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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23869464 No.23869464 [Reply] [Original]

>covid cases surging again
>hospitals nearing capacity
>biden advisor is suggesting a 4 to 6 week shutdown but with full government assistance
>Republican Senate will likely block full assistance
Are we on course for another market/crypto shitter come January, February?
Pic related. Based sheldon

>> No.23869656

Bumpy nigger dick tung anos

>> No.23870195

>full government assistance
did they mean full government enforcement by this?

>> No.23870306

As early as December.
I'm holding onto my stock investments, expecting a jump to 7 USD a share and then selling. Going to buy in with margin is there's a crash.

>> No.23870385

Cant recall the specifics, but basically a full reimbursement of lost wages/lost revenue