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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23914973 No.23914973 [Reply] [Original]

Don't you think something like linguo is a waste of time compared to what they could achieve with some focus? It is by far not 10 times better than other language applications. You could offer the exact same value proposition in a centralized model.

They should focus on oracles, escrow, and insurance that's all that matters.

>> No.23915040

I don't think you're quite getting why linguo is important
it's less about creating revenue or a useful dapp, and more about attracting attention of people who develop dapps, they'll all need translations, and this is their 1 and only stop to get everything they need
linguo is the hook

don't question clemmy ever again, metic

>> No.23915187

Is “focused” the new /biz/ dogwhistle for “white”?

>> No.23915212

fuck niggers

>> No.23915297

shut the fuck up fascist. i punch nazi's like you.

>> No.23915392

No you don’t

>> No.23915443

shut the hell up now before i bring the mods in to carry your ass out.

>> No.23915468

>needing dogwhistles

>> No.23915484


>> No.23915494

leave here niggers

>> No.23915807

go back to plebbit dumb nigger

>> No.23916046

>dogwhistle on an anonymous image board

>> No.23916865

Even if Kleros has developed nothing other than Linguo yet, it would still be worth more than 90% of crypto’s and easily be in top 40 market cap if it was available on binance. Be smart with your investing.

>> No.23916889

You will never be a woman.

>> No.23916897

>being this new

>> No.23916927

>being this new

>> No.23916940
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what do you mean not focused?

>> No.23917003

keep acting like an idiot and you'll attract idiots thinking they're in good company

>> No.23917056
File: 58 KB, 513x472, 1596916484659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain WHY linguo will boost pnk price + is actually useful when apps like google translate exist? no bully pls just a humble brainlet

>> No.23917104

It won't. Clement asked for 5 minutes question time after his speech and there wasn't any questions. There was like 14 viewers at a time.

>> No.23917133

>it won't
then why did PNK boost 50% in its price today when their twitter mentioned linguo is now live

>> No.23917167

Because retards literally bought the news. Look at yourselves and other retards in this thread. Give the price a week. Screenshot my post if you like :)

>> No.23917172

ill let you in on a little secret anon. this isn't organic growth

>> No.23917215


>> No.23917277

I think it aims to offer translators both translation services as well has "judging" translations made by others.
Sure Google translate exists but let's assume you translate from English to Spanish something important like a resume or scientific article. It might not be a good enough translation to present to a employer or to publish said article.
On the other hand with Linguo you can offer translation services on many areas of expertise (like for example more technical terms and areas) and other translators on the same field can review and dispute your translation as being shitty, which is then brought up on a kleros dispute with jurors staking PNK in a "translators court" to see if you did a good job and deserve your pay

>> No.23917285

I bought back in march and am still way up. but I hear ya

>> No.23917314

checked and based. thanks for the good answer

>> No.23917477

Let's give plebs a simple answer, there are two arguments to support the time invested in the dev of linguo:
-Over the last ten years the market has doubled in size, reaching 46.9 billion U.S. dollars in 2019
-kleros provides a unique solution to solve freelancers current lack of trustless marketplace. Linguo is a working dapp. One that can only be made thanks to dcourts. It is not only a proof of concept, but also a show off toward any startup that wish to disrupt any tertiary type of services. If they do it for something as concrete as translations then anyone will see it as the protocol it is, a versatile tool, a final simplifying call for all your internal and external disputes.

>> No.23917709

How do you guys not realize that Aave and Maker are literally in talks right now about using Kleros to do translations... I mean do they have to literally spell it out for you? Are the tons of tweets, partnerships and conferences with Kleros and these teams not enough for you?
Come on

>> No.23917791

Wait spell it out for me

>> No.23917881

To me Linguo seems a bit slow and inefficient compared to a centralised model where a translator just gets a rating based on performance. But I don’t know - maybe this way will incentivise translators to be more accurate because they know people are effectively looking over their shoulder for any mistake that could earn them money if they spot it.

Whatever though, at least it’s an application. Even if it’s not perfect it’s still good for Kleros.

>> No.23918027

-on order, so trust the company to provide you the right match: linguistically, technically... A translated material need to convey the message, the tone and the purpose.
-fast but only if you keep a steady pace, scaling up the production will force you to find new providers, and vet, check, contract, pay....
-rating: if you translate to Tagalog you have no way to double check, ratings can be faked by the company AND the translator (one of my translator said he spoke Korean, he used Google translate)
-accuracy : centralised is more accurate, if trusted.

Kleros linguo:
Mess at first,
Trouble with ratings and disputes
Lack of seriousness and professionalism...
But yet, give it a few months and all the bad aspects will disappear, solving at once the issues of centralised services

>> No.23918284

>increased use case of kleros
>increase juror activity
>increase places to stake
>increase amount staked and number of stakers
>increase profit for holders
How do you not realize that whales have accumulated heaps of cheap PNK and use it to increase their stack and make ETH by making submissions and challenging submissions on kleros - previously mostly curate T2CR and storytelling program, but now with Linguo as well.
>Increase profitability = increasing demand = increasing price = increase development = exchange listings = profit

>> No.23918451

That actually seems pretty cool. Just bought 100k Pnk.

>> No.23918739

I think it's interesting because if I'm understanding how it works correctly it's basically adding translation into the gig economy. Anyone can join in and take on as few or as many translation jobs as they'd like, and if they're retards/bad actors who do a bad job they lose money.

Hell, it's even better than other gig jobs (Uber etc.) because you don't have to apply to a central authority at all, you just buy however much PNK you need and you can start working.

If Kleros actually can someday enable some sort of decentralized Fiverr that'll be cool as hell. I think Linguo might serve as a proof of concept for that.

>> No.23918758

That makes sense, thanks

>> No.23918870
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Why would you trust these men with your money?