one in my name and cheers my man!

>> No.23918690

I wish that was true bro, maybe I could've been living a life by now.

>> No.23918704

Family >>>>> everything else. Gives you purpose and hope.

>> No.23918713

Stop the porn and alcohol/drugs. Get through the PAWS and finally start living.

>> No.23919661

You sound exactly like me brah, except I'm not rich or a heavy drinker yet

>> No.23919674

have you cashed out anything or are you just rich in theory?

>> No.23919834

I'm you OP. Total boozer. Quitting is extremely difficult. If I get drunk one night then it's likely I end up going on a bender. I do it because I'm bored. But even so, I work out a few times a week and I am well off.
I think a big problem right now is that because of the lockdown it's very hard to meet people where I live. I also live in an area where I don't really know many people. Most of my days I'm just working and browsing the internet by myself. But when I am actually going out and meeting people, like back when I was in college, then my life is exciting.
Anyways, if you are like me, then you need to get laid. Getting pussy has that weird remedy of getting your mind out of that place. Tomorrow I am going to a museum and on Sunday I am going to a park. It's little things but if you plan to get out of your comfort zone you may meet someone who is nice.
Whats your drink of choice OP?

>> No.23919859

what is drone music
i will sniff a line of ketamine with you right after i say goodnight to my gf

>> No.23919904

drone is a type of repetitive ambient music that, well, drones. some of it is really ethereal like stars of the lid, and some of it is more dark and occultish like sunn O)))

>> No.23919958
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>Doesn't know drone music
Fucking normalfags.

>> No.23920221

hey nigger i spend 16 hours a day in front of a computer so fuck off with the normalfag you little bitch boy

>> No.23920258

I prefer total darkness and earplugs for my ketamine experience. About 300mg should do the trick.

>> No.23920271


>> No.23920301 [DELETED] 

Stop listening to your thoughts. Literally you have to meditate to train this but you can catch yourself having "self hatred" thoughts and reprogram them into better thoughts. It's called neural pathways. The more you wallow in self hatred the worse it gets. Stop being a bitch of your own making.

>> No.23920331
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Good tactic. I usually just rail a whole gram bag in a day until I cease to functionally exist.
Recommend something like:


>> No.23920482

stop drinking. prove you can stop drinking. you can't hide from yourself forever.

>> No.23920744

What shitcoin did you buy early that made you rich anon?

>> No.23920842

This, I was in a similar rut a few years ago. I literally tried a meditation app and followed it religiously for 2 years.

>> No.23921065

OP, I have been in similar situation. Right now you can't do much then meditation, sun baths and reading the tao te ching https://taoism.net/tao/tao-te-ching-online-translation/ . When covid ends start making part of a community, be it a rugby team, karate classes, church, yoga classes, you name it. You are human being and you need to have some basic things that were defined by natural selection, you need social interactions, good sleep, good food, a GF and to do something you consider meaningful of your life.
Also, don't stop drinking all of a sudden if you are drinking too much, withdrawal can be pretty bad, research how to stop and keep lowering you dose. When covid ends only drink socially, that is what I do now, but I used to drink a lot when I was in undergrad, like really a lot, I have panic attacks and I used to drink to make it go away, but it would came back worse. Now a days I drink whole black pepper tea when I start to have panic attacks, it really works for me, it must be the whole seed, not grounded.

>> No.23921196

Retarded but it works, start running few times a week, do work out 2 or 3 times a week. Start going to dentist with that money, great teeth is a good confidence booster, if u have any of the Retarded social media just delete that shit you will have much more time and u will natirally start doing more useful things with that time.

>> No.23921222

That’s like me. Honestly, if you can get your hands on LSD it doesn’t matter.

But don’t rely on drugs anon. It sounds like you have to find meaning outside of the identity you’ve built up for yourself. Maybe that’s religion or a philosophy. But you aren’t going to find happiness. Happiness is not the point of life.

>> No.23921246

Sure are a lot of Jews on 4chan these days....

>> No.23921330

Imagine looking for happines in church

>> No.23921340

why what is the point in this?

>> No.23921382

when i ask this its because when you trip of psychedelics you learn and can see without your ego but what does the khole do? I never really feel like i have taken much out of it

>> No.23921384


ketamine is good stuff. depression goes away for a month, get to convene with the fabric of reality for a night

>> No.23921490

withdraw a few k and go to thailand and fuck tons of girls