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23891593 No.23891593 [Reply] [Original]

>perception of reality has finally attained true fluidity
>no longer have anything holding me back from attaining maximum powerlevels
>manifest my will to maximize gains
>profit off of happenings on the astral plane, reflected in meatspace
>don't even particularly care about the amount of gains themselves, but rather, the karma accumulated from said gains

>wagies are still worried about rent
>wagies are still worried about university/careers/society/politics
>wagies aren't willing to double down one very single belief that they hold the instant that it's challenged
>wagies don't listen to eurobeat 24/7 when trading (also 24/7)
How do they ever hope to make it in a broken system unless they're willing to break reality itself?

>> No.23891629
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some are content just floating through life. For some, death is the worst thing that can happen to them, when in reality it is the only thing that frees them from their personal hell.

>> No.23891635

normies just want to stay in a herd and stick to the "safe" path , not realizing that the herd is there to get fucking harvested

>> No.23891750

somewhat based post but you need to read the seth books

>> No.23892728

Shameless self-boomp.

>> No.23892752

Pretty based, anon. Post some good eurobeat.

>> No.23892761

>seth books
What mean

>> No.23892804

Never reveal your power level

>> No.23892834
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>normies just want to stay in a herd and stick to the "safe" path , not realizing that the herd is there to get fucking harvested

so deep anon tell me more

>> No.23892918
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I do, and I probably will someday, but I've forged my own beliefs so far. I think that spirituality is more important when attained naturally - studies and research are incredibly important, but Seth seems too methodic.

Listening to this right now ^.

God bless, brother.

Never do. It's for me and myself only.

>> No.23893501


I do, and I probably will someday, but I've forged my own beliefs so far. I think that spirituality is more important when attained naturally - studies and research are incredibly important, but Seth seems too methodic.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SYEdvjT63M [Embed]
Listening to this right now ^.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COXPIjSU2KA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvZLvwTH3O8 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npmnjoDYpiQ [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdYwICNPDwI [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCCMfLb7d_8 [Embed]

God bless, brother.

Never do. It's for me and myself only.

>> No.23893511

Accidentally reposted like a retard.