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File: 899 KB, 950x671, 1604801567767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23873315 No.23873315 [Reply] [Original]

Hi biz. Have you started to figure out what's happening yet?

>> No.23873319


>> No.23873335
File: 86 KB, 770x498, vti17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one has proven to me that they've figured it out yet. Let's put the pieces together.

>> No.23873345

No. Everytime I ask you a question I am told to look at previous threads or not answer. I’m not digging through the archives for you stupid larp faggot. Be gone.

>> No.23873356

link is going back to $4

>> No.23873357

Lmao this.
Fuck yourself and fuck your trash music too

>> No.23873362

So the Israelis fired 42 and hired this cocksucker

lucky us

>> No.23873376

Bring back 42.

>> No.23873386
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How much xrp do you hold?

>> No.23873389

Yup I figured it all out fuck you faggot
Vid related

>> No.23873408

You'd have to be retarded to believe this. If it's going to dump it's much more likely it goes down to $10 - $11

>> No.23873579

what pic from? looks like the old lotr cartoons

>> No.23873645

I feel like 42 could teach this schizo a lot about bait.

Hai glowey-eye schizo! How's life? Got your ducks in a row? Without revealing quantities, what are the #3, 4, and 5 coins in your long term fire-and-forget portfolio? I'm curious what your intuition leans towards outside the whale-pods.

I maintain that BTC is about to spike like a mother fucker due to it's first mover advantage, and that banks have been responsible for floating this shitcoin's price in the 5 digits for years regardless of its absolute absence of utility, specifically so they'd have a pre-primed P&D to absolutely dump all over boomers. Beware the incoming bulltrap. I've posted about this before. Check small-bank insider in the archive.

>> No.23873822

>Have you started to figure out what's happening yet?
Yeah some faggot keeps posting on biz every day saying something is going to happen, but never actually contributes anything of value.

>> No.23873853

kek. never thought you'd miss that guy, did you...

>> No.23873870

Yea I started to figure it out that you are a huge faggot and you will be a bigger one with every thread you post

>> No.23873874

He was cool, he just jumped the shark. Should have canceled the show earlier.

>> No.23873901

So OP, are you an ass or tits man?
Damn MDE

>> No.23873945

HEX is about to 100x again

>> No.23874149

Anon you are not who you are claiming to be, and the only ones who know that for sure are you and me. Now why do you suppose that is?

>> No.23874172

Fuck you too stupid larp faggot.

>> No.23874585

I want to bash this cunt for being the worst larp I've ever witnessed on biz

>> No.23874629

That's Smaug from The Hobbit, an old school animated version from the 70's. Good movie.

>> No.23874655


>> No.23874665

that doesn't look much like how I imagined Smaug to look

>> No.23874678


Yes, crypto ETFs will take market cap from stocks after people discover election fraud requires a blockchain fix and so does stocks which could be rehypothecated and not actually be in your account.

>> No.23874886
File: 79 KB, 590x433, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already did figure it out and you can stop LARPing now fag


>Trump goes to court
>Trump reveals massive voter fraud
>electronic vote flipping, ballot harvesting, dead people voting, illegals voting, pets voting
>Everything is recounted
>Trump wins in a landslide
>Nobody will ever trust elections again until election security and ballot integrity measures are implemented
>blockchain is the obvious choice
>Voter ID and blockchain certfified voting will be demanded nationwide
>The only blockchain capable of hosting such a system is BitcoinSV
>Craig Wright wins his lawsuits and finally proves himself beyond any doubt to be Satoshi Nakamoto
>He has been working on a blockchain voting solution for a long time on nChain, all the patents are there just waiting to be used
>BitcoinSV moons

This is what is going to happen. Strap in.

>> No.23874922

Look son, a fucking idiot!

>> No.23874933
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I have. Pic related is it.

>> No.23874934

whale here sorry what are the clues anon, what are we trying to guess

>> No.23875018

>what are we trying to guess
How many dicks OP has sucked in the past 72 hours.

>> No.23875023
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Not an argument.

