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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23876835 No.23876835 [Reply] [Original]

i just restaked 178k

if you know you know

>> No.23876861

Oh I know
I know this is still a shitcoin

>> No.23876869

How long of a stake mr chad?

>> No.23877629

Imagine not dumping it all as soon as the chink news dropped. ngmi

>> No.23877997

This is the way

>> No.23878084

I know it dropped 200 places in market cap XD gl faggot you'll need it

>> No.23878186

Imagine typing like an outrageous faggot wow

>> No.23878511


>> No.23878537

I considered buying more as well, but in the end put all I had this month to invest in ETH. Lit's still going good though, Tomo aqcuisition is probably a good thing and the emotional "NOOOOO RICHARD LIED TO US" selling at ridiculous rices is legit the dumbest shit I've seen in crypto in a few months. I'm already looking forward to the seething the moment LIT goes above $0.12 again

>> No.23878545

Imagine not buying back now desu

>> No.23878581

>if you know you know

yes I know you're an aborted brainfart
you're gonna need bonded.finance

>> No.23878639

Chinks actually have plans to go green eventually, they're just not retarded enough to sacrifice everything to the green religion like the west want to do. Lition is unironically more bullish than ever now.

>> No.23878697

see you in 2025

>> No.23879158

this. i always knew crypto was rstarded cause of the holders but damn the new zoomer crypto retards really just follow pump n dumps then wonder why they're broke.

good you dont deserve to make it.

>> No.23880032

We all anticipated lition to be THE blockchain enterprise solution. With SAP in the bag we all thought this thing will moon to oblivion. But instead, fake doctor lohwasser sold us out. He made millions while we rot with our locked tokens

>> No.23880065

You realise they indefinitely postponed the token burns...
Sold to chinks...
Sold all their holdings...
Lied about their adoption rate...
and to their credit mentioned SAP is no longer in the picture..

>> No.23880082

I just took a big shit too.

>> No.23880087

This. The project had much different fundamentals. Thumbs have changed dramatically

>> No.23880158

so said. I just hope it moons to 9ct so i can break even...

>> No.23880212

>ridiculous rices

>> No.23880251

When the Energy usecase takes off, we're gmi. Now we just have to trust Richard. I believe he's genuine, so fuck you, never selling.

>> No.23880274

> Energy usecase
> takes off
> in an completely over saturated and highly competitive marked

Thats the eternal-bag-holder spirit

>> No.23880306

Lition got reduced to an energy chain which was never more than a little side hussle, intented to keep us hyped for the "BIG SAP NEWS". After all Lition is in "CO INNOVATION WITH SAP".

>> No.23880400

>> in an completely over saturated and highly competitive marked
What do you mean by this? What do you know about german energy markets? Germs are constantly trying to make the energy market more green. Seems like Lition Energie is the perfect fit for this.

>> No.23880446

because i am a fucking kraut. The energy market is dominated by a few state backed companies (read monopol). There is niche space at most for lition

>> No.23880526

People are free to change their energy provider to Lition. I don't see how E.on could prevent this, even if they have market domination. A lot of people in germany don't like E.on and the others, so what would stop Lition from growing?

>> No.23880529

Exactly. Green energy is still growing as a sector, big players will carve out huge chunks of the market not some fucking blockchain startup project. Richard abandoned ship and sold it off to chinks, probably the single most bearish move I've seen for a project that didn't straight up exitscam. If people want to baghold this to zero then be my guest, but you'd have to be mental to consider anything that happened to this project anything but a cluster fuck

>> No.23880536


>> No.23880559

Look at this brainless fud campaign anon.


>> No.23880625

Sling all the 50 IQ tier insults you want because everyone knows that's all you guys have left. This project is full of red flags on fucking fire and you know it, so keeping spreading muh fud "arguments"