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23877155 No.23877155 [Reply] [Original]

Hi anons, pls tell me if my portfolio could moon hard enough to stop wagecucking (with reinvesting ofc), still building my chainlink portfolio with wageshekels every month, thanks

>> No.23877189

IMO, everything is worthless except maybe link, would get some eth and gamble some in the uniswap casino till you get to 50k, then hold eth btc link

>> No.23877196

fucking cardano?!??!?!

>> No.23877201

see you in 3 years

>> No.23877245

Not really a fan of gamling on uniswap, but appreciate the input

>> No.23877276

No btc because btc would only do a 5x from here on I guess, really think cardano could still be here in 10 years, but I'm willing to change my portfolio for quicker gains

>> No.23877291

ETH is going to BTFO ADA when it becomes deflationary

>> No.23877292

So you think cardano is solid choice long term? what would you suggest doing in shorter term (this bullrun)
- waging for 3 years pfff

>> No.23877315

try XEM and dump their rebrand coin.

>> No.23877343
File: 128 KB, 750x920, kekekekekekek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>147.17 link

>> No.23877351

Time will tell, I think ada will be the better product eventually

>> No.23877352

take pic of your link pile

>> No.23877364

I know bruh working on it

>> No.23877460

OP listen to others in the thread. Cardano??? Charles Hoskinson just spends his time hating on Ethereum. Ethereum has already won the smart contracts platform war, at least for the next 5 years. ADA may have been a good pick in 2017 when the name of the game was platforms (NEO, LISK, ARK etc etc) but where are they now?
LINK is obvs a no brainer but you have too little. Oracles and DeFi are the name of the game this time around. Oracles = smart contract platforms of 2017. DeFi = ICOs of 2017. But you have too little of it.
I agree with your take on BTC. I don't have any myself. Not that I don't like it. I do, it's just my large coin play is ETH.
Your portfolio value is in a weird spot. Too big to go all in on one coin, too little to properly diversify. Personally I'd put ~33% in ETH. This should get you 16ETH, which is half a node for staking. But we will have Rocketpool, which will let you stake with 16ETH (but no lower at first).
Next get yourself a 1000LINK sui stack if you want to play it safe, with the remaining 5% of your folio on uniswap gambles/other flavours of the week. Adjust this ratio according to your risk appetite. You can afford to gamble with $1,000. Worst case you lose a few hundred dollars if you're not retarded and keep buying the top. Best case you 5x or more, which would be a sizeable profit.
Trust me anon, dump cardano. The risk reward profile of large caps that have already experienced 2017 bullrun is shit. You want new coins, shit that will go into pure price discovery in upcoming bullrun. LINK is ofc an exception, as it was a literal shitcoin during last bullrun and somehow kept making new highs during a bear market. BTC and ETH also exceptions for obvious reasons

>> No.23877526

I just grinded wageslaving and investing into Cardano, but now I'm wiser and starting to rethink the choices past me made.
Seems like you put real effort in your comment so I will consider something like this.
Glad I came to 4chan to ask for advice, so hard to do on your own

>> No.23877538

Cardano smart contracts will be released soon, will probably pump and then I can reallocate

>> No.23877559

Really appreciate your input btw

>> No.23877580

I guarantee your IQ is room temp

>> No.23877604

IQ is overrated

>> No.23877632

work on it by selling ADA retard

>> No.23877667

how many linkies u got breh

>> No.23877676

You have enough for one ticket to the citadel.
1 btc or 32 eth or 1000 link

>> No.23877732

wtf you don't even have QNT. What is wrong with you?

>> No.23877740
File: 383 KB, 2560x425, IMG_20201112_101552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go nigger, i also got 6k link on aave

>> No.23877750

LOL oh god I can't I CAN'T BREATH'

>> No.23877755

Bro please dyor a little more
Why the fuck would you own so much cardano over link??

>> No.23877761

pure price discovery coins:

>> No.23877790

Was too consumed by wageslaving did not spend enough time on researching other coins

>> No.23877854

No worries man but as always, DYOR and all that. To be honest I don't really know what's happening with Cardano, so your 'wait for ADA pump play and reallocate' is likely a good idea. Good luck anon

>> No.23877863

sell all your shitcoins and put it into link

>> No.23877873

Good God, what an abomination...

>> No.23877877

Ada, Lol.. wtf

>> No.23877895

One of the worst portfolios I’ve ever seen on here, btc, eth and some dot

>> No.23877902

guess how i know youre retarded

>> No.23877915
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>> No.23877959

shiit, nice work, so all in link it is?

>> No.23878027

If you're doing buy and hold strategy I'd split it among 2 or 3 coins.

>> No.23878114

Appreciate your advice, nigger

>> No.23878137

What do you do all day now that you've made it?

>> No.23878208
File: 186 KB, 865x1190, poorfag 1 month in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this shit talk on OP's folio
H-how am I doing, bros? I'm just starting out and was hoping to get lucky with some shitcoins and hoping for Uni to take off soon so I can dump all the gains into LINK.

>> No.23878255

You’re stupid as fuck. If you want to make it your main holdings should be BTC/ETH/LINK with small stacks of Vechain, Fantom and maybe Utrust.

>> No.23878274

are you fucking retarded? Get some btc and eth!

>> No.23878450

Why are you diversifying with a few hundred bucks

>> No.23878527

just go all in with that amount of money. lurk more

>> No.23878565

Because crypto is stupid and can crash overnight or moon out of nowhere. 10 bucks into a few shitcoins will give the chance for a big payout I can instantly put into a better coin like LINK. I'm sure there are plenty of people that wish they would have put a little into ETH when it was only a few bucks. My goal is to go all-in on LINK by some time next year. The $10-$100 accounts are just gambles to possibly get more LINK when I transition over.

>> No.23878616

are all of these together enough to guarantee a good life post reset? im ~3 months off from finishing that stack

>> No.23878734

I mean you cant win if you dont play lol

>> No.23879133

>10 dollars in bitcoin
>Chance of big payout

>> No.23879269

BTC isn't worth it this late, IMO. I see maybe a 10x max from this point over the course of a decade minimum where the LINK $1k meme seems to have truth to it. I only have the BTC for 4chan pass every year.

>> No.23879370

I like the amount of ada you have, Im a little jealous, just wait ADA reach 5 dls next year and sell some and get 1 btc. most of biz people are retarded with low IQ, these guys like scamcoins, they dont know what Cardano is.

>> No.23879398

wait people on here are actually stupid enough to hold cardano

>> No.23879433

Based portfolio, Cardano will beat eth2.0 and flip ethereum. I'm expecting $5 by 2022. I would buy a bit of polkadot as well. Huge potential over the next 6 months as more parachains begin to launch.

>> No.23879476


Yeah I really think ada will still be here in 5 years. Like the way they develop and Charles is also such a visionair