>> No.23875049

> democrat officials go to poor areas
> knock on doors ask if people are going to mail in vote
> offer money in exchange for ballot
> fill out and return
> blockchain certified
you have to be a fucking idiot to think mail in ballots being recorded on chain means anything other than yet another compromised paper trail

>> No.23875089
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>> No.23875090

Tell us you kike

>> No.23875184

Kek'd. What the fuck are these trash threads, OP FUCK OFF

>> No.23875201

>thought op pic was ajackal or something
>it's dragon

>> No.23875208

All of this is what they do RIGHT NOW, except on top of this they also use vote flipping software (Dominion) to change every state they want. Algorithmic fraud will be impossible on a blockchain.

>offer money in exchange for ballot

This is illegal.

Besides on a blockchain system everyone can verify their own vote has been cast, because the registry can be made public without revealing who the vote was cast for, maintaining the principle of the the secret ballot. So anyone can check that their own vote was counted securely.

There are zero downsides to a blockchain election system and only upsides. The transition is inevitable.

>> No.23875231
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> orange man wins court case
> pedo joe wins court case
> creg sajov write wins court case
let me off this Jewish carnival ride

>> No.23875245

Suck a cock you dumbass larp

>> No.23875307

> illegal
yeah so is dead people voting, maiden names voting, duplicate voting, provisional ballots being handed out, interstate and former address voting, and so on and AND it happens every single election.
Why do you think Detroit is "well known" for voter fraud and yet no one does anything about it?
These problems highlight the inefficiency of a centralized structure. The solution would be DID like Microsoft's CANDID Digital ID updated at every change and validated by a network of nodes.
BSV doesn't do this no matter how many patents that pajeet fills out.

>> No.23875323
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> This is illegal
in Sweden it is illegal for criminals to commit crimes

>> No.23875380

Thanks for proving my point. Voter fraud and election fraud is rampant right now. Which is why, if you read my initial post I wrote BOTH Voter ID and public blockchain registration.

>Voter ID and blockchain certified voting will be demanded nationwide

You really are a dumb cunt huh?

>> No.23875391

How come you faggots didn't turn out for John McCain & campaign finance. Okay, you were just being born.

>> No.23875421
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Did you have a point or?

Voter ID + blockchain registration will reduce fraud massively if not outright eliminate it, which is why democrats fight tooth and nail to prevent it.

>> No.23875489


>> No.23875519

> my point
> he's just becoming aware of this now
> Lucifer weeps as the light of knowledge is extinguished
Give it up Creg no one is using your buttcorn fork.
> he thinks he's talking to a zoomer

>> No.23875523


>> No.23875574
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>The blockstream shill reveals himself to be against Voter ID, blockchain voting and secure elections
>The blockstream shill turn out to be democrat riggers all along

How surprising.

>> No.23875620
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> blockstream
> renders his understanding of the debate as a choice between btc forks
> he thinks I'm American
fat protocol theory argues that value will be abstracted away from layer one solutions. It's all about having a good middleware solution that will be interoperable between layer one data silos.

>> No.23875764
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>nonsensical buzzword bingo

LOL just stop posting nigger

>> No.23875775

Who? It's an anonymous board you stupid retard

>> No.23875822

Rudy Guilliani is that you? You crazy bastard we arent lawyers, we cant help you build your case, not in this way.

>> No.23875889
File: 84 KB, 1024x657, 1601666624011m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he thinks basic terms is "buzzword salad"
kek no wonder you're stuck in the past

>> No.23875895

Take your meds, op.

>> No.23876397

>layer one data silos
this like saying: "its all about a good middleware solution for the different internets because none of them can scale".
but we already have one that scales

>> No.23876422

>OP comes back for his daily dose of attention
>he gets immediately btfo since everyone sees thru his bullshit now

>> No.23876428

fuck you bird.

>> No.23876533

do you guys think there's an alternate universe where dogs lay eggs

>> No.23876922

OP please please please don't tell me these threads you've been creating is due to the idea that the ballot papers are all watermarked which Trump knew all along and its going to be proven in court that this election was rigged from the outset and moving forward it's all going to be done a la blockchain...

Thats not what you're getting at right op? Please...

>> No.23876961

it happened during bush/kerry 2004 too

>> No.23877078

Blockchain becomes prominent due to current voter distrust of the system
Ushers in a crypto boom once the understanding of blockchain technology becomes revelant due to above problem
Major players dump btc on the masses during the boom
Govts seize the opportunity to begin mass rollouts of cbdc's
All other forms of cryptocurrency made illegal or restricted in some fashion to force use of cbdc's
Govts now have far more flexibility in manipulation of currencies

>> No.23877143

Oh wait. Something something defi enters repo market.

