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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23879141 No.23879141 [Reply] [Original]

that haircomb degenerate is again spamming in every single thread, how do I profit from this?

>> No.23879146

Haircomb token is a scam, using a wallet with a keylogger.

"Dev" getting called out for keylogger in the wallet and creating a fake dev persona.


These scamming faggots have been spamming this board for at least one year

https://yuki.la/biz/16084218 - yuki.la 4chan archive

https://yuki.la/search.html?boards=biz&startdate=2008-02-02&enddate=2020-11-02&sort=ascending&postext=HAIRCOMB#page=1 - More proof of spamming, literally none stop.

They want you to send bitcoin to their address and "hope" you get haircomb back.

They claim it is open source but their github is already compiled, they are hoping low IQ bizlets don't bother checking anything out, send them some btc and download the wallet so they can keylog your metamask or whatever the fuck they normally do.


>> No.23879184

are you him?

>> No.23879296

you've posted this exact same thread at least 10 times you're not fooling anyone ranjesh

>> No.23879329

If you are thinking that the members of the public are stupid enough to fall for your lies, then I have a bad news for you

you are liar and a fraud

>> No.23879914

I’m going to find you

>> No.23879917

Nuke Mumbai.

>> No.23880768


>> No.23881089

stfu you scamming piece of shit

>> No.23881129

posting again under different accounts Jim?

>> No.23881202


>> No.23881345

My ID called you out for being a smelly pajeet you pooskinned mofo, you really think anyone is dumb enough to download your virus?

>> No.23881390


>> No.23881414

ignore him and buy freedom reserve mate

