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File: 74 KB, 800x600, urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-201021-99-30211-large-4-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23864242 No.23864242 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin won't just eat the market cap of Gold and Silber. Or the market cap of stocks. Or the market cap of all Fiat. No Bitcoin will be the end all. Bitcoin's market cap will be the every speculative value in existence.
Mass adopted Bitcoin will create a true and perfect market where every participant has full insight on transfers and bring everything back to it's true value. Stocks? Now have the have the actual value of their underlying companies. Gold? Shiny rock. Bonds, life insurances, interest, loans? All governed with smart contracts that give you real and untampered interest rates.

There will be nothing to speculate on again because the only bet that ever counts is Bitcoin. You will need people to convince you to give them your Bitcoin for something else. And you will only be able to do that if you sell it for the true underlying value.

>> No.23864267

Sell signal. We're in top territory. Bitcoin is a slow outdated dinosaur. The AOL of DLT.

>> No.23864275

This anon knows

>> No.23864386
File: 73 KB, 960x1200, brap12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so tell me anon, what is her true value in sats?

>> No.23864390

Yes. its funny because its detractors scream "ITS PURE SPECULATION" and they don't know how right they are....but they don't understand the ramifications.
No one buys a $120m NYC condo because its a smart use of capital for living space
No one buys a $25m painting because they like the way it looks
No one buys Uber because they like the dividends
No one buys gold / silver for the utility
Fact is. The world has about 100-200T in "speculation" among non-dividend paying stocks, prime real-estate, art, gold, etc
BTC will win because it is *pure speculation*. Its not occluded by meaningless variables like "balance sheets" and "sec filings". Its the purest and best speculative asset man has ever created.

kys ugly shitface

>> No.23864439

Bitcoin will hit 100K in a few weeks.

>> No.23864566
File: 76 KB, 801x573, 1644230394_preview_Ascension.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it bros. This is the final bullrun. You have 4 years.

>> No.23864613

they had 10 years. they did nothing.
let them suffer.

>> No.23864645

>No one buys gold / silver for the utility
Yeah they literally do and they produced all the equipment you're using to write that retarded shit.

>> No.23864647

One can dream

>> No.23864815
File: 806 KB, 640x850, brapp85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 5% is used for that. vast majority of gold is pure speculation like Bitcoin without the scarcity, ease of storage, transfer, fear and with confiscation risk.