>> No.23877195

So you prefer the party with an actual voting fraud incident on the books? Its like Trump telling his base to vote twice or cheat on mail in ballots had consequences.

>> No.23877274

Correct, thanks to Flare (SPARK). If you hold XRP right now, you are on the cutting edge of the future. Congrats to all XRP hodlers.

>> No.23877607

Has this faggot said anything of value yet or the same dumb ass pic?

>> No.23877648

>something defi enters repo market

>> No.23877760

No idea. You can only war game so far into the future without hard data/Intel. I have no access to such information, nor do I have any idea where to even look. As such everything I have posted above is total speculation, but if even the first 1/3 - 1/2 of what I posted comes true then crypto becoming mainstream/corporate trust or use arises = eventual repo market usage. The ease of transfer, speed, smart contract ability and comparitive low fees make it a no brainier - it's like a tailor fit suit for the market. All depends on the institutional adoption/trust meme

>> No.23877777

group vote to ignore this faggots threads

>> No.23877803
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>> No.23877868

>out what's happening yet?
What's happning?

>> No.23877889

Holy fuck. Checked

>> No.23878166
File: 481 KB, 1891x890, itsmeagainmaybelarp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best guess would have to be that somehow the public is going to have a huge red pill regarding blockchain which will finally allow the people pushing the great reset to go through with this agenda quicker. No other way would normies so easily accept CBDC's. Again, all under the guise of 'for national security and for your safety'. What I'm still trying to work out in my head is exactly how this would work out. I would assume that as usual boomers would pour their money into bitcoin, banks would dump on them, but where would that leave the rest of crypto? I'm sure we're likely to see the early signs of things like IOT forming in all of this and tech like oracles finally taking strong hold of our economic infrastructure. However I'm not sure if part of what you're trying to have us understand is what vaguely would be the best investments or in what order would these advancements occur. If this has anything to do with the elections my guess would have to be that Trump was meant to win in order to further push chaos into the nation as the left seems more inclined to riot and revolt. Especially when you consider current media is convincing the people to believe that some sort of socialism/communism is ideal and that the great reset can promise you a lifetime of consumerism. Maybe the government has already been working on their own version of quantum computing allowing them to crack the silkroad's account, which would mean that all this current narrative being sold here on biz about being able to have a chance to buy a ticket into the future elite under said system is a complete sham. Literally just ending with the smartest of the bunch spending whatever earnings they have into a system that is already doomed to failed as it can already all be cracked. Leaving a permanent immobile class under said new system. Meaning that the whole sale of blockchain to normies would just be a sham to steal all wealth. At whatever level. Poor or 'rich'

>> No.23878243

Likely stepping into real conspiratorial levels there but again, just a thought. A guess set a bit more in current reality would be that the push for crypto quickly enough with the election scare would cause boomers to move all their money into bitcoin and gold. Which they would only be able to purchase in once again, crypto pegged to gold. All metals are likely to be available in said fashion as well. This would mean that the only way for the 'biggest wealth transfer in history' to truly occur those who are on the receiving end would have to submit to the new digital economy and have all their new inherited earnings tracked on the ledger. Which again, would mean that under this outcome they wouldn't be necessarily taking the public's money, just guaranteeing that they'll have access to be able to monitor all transactions as it occurs without any fuss from normies.

>> No.23878338

Even if your speculation is true, the digested result would still include a massive buy this run, resulting in said pool of wealth to be transferred in part to those who are at present already positioned and don't hold through the peak into the gutter. At that point if fiat currencies begin to show signs of govt cbdc chaos, it would be time to transition said profits into hard assets such as real estate

>> No.23878366
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Checked and confirmed by kek

>> No.23878385

Double checked brother

>> No.23878532

Thing is under whatever future system we're going under I don't think there will be any real real estate to purchase. The best hard assets to purchase would likely be metals. Again, this is considering you take the great reset seriously.

>> No.23878802

I suppose on that level I don't. I foresee an economic reset, but not extending to real estate and ownership. That current model already suits big corporations and the-powers-that-be the best, and they are irreversibly invested in that. Mcdonald's as an example holds the most $$$ in real estate worldwide. Additionally the current model of real estate ownership boils down to the average citizens largest bill being either rent or mortgage, and in either case creates incentive to "wage" or pour a lifetime of effort into a company or companies, who in turn bear the greatest profit out of the model, finalizing the matrix like humanity as a battery. Those same large corporations are who control govts, and have the biggest political change hammers in the drawer. A future society based entirely off of creativity, which is the great reset I'm familiar with, is a utopian ideal not rooted in reality IMHO. Instead that creativity is best harvested under the current model, ultimately again for the corporations best interest.

>> No.23879036

Additionally, reading your prior post, you speak of stealing all the wealth, which I perceive as killing the golden goose. The best model is to squeeze the society as much as possible without breaking them. Then they remain productive. Interestingly enough one of the best models for when a society revolts and burns the existing framework to the ground is the cost of food. The lesson seems to remain that if you supply an adequate amount of affordable food, you can squeeze in all other areas with less pushback - housing, vehicles etc. Throw in a few shiny gizmos to give incentive for people of all classes to work toward, and the gerbil spins on the wheel. Perception of advancement is the key role. I forget the exact number, but it's something along the lines of when food begins to cost ~40% of the average income, rome replays again and the peasants burn it to the ground. interestingly enough, the food doesn't even have to be nutritious, real or good for you. It just has to taste good, medical side affects aside. Which, conveniently, is also good for the institution that is health care and big pharma.

>> No.23879057
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Thing is as tech advances creative endeavors will inevitably not be able to be harvested by larger corporations directly and as you noticed are harvest through the engagement of other audience members in a sickening mix of audience and performer. Plus with the inevitable rise of new tech that the people will gain access too a all encompassing system seems to be the only reliable ideal for them to still hold control.

Now regarding the real estate issue, I beg to differ on the fact that the current state is the ideal for the owning class. Although the current state allows for these people to become indebted for life to their mortgage payment, this doesn't mean that this system is the most efficient. Inevitably the people will become more and more upset with this narrative being sold to them. They will want to have the government handle all their day to day expenses, but still allow them the "freedom" to choose what to consume. Under such system the main reason for needing to create a fully consumer class in the future society is because we're reaching a point where human labor is more costly than automation in almost every sector of the economy. Sooner rather than later the dumb masses will become aware of this and revolt, unless they are promised this 'utopia' because they will see exactly where that value is being driven. Towards the top of the pyramid. They will all begin to ignore their mortgage payments, riot, and loot everything they can. They won't be willing to work for their mortgage. This isn't even taking into consideration the radically socialist group that are zoomers. Especially when you consider that these kids were raised with tech, they understand the game more clearly than any other generation. Sadly, many fell for the 'become a (insert social media here)er' meme. They think they are a part of some huge revolution when in reality they are being primed to accept this system without question. Literally owning nothing and be happy about it.

>> No.23879106
File: 96 KB, 1067x946, ElweJg9X0AAtqL8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I on the contrary, believe that the normies will accept the CBDC, hook, line and sinker. The average normie is that 17-25 year old with a chance of 7 in 10 being doom-pilled debt-ridden nocoiner. They would sell their own parents if it would've cleared their debts by half, close but no cigar.
They will follow Klaus the great resooter into the abyss. Boomers will die but the elites will inherit the earth and literally rent the goods to the people that used to own them.
The only way to stop it is to fight back and crypto-pill the normies. So far the CBDC narrative is winning, unless cryptomarketcap does 10'x in the next 365 days - it's over. Anons, it's been a privilege to be on this board for all these years. But the good times will soon be over.

>> No.23879154

While I agree with the ideal presented, I think you're really underestimating how much control is given to the owning class through the use of current media. Our younger generations are literally becoming brainwashed to an insane degree. People are lacking even the most basic of critical thinking skills in mass and don't even read. As long as they keep us fed with bad food, movies, music, games, and social media we'll be complacent. This is why all the zoomers who are basically used to already living quarantined from everybody aren't really all too affected by covid. They were already living quarantined from society.

Yeah I agree on the fact that zoomer normies will easily accept the narrative. The main goal is to convince the boomers with the big show. The main selling point in promising security through crypto isn't for zoomers, its for boomers so that they can control the transfer of wealth. Zoomers will have no issue accepting their cbdc inheritance.

>> No.23879211

Democracy benefits the econoomic forum on this. They just need to convince the poor class to vote away the privileges of the middle class. Own nothing and be happy.
I don't see how is it any goal or any way to convince well off boomers on this, the only way is to remove them. Civil war if they have to.

>> No.23879334

I think we have different perspectives on the situation. The current harvesting of creativity through tech is all based off of ads, via youtube or comparable. Unless the day comes where society as a whole is willing to directly pay per video to watch a YouTuber, I see no other avenue to generate the revenue to be a better system. I do see a movement toward socialism ideals, however as the populace ages and aquires property the tendency to dislike the concept grows. Then the new youth who have nothing, and nothing to lose, become the new socialist leaners. The cycle continues. The current model works great, the citizen works for the company, who takes the lions share of the profits, the govt and political elites take their cut of the taxes, and the bank whether through a landlord or direct homeowner takes the largest chunk left via a mortgage and gets back 400k from that 200k loan, effectively outpacing inflation. Whatever is left is spent on consumerism, where Bob buys a new mower from John deere for 4k, which was built by Fred at John deere for 2k including Fred's wages. Bob goes home and waxes his new lawnmower, proud of what his hard work bought him.

The ideal that everyone will riot, loot and ignore their mortgage is skewed, I can guarantee you that will not be the norm for anyone with a family they are responsible for. Again, an ideal I see based upon the freedoms of youth, which is a fraction of the average persons lifespan and thus the population as a whole. You have to accommodate the process and standard evolution/phases of life for people as individuals and what is most common from birth to death to effectively guage a populace. Those zoomers will eventually purchase a vehicle, meet other zoomers, rent a residence, have some kids, re-evaluate priorities as parents and do what's best for the kids as the inherent biological drives dictate. Then zoomer Bob buys a mower.

>> No.23879420

I dont disagree with you. But the media you speak of is owned and operated by the very factors of control I mentioned that benefit from the current system. Just watch cnbc or fox and that's blatantly obvious, that they're playing to political stances. Which again, is controlled mostly by institutions and big corp/banks. The media is one of the biggest problems in society today, including twitter/facebook/google.

>> No.23879487

The boomers will die and the govt will take it's cut of inheritance tax and the assets will spill into the next generation, who will become the new boomers. Combined with whatever wealth they ultimately aquired, they will die and the govt will be again waiting to take it's check.

>> No.23879502

yeah you're shitposting that's what's happening
figured it out from the first post desu

>> No.23879507

What's the point of inheriting assets when they don't even cover your debt? Boomers are not the elites.

>> No.23879523

are u on about BadgerDao again?

>> No.23879574

>3 posts by this ID

>> No.23879583

With the total lack of beneficial input I think you're either correct; and or it's not the same guy - or it's a farming experiment to see what information /biz dregs up by using an open ended question
> Did you figure it out yet?

Waits for replies from the mind farm to see what's happening

>> No.23879587
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I think the main reason I disagree with this is just because the incoming automation of work will not allow this type of system to continue. This is why the narrative has to change from the pic related. Companies want to automate. Its cheaper. This inevitably leaves any and all working people without work. They will need to be distracted in some way. The way that they will keep the distracted is through this new narrative of 'ultimate freedom' which just means you don't have to ever really work, just live and consume. Only people with real work will be those who sign up for contract with companies owned by AI such as computer science workers and engineers. There is a reason places like deagle.com and other sites have 5 year forecast with drastically lower populations across western nations.I personally think it has something to do with civil war/mass migration. However, it would be naive to ignore the growing acceptance of contraceptives and abortions amongst younger generations. I also agree that media is one of the biggest problems, but what I'm trying to make with my point is that this will only get worse as they will need to find a way to control the populous. To sell them the narrative that surrendering control is the ultimate form of freedom. As the promise for relinquishing control to automation would be 'consumer' freedom.

>> No.23879619

People are already choosing to have kids later in life or not even at all. Most are also forgoing the choice of even being homeowners as they see it as a burden. They want to have everything be owned and rented as its more convenient. The younger generations won't be given the option to start owning things and the current narrative being sold to them through social media is that they don't need to own anything. That they will be happier and lead easier lives renting everything.

>> No.23879715
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>> No.23879721

>have 5 year forecast with drastically lower populations across western nations
I laughed at that point. This narrative doesn't work oh so well with constant immigration from Africa.
The great resooter narrative might hit a few snags with Islam too btw.

>> No.23879772
File: 14 KB, 213x237, little fat red riding hood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helloo bobo ;^)

>> No.23879868
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